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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
PLA2G12BPhospholipase A2 group XIIB
RBP5Retinol binding protein 5
SARDHSarcosine dehydrogenase
SLC17A2Solute carrier family 17 member 2
SOAT2Sterol O-acyltransferase 2
TRIM50Tripartite motif containing 50
UPB1Beta-ureidopropionase 1
ABCA6ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 6
ACSM5Acyl-CoA synthetase medium chain family member 5
ADH1CAlcohol dehydrogenase 1C (class I), gamma polypeptide
ALDH8A1Aldehyde dehydrogenase 8 family member A1
APOL5Apolipoprotein L5
ATF5Activating transcription factor 5
C4BPAComplement component 4 binding protein alpha
C6Complement C6
CTXND1Cortexin domain containing 1
CYP4F22Cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 22
EHHADHEnoyl-CoA hydratase and 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase
F5Coagulation factor V
FMO5Flavin containing dimethylaniline monoxygenase 5
FNDC5Fibronectin type III domain containing 5
GPTGlutamic--pyruvic transaminase
LEPRLeptin receptor
MCHR1Melanin concentrating hormone receptor 1
MST1Macrophage stimulating 1
NEU4Neuraminidase 4
ONECUT1One cut homeobox 1
ONECUT2One cut homeobox 2
PLGLB1Plasminogen like B1
RFPL4BRet finger protein like 4B
SLC51ASolute carrier family 51 subunit alpha
SLC7A9Solute carrier family 7 member 9
TTC36Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 36
UGT2B17UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B17
UGT2B7UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B7
A1CFAPOBEC1 complementation factor
ACSL6Acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 6
AKR1C2Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2
APOFApolipoprotein F
ARID3CAT-rich interaction domain 3C
CDO1Cysteine dioxygenase type 1
CES1Carboxylesterase 1
CLDN14Claudin 14
ENPP7Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 7
EPHX1Epoxide hydrolase 1
GLT1D1Glycosyltransferase 1 domain containing 1
GLYCTKGlycerate kinase
GOLT1AGolgi transport 1A
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