Transcription factor landscape - Cell line - prostate cancer

8 different cell lines are representing prostate cancer in the atlas, different ages, collection site and cancer subtypes are represented, find more details about the different cell lines here. The expression profile of the different cell lines can be explored in comparison to the bulk RNAseq transcriptomics data from TCGA's Prostate Adenocarcinoma (PRAD), defining the cell lines most similar to the tumour expression profile.

The mean value of the different cell lines are used as representation, when classifying gene expression based on specificity in the different cancer types represented by cell lines. To explore the expression profile in the indivudial cell lines- click the bar in the bar chart and you will reach the overivew of the different cell lines.

Here we provide the expression overview of all 0 transcription factors that show elevated expression levels in prostate cancer compared to other cancer cell lines. The gene expression overview, across different cancer types, is accopanied by the top 3 nearest neighbours based on RNA expression and correlation in the clustering analysis.

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Cancer enriched (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
KLK2 Kallikrein related peptidase 2 0.9646 60
DEFB132 Defensin beta 132 0.9531 60
KLK3 Kallikrein related peptidase 3 0.9517 60
Cancer enriched (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
KLK2 Kallikrein related peptidase 2 0.9473 60
NKX3-1 NK3 homeobox 1 0.9277 60
CWH43 Cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog 0.9248 60
Cancer enriched (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PRAC1 PRAC1 small nuclear protein 0.9562 60
CEACAM20 CEA cell adhesion molecule 20 0.9426 60
KLK3 Kallikrein related peptidase 3 0.9376 60
Cancer enriched (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
GLYATL1 Glycine-N-acyltransferase like 1 0.7431 60
CHRNA2 Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 2 subunit 0.7419 60
DEFB132 Defensin beta 132 0.7085 60
Cancer enriched (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
ASCL1 Achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 1 0.6822 10
CBFA2T2 CBFA2/RUNX1 partner transcriptional co-repressor 2 0.6617 10
SLC26A5 Solute carrier family 26 member 5 0.6424 10

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Group enriched (Breast cancer, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
NCBP2L Nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 like 0.8148 27
SRARP Steroid receptor associated and regulated protein 0.8060 27
CREB3L4 CAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 4 0.7814 27
Group enriched (Leukemia, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
LRRC70 Leucine rich repeat containing 70 0.7254 48
FLI1 Fli-1 proto-oncogene, ETS transcription factor 0.7061 48
ARRDC5 Arrestin domain containing 5 0.6476 6
Group enriched (Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Thyroid cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
MBIP MAP3K12 binding inhibitory protein 1 0.8413 30
SFTPA1 Surfactant protein A1 0.7135 53
MFSD4A Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4A 0.6778 53
Group enriched (Leukemia, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
IGHD3-22 Immunoglobulin heavy diversity 3-22 0.6734 14
SELP Selectin P 0.6592 47
MPL MPL proto-oncogene, thrombopoietin receptor 0.6507 47
Group enriched (Lung cancer, Neuroblastoma, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
SCGN Secretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein 0.8816 10
OR51G2 Olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily G member 2 0.8777 10
OR51C1P Olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily C member 1 pseudogene 0.8528 10
Group enriched (Breast cancer, Gallbladder cancer, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TTC6 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 6 0.7987 60
SPDEF SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor 0.7338 27
NCBP2L Nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 like 0.6538 27

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
AADAT Aminoadipate aminotransferase 0.6054 60
HOXB13 Homeobox B13 0.5592 60
SPRY4 Sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 4 0.5578 69
Cancer enhanced (Leukemia, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
UBASH3A Ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing A 0.7115 59
KRT73 Keratin 73 0.5810 59
RBPJL Recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region like 0.5773 59
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
FOXD4L4 Forkhead box D4 like 4 0.8093 10
DAZ2 Deleted in azoospermia 2 0.7205 10
FOXD4L6 Forkhead box D4 like 6 0.7041 10
Cancer enhanced (Neuroblastoma, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TEKT2 Tektin 2 0.6159 10
PKD2L1 Polycystin 2 like 1, transient receptor potential cation channel 0.5806 10
POU4F2 POU class 4 homeobox 2 0.5657 10
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
NETO1 Neuropilin and tolloid like 1 0.6512 60
RLN1 Relaxin 1 0.6270 60
TRIM49D2 Tripartite motif containing 49D2 0.6227 60
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
NFIC Nuclear factor I C 0.6076 23
MLLT1 MLLT1 super elongation complex subunit 0.5838 23
PLA2G5 Phospholipase A2 group V 0.5486 72
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer, Rhabdoid)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
ZIM2 Zinc finger imprinted 2 0.7846 5
PRND Prion like protein doppel 0.7506 5
CETN1 Centrin 1 0.7495 5
Cancer enhanced (Breast cancer, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
LINGO4 Leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 4 0.8230 71
CLDN24 Claudin 24 0.7500 71
CLEC4F C-type lectin domain family 4 member F 0.7237 71
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PRAC2 PRAC2 small nuclear protein 0.5766 60
PRAC1 PRAC1 small nuclear protein 0.5546 60
VSTM5 V-set and transmembrane domain containing 5 0.5417 60
Cancer enhanced (Neuroblastoma, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
CHRM1 Cholinergic receptor muscarinic 1 0.5101 17
MYRIP Myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein 0.4944 60
AADAT Aminoadipate aminotransferase 0.4847 60
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
RLN1 Relaxin 1 0.7255 60
TRIM49D2 Tripartite motif containing 49D2 0.7234 60
GLYATL1 Glycine-N-acyltransferase like 1 0.7092 60
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
ZNF613 Zinc finger protein 613 0.9131 60
ZNF577 Zinc finger protein 577 0.8257 60
ZNF649 Zinc finger protein 649 0.7994 60
Cancer enhanced (Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
ZNF350 Zinc finger protein 350 0.9131 60
ZNF615 Zinc finger protein 615 0.8433 60
ZNF649 Zinc finger protein 649 0.8358 60