Transcription factor landscape - Cell line - Gallbladder cancer

One cell line is representing gallbladder cancer in the atlas (called SNU-308), find more details about it here. Up- and downregulated cancer-related pathways can be explored based on the transcriptomics data.

Here we provide the expression overview of all 12 transcription factors that show elevated expression levels in gallbladder cancer compared to other cancer cell lines. The gene expression overview, across different cancer types, is accopanied by the top 3 nearest neighbours based on RNA expression and correlation in the clustering analysis.

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Cancer enriched (Gallbladder cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
ZFR2 Zinc finger RNA binding protein 2 0.5930 4
CILP2 Cartilage intermediate layer protein 2 0.5463 4
IFNL4 Interferon lambda 4 (gene/pseudogene) 0.5413 4
Cancer enriched (Gallbladder cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
GLMN Glomulin, FKBP associated protein 0.5972 37
RPF1 Ribosome production factor 1 homolog 0.5952 37
USP1 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 1 0.5705 37

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Group enriched (Breast cancer, Gallbladder cancer, Prostate cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
TTC6 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 6 0.7987 60
SPDEF SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor 0.7338 27
NCBP2L Nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 like 0.6538 27

Enriched transcription factors
Gene Expression Expression clustering
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer, Testis cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
SPRR3 Small proline rich protein 3 0.6783 53
OVOL1 Ovo like transcriptional repressor 1 0.6055 53
GJB6 Gap junction protein beta 6 0.5974 53
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer, Head and neck cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PGLYRP4 Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4 0.8611 53
RHCG Rh family C glycoprotein 0.8568 53
PGLYRP3 Peptidoglycan recognition protein 3 0.8527 53
Cancer enhanced (Bone cancer, Gallbladder cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
HOXD11 Homeobox D11 0.8105 12
HOXD9 Homeobox D9 0.8098 12
NKX2-2 NK2 homeobox 2 0.6363 12
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer, Testis cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
NPBWR1 Neuropeptides B and W receptor 1 0.6227 53
DNAH2 Dynein axonemal heavy chain 2 0.5560 53
MUC21 Mucin 21, cell surface associated 0.5429 53
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer, Head and neck cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
PAX9 Paired box 9 0.7510 30
SPINK5 Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 5 0.7226 65
OR2M7 Olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily M member 7 0.7049 65
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
SOX2 SRY-box transcription factor 2 0.7219 32
LHCGR Luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor 0.5844 72
LRP1B LDL receptor related protein 1B 0.5798 3
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
LPAR6 Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6 0.5632 6
MYLK3 Myosin light chain kinase 3 0.5578 6
DENND3 DENN domain containing 3 0.5414 6
Cancer enhanced (Gallbladder cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
BHMT Betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.4717 10
GCGR Glucagon receptor 0.4663 10
ADH1A Alcohol dehydrogenase 1A (class I), alpha polypeptide 0.4605 10
Cancer enhanced (Esophageal cancer, Gallbladder cancer, Head and neck cancer)
3 nearest neighbours based on cell line RNA expression
Neighbouri Descriptioni Correlationi Clusteri
GBP6 Guanylate binding protein family member 6 0.8877 53
SERPINB13 Serpin family B member 13 0.8377 53
DSC3 Desmocollin 3 0.8369 53