Gene "Gene synonym" Ensembl "Gene description" Uniprot Chromosome Position "Protein class" "Biological process" "Molecular function" "Disease involvement" Evidence "HPA evidence" "UniProt evidence" "NeXtProt evidence" "RNA tissue specificity" "RNA tissue distribution" "RNA tissue specificity score" "RNA tissue specific nTPM" "RNA single cell type specificity" "RNA single cell type distribution" "RNA single cell type specificity score" "RNA single cell type specific nTPM" "RNA single nuclei brain specificity" "RNA single nuclei brain distribution" "RNA single nuclei brain specificity score" "RNA single nuclei brain specific nTPM" "RNA cancer specificity" "RNA cancer distribution" "RNA cancer specificity score" "RNA cancer specific FPKM" "RNA brain regional specificity" "RNA brain regional distribution" "RNA brain regional specificity score" "RNA brain regional specific nTPM" "RNA blood cell specificity" "RNA blood cell distribution" "RNA blood cell specificity score" "RNA blood cell specific nTPM" "RNA blood lineage specificity" "RNA blood lineage distribution" "RNA blood lineage specificity score" "RNA blood lineage specific nTPM" "RNA cell line specificity" "RNA cell line distribution" "RNA cell line specificity score" "RNA cell line specific nTPM" "RNA tissue cell type enrichment" "RNA mouse brain regional specificity" "RNA mouse brain regional distribution" "RNA mouse brain regional specificity score" "RNA mouse brain regional specific nTPM" "RNA pig brain regional specificity" "RNA pig brain regional distribution" "RNA pig brain regional specificity score" "RNA pig brain regional specific nTPM" Antibody "Reliability (IH)" "Reliability (Mouse Brain)" "Reliability (IF)" "Subcellular location" "Secretome location" "Secretome function" "CCD Protein" "CCD Transcript" "Blood concentration - Conc. blood IM [pg/L]" "Blood concentration - Conc. blood MS [pg/L]" "Blood expression cluster" "Tissue expression cluster" "Brain expression cluster" "Cell line expression cluster" "Single cell expression cluster" Interactions "Subcellular main location" "Subcellular additional location" "Antibody RRID" "Cancer prognostics - Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Breast Invasive Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Colon Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Colon Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Glioblastoma Multiforme (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Glioblastoma Multiforme (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Chromophobe (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Prostate Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Rectum Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Rectum Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Stomach Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Thyroid Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA)" AASS "LKRSDH, LORSDH" ENSG00000008311 "Aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase" Q9UDR5 7 122064583-122144308 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Multifunctional enzyme, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "liver: 43.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Astrocytes: 138.4;Hepatocytes: 220.5;Oligodendrocytes: 123.3;Ovarian stromal cells: 129.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "bergmann glia: 263.2;committed oligodendrocyte precursor: 267.1" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "testis cancer: 34.8" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA020637, HPA020728, HPA020734" Enhanced Approved Nucleoplasm,Vesicles,Mitochondria Yes No 20000 "Cluster 53: Non-specific - Glycosylation" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 72: Neuronal - Signal transduction" "Cluster 6: Ovarian stromal cells - Transcription" 1 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Vesicles" "HPA020637: AB_1844415, HPA020728: AB_1844416, HPA020734: AB_1844417" "unprognostic (7.78e-2)" "unprognostic (7.03e-2)" "unprognostic (4.50e-2)" "unprognostic (3.25e-3)" "unprognostic (1.37e-2)" "unprognostic (2.64e-2)" "unprognostic (5.03e-2)" "unprognostic (1.31e-1)" "unprognostic (9.90e-2)" "unprognostic (4.23e-2)" "unprognostic (9.30e-5)" "unprognostic (6.11e-2)" "unprognostic (8.65e-4)" "unprognostic (3.36e-3)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (3.59e-2)" "unprognostic (2.74e-2)" "unprognostic (2.15e-3)" "unprognostic (2.09e-1)" "unprognostic (3.23e-1)" "unprognostic (7.51e-2)" "unprognostic (1.99e-1)" "unprognostic (1.96e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (6.54e-3)" "unprognostic (8.07e-2)" "unprognostic (5.62e-2)" "unprognostic (9.76e-2)" ACADM "ACAD1, MCAD, MCADH" ENSG00000117054 "Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase medium chain" P11310 1 75724431-75787575 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 356.4;skeletal muscle: 367.9;tongue: 458.9" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "Cardiomyocytes: 632.8;Distal tubular cells: 233.6;Hepatocytes: 279.0;Proximal tubular cells: 524.7" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells, Testis - Spermatogonia, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA006198, HPA026542" Enhanced Supported "Mitochondria,Calyx,Principal piece" NA NA 560000 "Cluster 12: Non-specific - Mitochondrial translation" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 46: Lymphoma - Humoral immune response" "Cluster 56: Proximal tubular cells - Amino acid metabolism" 12 Mitochondria "Calyx, Principal piece" "HPA006198: AB_1078087, HPA026542: AB_1844469" "unprognostic (2.75e-2)" "unprognostic (8.36e-2)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (7.83e-2)" "unprognostic (8.92e-3)" "unprognostic (1.10e-3)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (2.40e-1)" "unprognostic (2.30e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-2)" "unprognostic (1.30e-13)" "unprognostic (1.48e-4)" "unprognostic (1.41e-2)" "unprognostic (6.09e-2)" "unprognostic (3.67e-2)" "unprognostic (4.59e-2)" "unprognostic (5.