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Struct & Inti
PLEKHG1Pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G1
POLR3ERNA polymerase III subunit E
PPATPhosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase
PPDPFPancreatic progenitor cell differentiation and proliferation factor
PPM1EProtein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1E
PPP1R3EProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3E
PRKCIProtein kinase C iota
PRR16Proline rich 16
PRR19Proline rich 19
PRR36Proline rich 36
PRR5LProline rich 5 like
PSD3Pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 3
PSEN1Presenilin 1
PSMB8Proteasome 20S subunit beta 8
PTPN23Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 23
PWP1PWP1 homolog, endonuclein
R3HCC1R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1
RAB11FIP3RAB11 family interacting protein 3
RANBP17RAN binding protein 17
RANGRFRAN guanine nucleotide release factor
RAPGEFL1Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 1
RASL11ARAS like family 11 member A
RBL2RB transcriptional corepressor like 2
RBM18RNA binding motif protein 18
RBM20RNA binding motif protein 20
RBM34RNA binding motif protein 34
RINT1RAD50 interactor 1
RLFRLF zinc finger
RMDN2Regulator of microtubule dynamics 2
RMDN3Regulator of microtubule dynamics 3
RNF187Ring finger protein 187
RPF2Ribosome production factor 2 homolog
RPL4Ribosomal protein L4
RRP1Ribosomal RNA processing 1
RRP15Ribosomal RNA processing 15 homolog
RRP1BRibosomal RNA processing 1B
RRP36Ribosomal RNA processing 36
RSL1D1Ribosomal L1 domain containing 1
S100A10S100 calcium binding protein A10
SALL4Spalt like transcription factor 4
SDC3Syndecan 3
SENP3SUMO specific peptidase 3
SEPTIN2Septin 2
SEPTIN7Septin 7
SEPTIN9Septin 9
SETD7SET domain containing 7, histone lysine methyltransferase
SETDB1SET domain bifurcated histone lysine methyltransferase 1
SGCESarcoglycan epsilon
SGF29SAGA complex associated factor 29
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