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General description of the gene and the encoded protein(s) using information from HGNC and Ensembl, as well as predictions made by the Human Protein Atlas project.
Gene namei
Official gene symbol, which is typically a short form of the gene name, according to HGNC.
Assigned HPA protein class(es) for the encoded protein(s).
CD markers Disease related genes
Predicted locationi
All transcripts of all genes have been analyzed regarding the location(s) of corresponding protein based on prediction methods for signal peptides and transmembrane regions.
Genes with at least one transcript predicted to encode a secreted protein, according to prediction methods or to UniProt location data, have been further annotated and classified with the aim to determine if the corresponding protein(s) are secreted or actually retained in intracellular locations or membrane-attached.
Remaining genes, with no transcript predicted to encode a secreted protein, will be assigned the prediction-based location(s).
The annotated location overrules the predicted location, so that a gene encoding a predicted secreted protein that has been annotated as intracellular will have intracellular as the final location.
Gene information from Ensembl and Entrez, as well as links to available gene identifiers are displayed here. Information was retrieved from Ensembl if not indicated otherwise.
Chromosome location (bp)
157674321 - 157700769
Number of transcriptsi
Number of protein-coding transcripts from the gene as defined by Ensembl.
Useful information about the protein provided by UniProt.
Promotes TLR9-induced B-cell proliferation, activation and survival but inhibits antibody production and suppresses plasma cell differentiation. Enhances activation of NF-kappa-B and MAPK signaling pathways in TLR9 stimulated B-cells 1. Has inhibitory potentional on B-cell receptor (BCR)-mediated signaling, possibly through association with SH2 domain-containing phosphatases. Inhibits cell tyrosine phosphorylation, calcium mobilization and activation-induced cell death induced through BCR signaling 2. Regulatory T-cells expressing FCRL3 exhibit a memory phenotype, are relatively nonresponsive to antigenic stimulation in presence of IL2 and have reduced capacity to suppress the proliferation of effector T-cells 3,4. Acts as a human-specific epitope on the cell surface of oocytes (oolemma) and plays a role during sperm-egg adhesion and fusion 5. Interacts with the IZUMO1-IZUMO1R/JUNO sperm-egg complex and replaces IZUMO1R/JUNO as IZUMO1 receptor during fertilization, thereby permitting species-specific gamete fusion 6....show less
Molecular function (UniProt)i
Keywords assigned by UniProt to proteins due to their particular molecular function.
Biological process (UniProt)i
Keywords assigned by UniProt to proteins because they are involved in a particular biological process.
Gene summary (Entrez)i
Useful information about the gene from Entrez
This gene encodes a member of the immunoglobulin receptor superfamily and is one of several Fc receptor-like glycoproteins clustered on the long arm of chromosome 1. The encoded protein contains immunoreceptor-tyrosine activation motifs and immunoreceptor-tyrosine inhibitory motifs in its cytoplasmic domain and may play a role in regulation of the immune system. Mutations in this gene have been associated with rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroid disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2016]...show less
The protein information section displays alternative protein-coding transcripts (splice variants) encoded by this gene according to the Ensembl database.
The Splice variant identifier links to the Ensembl website protein summary for the selected splice variant. The data in the Swissprot and TrEMBL columns links to corresponding pages in the UniProt database.
The protein classes assigned to this protein are shown if expanding the data in the protein class column. Parent protein classes are in bold font and subclasses are listed under the parent class.
The length of the protein (amino acid residues according to Ensembl), molecular mass (kDalton), predicted signal peptide and number of predicted transmembrane region(s) according to in-house majority decision methods based on sets of predictors are also reported.