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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
ABHD2Abhydrolase domain containing 2, acylglycerol lipase
AK8Adenylate kinase 8
ATG7Autophagy related 7
ATOH7Atonal bHLH transcription factor 7
ATP5F1DATP synthase F1 subunit delta
BBS4Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4
CACNA2D2Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 2
CBLN1Cerebellin 1 precursor
CBLN2Cerebellin 2 precursor
CBLN4Cerebellin 4 precursor
CCDC91Coiled-coil domain containing 91
CDK1Cyclin dependent kinase 1
CDKL1Cyclin dependent kinase like 1
CEP131Centrosomal protein 131
CETN1Centrin 1
CETN2Centrin 2
CFAP221Cilia and flagella associated protein 221
CFAP43Cilia and flagella associated protein 43
CNTROBCentrobin, centriole duplication and spindle assembly protein
CPTPCeramide-1-phosphate transfer protein
DIABLODiablo IAP-binding mitochondrial protein
DNAH3Dynein axonemal heavy chain 3
DYNC1H1Dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 1
FAM161AFAM161 centrosomal protein A
FSCBFibrous sheath CABYR binding protein
HSPA1AHeat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A
HSPA1BHeat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B
HSPA1LHeat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1 like
HSPA2Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 2
HSPA6Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 6
HSPA8Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8
IMMP2LInner mitochondrial membrane peptidase subunit 2
KIF26AKinesin family member 26A
KIF3BKinesin family member 3B
LANCL1LanC like glutathione S-transferase 1
MSH4MutS homolog 4
ODF3L2Outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3 like 2
PARK7Parkinsonism associated deglycase
PPP1CAProtein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha
PRKCZProtein kinase C zeta
PSMA4Proteasome 20S subunit alpha 4
PSMD2Proteasome 26S subunit ubiquitin receptor, non-ATPase 2
PTPRKProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K
RANGAP1Ran GTPase activating protein 1
RAP1GAP2RAP1 GTPase activating protein 2
RBM5RNA binding motif protein 5
RRADRRAD, Ras related glycolysis inhibitor and calcium channel regulator
RSPH3Radial spoke head 3
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