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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
ABCB4ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 4
ABI3BPABI family member 3 binding protein
ADGRA2Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A2
ALX4ALX homeobox 4
ANGPTL5Angiopoietin like 5
ANK2Ankyrin 2
C1QTNF7C1q and TNF related 7
C8orf34Chromosome 8 open reading frame 34
CA5BCarbonic anhydrase 5B
CCN3Cellular communication network factor 3
CFDComplement factor D
CHRDL1Chordin like 1
CILPCartilage intermediate layer protein
CMTM5CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 5
CNTN1Contactin 1
COL25A1Collagen type XXV alpha 1 chain
COL3A1Collagen type III alpha 1 chain
COL6A6Collagen type VI alpha 6 chain
CPQCarboxypeptidase Q
CRHBPCorticotropin releasing hormone binding protein
CXCL12C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12
CYS1Cystin 1
DENND2ADENN domain containing 2A
DKK2Dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2
EDNRAEndothelin receptor type A
ENPP6Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6
EPHA3EPH receptor A3
FBLN7Fibulin 7
FGL2Fibrinogen like 2
FOXS1Forkhead box S1
FREM1FRAS1 related extracellular matrix 1
FRZBFrizzled related protein
GAP43Growth associated protein 43
GLT8D2Glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 2
GNG2G protein subunit gamma 2
GPC3Glypican 3
GSTM5Glutathione S-transferase mu 5
HAS2Hyaluronan synthase 2
HHIPHedgehog interacting protein
HMCN2Hemicentin 2
IGDCC4Immunoglobulin superfamily DCC subclass member 4
IGFBP6Insulin like growth factor binding protein 6
IGSF10Immunoglobulin superfamily member 10
IL17DInterleukin 17D
INMTIndolethylamine N-methyltransferase
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