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.37e-1)" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (1.74e-1)" "unprognostic (1.68e-1)" "unprognostic (2.28e-3)" "unprognostic (2.55e-1)" "unprognostic (7.10e-3)" "unprognostic (7.15e-2)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (1.01e-1)" "unprognostic (4.55e-2)" "unprognostic (1.38e-1)" "unprognostic (2.56e-2)" ACADS "ACAD3, SCAD" ENSG00000122971 "Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase short chain" P16219 12 120725774-120740008 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "liver: 239.5;skeletal muscle: 152.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Distal enterocytes: 338.4;Hepatocytes: 197.4;Proximal enterocytes: 428.7;Undifferentiated cells: 136.6" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Kidney Chromophobe (TCGA): 113.3" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Testis - Early spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA004799, CAB019284, HPA022271" Enhanced Supported "Nucleoplasm,Centrosome,Mitochondria,Mid piece,Principal piece,End piece" NA NA 9100 "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 83: Liver - Metabolism" "Cluster 19: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 5: Enterocytes - Absorption" 1 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Centrosome, Mid piece, Principal piece, End piece" "CAB019284: , HPA004799: AB_1844471, HPA022271: AB_1844472" "unprognostic (2.63e-1)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (9.11e-2)" "unprognostic (1.46e-2)" "unprognostic (1.06e-2)" "unprognostic (9.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-4)" "unprognostic (3.69e-5)" "unprognostic (1.53e-2)" "unprognostic (2.55e-1)" "unprognostic (2.34e-5)" "unprognostic (6.05e-2)" "unprognostic (5.61e-4)" "unprognostic (2.06e-4)" "unprognostic (1.55e-1)" "unprognostic (5.07e-3)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (6.42e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (8.49e-2)" "unprognostic (4.40e-5)" "unprognostic (3.19e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (4.76e-2)" "unprognostic (7.13e-2)" "unprognostic (3.51e-3)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (4.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-4)" ACADSB "ACAD7, SBCAD" ENSG00000196177 "Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase short/branched chain" P45954 10 123008979-123058290 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "liver: 349.2" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "Hepatocytes: 468.7" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "breast cancer: 44.3" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA041458, HPA063555" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 20000 "Cluster 39: T-cells - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 16: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 43: Hepatocytes - Metabolism" 6 Mitochondria "HPA041458: AB_2677491, HPA063555: " "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (4.31e-2)" "unprognostic (3.10e-2)" "unprognostic (9.97e-2)" "unprognostic (6.60e-4)" "unprognostic (1.13e-2)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (4.05e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (3.83e-11)" "unprognostic (9.76e-5)" "unprognostic (5.59e-2)" "unprognostic (2.38e-2)" "unprognostic (7.40e-3)" "unprognostic (2.85e-3)" "unprognostic (7.32e-2)" "unprognostic (2.03e-1)" "unprognostic (4.24e-2)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (2.72e-4)" "unprognostic (2.64e-2)" "unprognostic (2.63e-3)" "unprognostic (7.76e-2)" "unprognostic (1.33e-2)" "unprognostic (4.76e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (2.86e-1)" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" "unprognostic (3.99e-3)" "unprognostic (2.03e-1)" ACADVL "ACAD6, LCACD, VLCAD" ENSG00000072778 "Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase very long chain" P49748 17 7217125-7225266 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Cardiomyopathy, Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 820.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Syncytiotrophoblasts: 722.0" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA019006, HPA020595" Enhanced Supported Nucleoplasm,Nucleoli,Mitochondria NA NA 83000 "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 42: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" 9 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Nucleoli" "HPA019006: AB_1844478, HPA020595: AB_1844479" "unprognostic (1.91e-2)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (7.29e-2)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (2.17e-2)" "unprognostic (3.12e-2)" "unprognostic (1.27e-2)" "unprognostic (2.55e-1)" "unprognostic (3.50e-1)" "unprognostic (5.88e-8)" "unprognostic (7.51e-2)" "unprognostic (2.25e-2)" "unprognostic (5.22e-3)" "unprognostic (3.68e-4)" "unprognostic (1.41e-1)" "unprognostic (9.25e-3)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (2.44e-1)" "unprognostic (2.74e-2)" "unprognostic (4.59e-2)" "unprognostic (2.18e-2)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (4.31e-2)" "unprognostic (2.53e-1)" "unprognostic (5.50e-3)" "unprognostic (1.55e-1)" "unprognostic (1.31e-1)" "unprognostic (1.90e-1)" ALDH18A1 "GSAS, P5CS, PYCS, SPG9" ENSG00000059573 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family member A1" P54886 10 95605941-95656711 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Amino-acid biosynthesis, Proline biosynthesis" "Kinase, Multifunctional enzyme, Oxidoreductase, Transferase" "Disease variant, Hereditary spastic paraplegia, Intellectual disability, Neurodegeneration" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "salivary gland: 116.