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Gene descriptioni x
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Struct & Inti
BHLHA15Basic helix-loop-helix family member a15
BIKBCL2 interacting killer
BMPR1BBone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B
BRINP3BMP/retinoic acid inducible neural specific 3
C11orf52Chromosome 11 open reading frame 52
C19orf81Chromosome 19 open reading frame 81
C1orf115Chromosome 1 open reading frame 115
C1orf116Chromosome 1 open reading frame 116
C22orf42Chromosome 22 open reading frame 42
C9orf152Chromosome 9 open reading frame 152
CACNG4Calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 4
CAMSAP3Calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 3
CANT1Calcium activated nucleotidase 1
CARTPTCART prepropeptide
CATIPCiliogenesis associated TTC17 interacting protein
CCDC125Coiled-coil domain containing 125
CD177CD177 molecule
CDH1Cadherin 1
CENPXCentromere protein X
CERS4Ceramide synthase 4
CFAP65Cilia and flagella associated protein 65
CFAP69Cilia and flagella associated protein 69
CFAP74Cilia and flagella associated protein 74
CHRM1Cholinergic receptor muscarinic 1
CHRNA2Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 2 subunit
CLDN3Claudin 3
CLUL1Clusterin like 1
CNDP2Carnosine dipeptidase 2
CNTNAP2Contactin associated protein 2
COL26A1Collagen type XXVI alpha 1 chain
COPG1COPI coat complex subunit gamma 1
COPZ1COPI coat complex subunit zeta 1
CORO1BCoronin 1B
CPECarboxypeptidase E
CPLX3Complexin 3
CPNE4Copine 4
CREB3L4CAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 4
CRYBA2Crystallin beta A2
CRYBG1Crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 1
CTNNBIP1Catenin beta interacting protein 1
CTNND2Catenin delta 2
CUX2Cut like homeobox 2
CWH43Cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog
CYB561Cytochrome b561
CYP3A43Cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 43
CYP4F2Cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 2
DACT2Dishevelled binding antagonist of beta catenin 2
DBIDiazepam binding inhibitor, acyl-CoA binding protein
DCXRDicarbonyl and L-xylulose reductase
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