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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
GPR3G protein-coupled receptor 3
GPX2Glutathione peroxidase 2
GRHL2Grainyhead like transcription factor 2
GRIK3Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 3
GUCA2AGuanylate cyclase activator 2A
GUCA2BGuanylate cyclase activator 2B
GUCY2CGuanylate cyclase 2C
HACD13-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 1
HCN1Hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 1
HEPACAM2HEPACAM family member 2
HES2Hes family bHLH transcription factor 2
HHLA2HERV-H LTR-associating 2
HJURPHolliday junction recognition protein
HMGCS23-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2
HMMRHyaluronan mediated motility receptor
HMX3H6 family homeobox 3
HNF1BHNF1 homeobox B
HNF4AHepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha
HNF4GHepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma
HPCAL4Hippocalcin like 4
HSD11B2Hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2
HSPA12AHeat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 12A
HSPB1Heat shock protein family B (small) member 1
HSPB7Heat shock protein family B (small) member 7
HSPB8Heat shock protein family B (small) member 8
HSPG2Heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2
HTR3A5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A
HTR3B5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3B
IDH2Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2
IGHA1Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1
IGHA2Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (A2m marker)
IGKCImmunoglobulin kappa constant
IGKJ1Immunoglobulin kappa joining 1
IGKJ2Immunoglobulin kappa joining 2
IGKV1-5Immunoglobulin kappa variable 1-5
IGKV3-20Immunoglobulin kappa variable 3-20
IGLC1Immunoglobulin lambda constant 1
IGLC2Immunoglobulin lambda constant 2
IGLC3Immunoglobulin lambda constant 3 (Kern-Oz+ marker)
IGLON5IgLON family member 5
IGLV2-14Immunoglobulin lambda variable 2-14
IHHIndian hedgehog signaling molecule
IL6Interleukin 6
ILKIntegrin linked kinase
INAInternexin neuronal intermediate filament protein alpha
INSCINSC spindle orientation adaptor protein
IQGAP3IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 3
IRAG1Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor associated 1
ISXIntestine specific homeobox
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