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Gene descriptioni x
Evidencei x
Single celli
Cell linei
Struct & Inti
KRTAP19-1Keratin associated protein 19-1
KRTAP19-5Keratin associated protein 19-5
KRTAP2-1Keratin associated protein 2-1
KRTAP2-2Keratin associated protein 2-2
KRTAP2-3Keratin associated protein 2-3
KRTAP2-4Keratin associated protein 2-4
KRTAP20-2Keratin associated protein 20-2
KRTAP24-1Keratin associated protein 24-1
KRTAP26-1Keratin associated protein 26-1
KRTAP29-1Keratin associated like protein 29-1
KRTAP3-1Keratin associated protein 3-1
KRTAP3-2Keratin associated protein 3-2
KRTAP3-3Keratin associated protein 3-3
KRTAP4-11Keratin associated protein 4-11
KRTAP4-12Keratin associated protein 4-12
KRTAP4-2Keratin associated protein 4-2
KRTAP4-3Keratin associated protein 4-3
KRTAP4-4Keratin associated protein 4-4
KRTAP4-5Keratin associated protein 4-5
KRTAP4-6Keratin associated protein 4-6
KRTAP4-7Keratin associated protein 4-7
KRTAP4-8Keratin associated protein 4-8
KRTAP4-9Keratin associated protein 4-9
KRTAP5-11Keratin associated protein 5-11
KRTAP5-3Keratin associated protein 5-3
KRTAP5-4Keratin associated protein 5-4
KRTAP5-5Keratin associated protein 5-5
KRTAP6-1Keratin associated protein 6-1
KRTAP7-1Keratin associated protein 7-1
KRTAP8-1Keratin associated protein 8-1
KRTAP9-2Keratin associated protein 9-2
KRTAP9-3Keratin associated protein 9-3
KRTAP9-4Keratin associated protein 9-4
KRTAP9-6Keratin associated protein 9-6
KRTAP9-7Keratin associated protein 9-7
KRTAP9-8Keratin associated protein 9-8
KRTAP9-9Keratin associated protein 9-9
LAMB4Laminin subunit beta 4
LCE1ALate cornified envelope 1A
LCE1BLate cornified envelope 1B
LCE1CLate cornified envelope 1C
LCE1DLate cornified envelope 1D
LCE1ELate cornified envelope 1E
LCE1FLate cornified envelope 1F
LCE2ALate cornified envelope 2A
LCE2BLate cornified envelope 2B
LCE2CLate cornified envelope 2C
LCE2DLate cornified envelope 2D
LCE4ALate cornified envelope 4A
LCE5ALate cornified envelope 5A
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