Transcription factor landscape - Cell line - Myeloma

34 different cell lines are representing myeloma in the atlas, different ages and collection site are represented, find more details about the different cell lines here. For each of the myeloma related cell line, up- and downregulated cancer-related pathways can be explored based on the transcriptomics data.

The mean value of the different cell lines are used as representation, when classifying gene expression based on specificity in the different cancer types represented by cell lines. To explore the expression profile in the indivudial cell lines- click the bar in the bar chart and you will reach the overivew of the different cell lines.

Here we provide the expression overview of all 33 transcription factors that show elevated expression levels in myeloma compared to other cancer cell lines. The gene expression overview, across different cancer types, is accopanied by the top 3 nearest neighbours based on RNA expression and correlation in the clustering analysis.

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Cancer enriched (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
IGKJ4 Immunoglobulin kappa joining 4 0.8362 51
IGKV2D-40 Immunoglobulin kappa variable 2D-40 0.8318 51
PRSS51 Serine protease 51 0.8265 51
Cancer enriched (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
SYCP3 Synaptonemal complex protein 3 0.8977 51
CRYBB1 Crystallin beta B1 0.8567 51
IGLV2-14 Immunoglobulin lambda variable 2-14 0.8418 51
Cancer enriched (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
OR13C2 Olfactory receptor family 13 subfamily C member 2 0.9275 51
IGHD Immunoglobulin heavy constant delta 0.8539 51
OR13C5 Olfactory receptor family 13 subfamily C member 5 0.8344 51
Cancer enriched (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TXNDC11 Thioredoxin domain containing 11 0.7566 51
MZB1 Marginal zone B and B1 cell specific protein 0.6851 51
IGLC1 Immunoglobulin lambda constant 1 0.6832 51
Cancer enriched (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
IRF4 Interferon regulatory factor 4 0.7675 51
PIM2 Pim-2 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase 0.6943 51
ITGB7 Integrin subunit beta 7 0.6932 51

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Group enriched (Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PAX5 Paired box 5 0.5982 6
PTGDR Prostaglandin D2 receptor 0.5858 6
ARHGAP25 Rho GTPase activating protein 25 0.5830 55
Group enriched (Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PRDM1 PR/SET domain 1 0.7675 51
LIMD1 LIM domain containing 1 0.5869 51
SLAMF7 SLAM family member 7 0.5684 51
Group enriched (Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
MAP4K1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 1 0.6740 46
POU2F2 POU class 2 homeobox 2 0.6577 55
RASGRP3 RAS guanyl releasing protein 3 0.6421 46
Group enriched (Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TNFRSF8 TNF receptor superfamily member 8 0.7390 21
PROB1 Proline rich basic protein 1 0.7166 21
SMARCA2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 0.6991 21
Group enriched (Bone cancer, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TENM1 Teneurin transmembrane protein 1 0.6642 12
KRTAP10-10 Keratin associated protein 10-10 0.6621 10
KRTAP10-11 Keratin associated protein 10-11 0.6373 10
Group enriched (Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
CLEC17A C-type lectin domain containing 17A 0.7667 55
FGD2 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2 0.7606 55
TNFRSF13B TNF receptor superfamily member 13B 0.7590 55
Group enriched (Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
CD37 CD37 molecule 0.8430 55
SPIB Spi-B transcription factor 0.8354 55
TLR9 Toll like receptor 9 0.8220 55
Group enriched (Leukemia, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
RHOXF2B Rhox homeobox family member 2B 0.9077 51
NAA11 N-alpha-acetyltransferase 11, NatA catalytic subunit 0.6889 51
GAGE12H G antigen 12H 0.6865 51
Group enriched (Gastric cancer, Leukemia, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
RHOXF2 Rhox homeobox family member 2 0.9077 51
EPX Eosinophil peroxidase 0.6403 51
NAA11 N-alpha-acetyltransferase 11, NatA catalytic subunit 0.5515 51
Group enriched (Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
CCL4 C-C motif chemokine ligand 4 0.9293 55
EBI3 Epstein-Barr virus induced 3 0.9260 55
CCL22 C-C motif chemokine ligand 22 0.9223 55

