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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
RANBP1RAN binding protein 1
ZDHHC8Zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 8
CCDC188Coiled-coil domain containing 188
RTN4RReticulon 4 receptor
DGCR6LDiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 like
ZNF74Zinc finger protein 74
SCARF2Scavenger receptor class F member 2
KLHL22Kelch like family member 22
MED15Mediator complex subunit 15
PI4KAPhosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha
SERPIND1Serpin family D member 1
SNAP29Synaptosome associated protein 29
CRKLCRK like proto-oncogene, adaptor protein
AIFM3Apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 3
LZTR1Leucine zipper like transcription regulator 1
THAP7THAP domain containing 7
TUBA3FPTubulin alpha 3f pseudogene
P2RX6Purinergic receptor P2X 6
SLC7A4Solute carrier family 7 member 4
LRRC74BLeucine rich repeat containing 74B
FAM246AFamily with sequence similarity 246 member A
RIMBP3BRIMS binding protein 3B
HIC2HIC ZBTB transcriptional repressor 2
TMEM191CTransmembrane protein 191C
RIMBP3CRIMS binding protein 3C
UBE2L3Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 L3
YDJCYdjC chitooligosaccharide deacetylase homolog
CCDC116Coiled-coil domain containing 116
SDF2L1Stromal cell derived factor 2 like 1
PPIL2Peptidylprolyl isomerase like 2
YPEL1Yippee like 1
MAPK1Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1
PPM1FProtein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1F
TOP3BDNA topoisomerase III beta
IGLV4-69Immunoglobulin lambda variable 4-69
IGLV8-61Immunoglobulin lambda variable 8-61
IGLV4-60Immunoglobulin lambda variable 4-60
IGLV6-57Immunoglobulin lambda variable 6-57
IGLV11-55Immunoglobulin lambda variable 11-55 (non-functional)
IGLV10-54Immunoglobulin lambda variable 10-54
VPREB1V-set pre-B cell surrogate light chain 1
IGLV5-52Immunoglobulin lambda variable 5-52
IGLV1-51Immunoglobulin lambda variable 1-51
IGLV1-50Immunoglobulin lambda variable 1-50 (non-functional)
IGLV9-49Immunoglobulin lambda variable 9-49
IGLV5-48Immunoglobulin lambda variable 5-48 (non-functional)
IGLV1-47Immunoglobulin lambda variable 1-47
IGLV7-46Immunoglobulin lambda variable 7-46
IGLV5-45Immunoglobulin lambda variable 5-45
IGLV1-44Immunoglobulin lambda variable 1-44
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