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General description of the gene and the encoded protein(s) using information from HGNC and Ensembl, as well as predictions made by the Human Protein Atlas project.
Gene namei
Official gene symbol, which is typically a short form of the gene name, according to HGNC.
Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1
Protein classi
Assigned HPA protein class(es) for the encoded protein(s).
FDA approved drug targets Transporters Voltage-gated ion channels
Predicted locationi
All transcripts of all genes have been analyzed regarding the location(s) of corresponding protein based on prediction methods for signal peptides and transmembrane regions.
Genes with at least one transcript predicted to encode a secreted protein, according to prediction methods or to UniProt location data, have been further annotated and classified with the aim to determine if the corresponding protein(s) are secreted or actually retained in intracellular locations or membrane-attached.
Remaining genes, with no transcript predicted to encode a secreted protein, will be assigned the prediction-based location(s).
The annotated location overrules the predicted location, so that a gene encoding a predicted secreted protein that has been annotated as intracellular will have intracellular as the final location.
Gene information from Ensembl and Entrez, as well as links to available gene identifiers are displayed here. Information was retrieved from Ensembl if not indicated otherwise.
Chromosome location (bp)
3565444 - 3609411
Number of transcriptsi
Number of protein-coding transcripts from the gene as defined by Ensembl.
Useful information about the protein provided by UniProt.
Ligand-activated non-selective calcium permeant cation channel involved in detection of noxious chemical and thermal stimuli. Seems to mediate proton influx and may be involved in intracellular acidosis in nociceptive neurons. Involved in mediation of inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia. Sensitized by a phosphatidylinositol second messenger system activated by receptor tyrosine kinases, which involves PKC isozymes and PCL. Activation by vanilloids, like capsaicin, and temperatures higher than 42 degrees Celsius, exhibits a time- and Ca(2+)-dependent outward rectification, followed by a long-lasting refractory state. Mild extracellular acidic pH (6.5) potentiates channel activation by noxious heat and vanilloids, whereas acidic conditions (pH <6) directly activate the channel. Can be activated by endogenous compounds, including 12-hydroperoxytetraenoic acid and bradykinin. Acts as ionotropic endocannabinoid receptor with central neuromodulatory effects. Triggers a form of long-term depression (TRPV1-LTD) mediated by the endocannabinoid anandamine in the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens by affecting AMPA receptors endocytosis....show less
Molecular function (UniProt)i
Keywords assigned by UniProt to proteins due to their particular molecular function.
Calcium channel, Calmodulin-binding, Ion channel
Biological process (UniProt)i
Keywords assigned by UniProt to proteins because they are involved in a particular biological process.
Calcium transport, Ion transport, Transport
Ligand (UniProt)i
Keywords assigned by UniProt to proteins because they bind, are associated with, or whose activity is dependent of some molecule.
Capsaicin, the main pungent ingredient in hot chili peppers, elicits a sensation of burning pain by selectively activating sensory neurons that convey information about noxious stimuli to the central nervous system. The protein encoded by this gene is a receptor for capsaicin and is a non-selective cation channel that is structurally related to members of the TRP family of ion channels. This receptor is also activated by increases in temperature in the noxious range, suggesting that it functions as a transducer of painful thermal stimuli in vivo. Four transcript variants encoding the same protein, but with different 5' UTR sequence, have been described for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]...show less
The protein information section displays alternative protein-coding transcripts (splice variants) encoded by this gene according to the Ensembl database.
The Splice variant identifier links to the Ensembl website protein summary for the selected splice variant. The data in the Swissprot and TrEMBL columns links to corresponding pages in the UniProt database.
The protein classes assigned to this protein are shown if expanding the data in the protein class column. Parent protein classes are in bold font and subclasses are listed under the parent class.
The length of the protein (amino acid residues according to Ensembl), molecular mass (kDalton), predicted signal peptide and number of predicted transmembrane region(s) according to in-house majority decision methods based on sets of predictors are also reported.