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
COMMD3 COMM domain containing 3 0.7895 51
IGLV3-16 Immunoglobulin lambda variable 3-16 0.7432 51
IGLV3-25 Immunoglobulin lambda variable 3-25 0.7283 51
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
BEST3 Bestrophin 3 0.6252 46
BACH2 BTB domain and CNC homolog 2 0.6088 46
CD38 CD38 molecule 0.5985 46
Cancer enhanced (Leukemia, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PECAM1 Platelet and endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 0.7308 48
ERG ETS transcription factor ERG 0.7061 6
ESAM Endothelial cell adhesion molecule 0.6561 48
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
CEP295NL CEP295 N-terminal like 0.6160 51
IGLC1 Immunoglobulin lambda constant 1 0.5605 51
IGLV2-11 Immunoglobulin lambda variable 2-11 0.5475 51
Cancer enhanced (Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TEC Tec protein tyrosine kinase 0.6806 6
PTK2B Protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta 0.6641 55
PPP3CC Protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit gamma 0.6570 6
Cancer enhanced (Lung cancer, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TRIT1 TRNA isopentenyltransferase 1 0.8868 10
RLF RLF zinc finger 0.7524 37
PPIE Peptidylprolyl isomerase E 0.7440 10
Cancer enhanced (Leukemia, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PRAM1 PML-RARA regulated adaptor molecule 1 0.7701 14
SIGLEC1 Sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 1 0.7451 14
FCAR Fc alpha receptor 0.7427 14
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma, Thyroid cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
OR4C6 Olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily C member 6 0.5503 51
IGKV1-16 Immunoglobulin kappa variable 1-16 0.5163 51
FAM237B Family with sequence similarity 237 member B 0.4625 53
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
CD28 CD28 molecule 0.6357 20
IL17A Interleukin 17A 0.6259 20
OTUD5 OTU deubiquitinase 5 0.6230 20
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
NFIL3 Nuclear factor, interleukin 3 regulated 0.5912 71
SUPT3H SPT3 homolog, SAGA and STAGA complex component 0.5561 51
MYBPC2 Myosin binding protein C2 0.5516 71
Cancer enhanced (Lymphoma, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
RGS1 Regulator of G protein signaling 1 0.6707 55
TNFRSF14 TNF receptor superfamily member 14 0.6052 9
TRAF1 TNF receptor associated factor 1 0.5898 55
Cancer enhanced (Breast cancer, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
KIR2DL1 Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 1 0.8055 70
GABRA1 Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha1 0.7982 70
CACNA1S Calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 S 0.7958 70
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TRGV4 T cell receptor gamma variable 4 0.6515 59
TRGV2 T cell receptor gamma variable 2 0.5892 59
TRGV1 T cell receptor gamma variable 1 (non-functional) 0.5500 59
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma, Neuroblastoma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PPP4R3C Protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 3C 0.6637 51
ENSG00000275869 0.5986 51
TRPC7 Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 7 0.5771 10
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
OR2K2 Olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily K member 2 0.5455 51
STBD1 Starch binding domain 1 0.5293 51
INHBC Inhibin subunit beta C 0.4836 51
Cancer enhanced (Breast cancer, Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
SRARP Steroid receptor associated and regulated protein 0.6794 27
SLC9A3R1 SLC9A3 regulator 1 0.6732 27
NCBP2L Nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 like 0.6723 27
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
ITGB7 Integrin subunit beta 7 0.7014 51
TNFRSF17 TNF receptor superfamily member 17 0.6561 51
MORC1 MORC family CW-type zinc finger 1 0.6340 51
Cancer enhanced (Myeloma)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
IGLV5-48 Immunoglobulin lambda variable 5-48 (non-functional) 0.6231 51
CCDC110 Coiled-coil domain containing 110 0.5935 51
IGLJ2 Immunoglobulin lambda joining 2 0.5726 51