Previous venous thromboembolism

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common and complex cardiovascular disorder with serious short- and long-term complications, comprising both deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). VTE is a cardiovascular event where a thrombus or blood clot is formed, usually in the deep veins of the lower limbs of the body, causing disruption to the blood flow, leading to inflammation and leg ulcers. If the thrombus dislodges, it creates a so-called embolus, which can travel to the lungs. Here, if left untreated, it has a mortality rate of ~30% (Søgaard KK et al. (2014)).

Common symptoms of VTE can include swollen and tender legs, as well as shortness of breath and pain when breathing. There are numerous risk factors. Most blood-clots occur during or soon after a hospital stay or surgery. Other risk factors include being immobile, older age, high BMI, family history of VTE, recent or recurrent cancer, pregnancy, estrogen-based medicine or in relation to an injury and trauma. Currently, VTE affects over 10 million people globally each year. Elevated levels of CRP and D-dimer are positively predictive of VTE. In the clinics, DVT is confirmed through compression ultrasound, and PE is confirmed through diagnostic imaging, such as computer pulmonary angiography (CTPA).

Differential Abundance Analysis Results

This section presents the results of the differential protein abundance analysis, visualized through a volcano plot and summarized in the accompanying table for all three comparisons: 1) disease vs. healthy samples, 2) disease vs. diseases from the same class, and 3) disease vs. all other diseases.

Disease vs Healthy
Disease vs Class
Disease vs All other