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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
PYGBGlycogen phosphorylase B
PYGMGlycogen phosphorylase, muscle associated
PYHIN1Pyrin and HIN domain family member 1
PYYPeptide YY
RAB19RAB19, member RAS oncogene family
RAB20RAB20, member RAS oncogene family
RAB25RAB25, member RAS oncogene family
RAB39BRAB39B, member RAS oncogene family
RAB3BRAB3B, member RAS oncogene family
RAB44RAB44, member RAS oncogene family
RAB5CRAB5C, member RAS oncogene family
RAB9BRAB9B, member RAS oncogene family
RAD51RAD51 recombinase
RAD51AP1RAD51 associated protein 1
RAD54LRAD54 like
RALGPS2Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 2
RALYLRALY RNA binding protein like
RAMP3Receptor activity modifying protein 3
RAPGEF3Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3
RAPGEF4Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4
RAPGEFL1Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 1
RAPSNReceptor associated protein of the synapse
RASAL1RAS protein activator like 1
RASEFRAS and EF-hand domain containing
RASGEF1CRasGEF domain family member 1C
RASGRP1RAS guanyl releasing protein 1
RASGRP4RAS guanyl releasing protein 4
RASIP1Ras interacting protein 1
RASSF6Ras association domain family member 6
RBBP7RB binding protein 7, chromatin remodeling factor
RBBP8NLRBBP8 N-terminal like
RBP5Retinol binding protein 5
RBP7Retinol binding protein 7
RBPMS2RNA binding protein, mRNA processing factor 2
RCSD1RCSD domain containing 1
RECKReversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs
REG4Regenerating family member 4
REM1RRAD and GEM like GTPase 1
RETRet proto-oncogene
RETNLBResistin like beta
RFTN1Raftlin, lipid raft linker 1
RFTN2Raftlin family member 2
RFX6Regulatory factor X6
RGS11Regulator of G protein signaling 11
RGS13Regulator of G protein signaling 13
RGS4Regulator of G protein signaling 4
RHBDF1Rhomboid 5 homolog 1
RHEXRegulator of hemoglobinization and erythroid cell expansion
RIMBP2RIMS binding protein 2
RIMS2Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2
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