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APPBP2Amyloid beta precursor protein binding protein 2
BBIP1BBSome interacting protein 1
DBTDihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E2
DMTF1Cyclin D binding myb like transcription factor 1
DPY19L4Dpy-19 like 4
EMC2ER membrane protein complex subunit 2
GCFC2GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor 2
OTUD6BOTU deubiquitinase 6B
RAD9BRAD9 checkpoint clamp component B
RIMOC1RAB7A interacting MON1-CCZ1 complex subunit 1
SGCBSarcoglycan beta
THAP5THAP domain containing 5
TWF1Twinfilin actin binding protein 1
ZNF24Zinc finger protein 24
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