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Distal enterocytes: 63.5;Proximal enterocytes: 67.2;Serous glandular cells: 67.7" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary glandular cells, Testis - Spermatogonia, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA008333, HPA012604" Approved Enhanced Mitochondria NA NA 49000 "Cluster 24: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 48: Stomach - Proteolysis" "Cluster 44: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 52: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 75: Serous glandular cells - Salivary secretion" 25 Mitochondria "HPA008333: AB_1078125, HPA012604: AB_1844721" "unprognostic (2.24e-1)" "unprognostic (7.09e-4)" "unprognostic (2.14e-1)" "unprognostic (5.67e-2)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (5.87e-2)" "unprognostic (3.43e-2)" "unprognostic (4.45e-4)" "unprognostic (5.10e-2)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-3)" "unprognostic (1.87e-4)" "unprognostic (2.21e-2)" "unprognostic (2.50e-4)" "unprognostic (7.77e-3)" "unprognostic (3.27e-2)" "unprognostic (2.79e-4)" "unprognostic (2.03e-2)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (2.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (4.67e-2)" "unprognostic (1.90e-3)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (5.80e-2)" "unprognostic (3.48e-3)" "unprognostic (8.07e-2)" "unprognostic (6.97e-4)" "unprognostic (7.97e-3)" ALDH1B1 "ALDH5, ALDHX" ENSG00000137124 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member B1" P30837 9 38392702-38398661 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 167.4;smooth muscle: 123.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cholangiocytes: 66.8;Extravillous trophoblasts: 50.9;Hepatocytes: 114.7;Pancreatic endocrine cells: 54.3;Proximal tubular cells: 169.8;Undifferentiated cells: 82.4" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 7.7" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Smooth muscle cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Prostate - Smooth muscle cells, Skin - Smooth muscle cells, Spleen - Smooth muscle cells, Testis - Sertoli cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA021037, HPA077080" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 420000 "Cluster 33: Non-specific - ATP binding" "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 56: Proximal tubular cells - Amino acid metabolism" 19 Mitochondria "HPA021037: AB_1844724, HPA077080: " "unprognostic (5.13e-2)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (2.21e-1)" "unprognostic (6.10e-3)" "unprognostic (2.46e-2)" "unprognostic (1.45e-1)" "unprognostic (3.47e-2)" "unprognostic (2.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-3)" "unprognostic (1.68e-1)" "unprognostic (1.45e-5)" "unprognostic (8.71e-3)" "unprognostic (2.00e-1)" "unprognostic (2.92e-2)" "unprognostic (7.84e-3)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (1.93e-4)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (1.87e-1)" "unprognostic (8.71e-4)" "unprognostic (6.59e-2)" "unprognostic (3.43e-1)" "unprognostic (1.71e-4)" "unprognostic (3.53e-1)" "unprognostic (2.30e-1)" "unprognostic (3.62e-2)" "unprognostic (5.16e-2)" "unprognostic (5.44e-2)" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" "unprognostic (1.99e-6)" "unprognostic (1.82e-2)" ALDH1L2 "FLJ38508, mtFDH" ENSG00000136010 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member L2" Q3SY69 12 105019784-105107643 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "One-carbon metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "pancreas: 39.4;salivary gland: 12.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Early spermatids: 43.7;Excitatory neurons: 22.3;Inhibitory neurons: 23.1;Oligodendrocyte precursor cells: 23.6;Plasma cells: 27.4;Serous glandular cells: 38.9" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Myeloma: 39.5" "Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary glandular cells, Pituitary gland - Gonadotropes, Spleen - Plasma cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA039481, HPA059282" Approved Supported Mitochondria No No "Cluster 15: Pancreas - Proteolysis" "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 64: Connective tissue cells - ECM organization" "Cluster 77: Plasma cells - Protein processing" 4 Mitochondria "HPA039481: AB_10795465, HPA059282: AB_2732633" "unprognostic (1.81e-3)" "unprognostic (1.80e-1)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.60e-1)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" "unprognostic (5.00e-2)" "unprognostic (3.26e-3)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (3.12e-3)" "unprognostic (2.95e-2)" "unprognostic (1.29e-1)" "unprognostic (2.11e-2)" "unprognostic (4.89e-2)" "unprognostic (1.68e-1)" "unprognostic (9.43e-2)" "unprognostic (1.67e-4)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (2.09e-1)" "unprognostic (6.91e-3)" "unprognostic (6.39e-2)" "unprognostic (3.39e-1)" "unprognostic (1.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.36e-1)" "unprognostic (8.42e-2)" ALDH4A1 "ALDH4, P5CDh" ENSG00000159423 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family member A1" P30038 1 18871430-18902724 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Proline metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "kidney: 193.4;liver: 426.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cytotrophoblasts: 78.7;Hepatocytes: 323.4;Proximal tubular cells: 255.4;Syncytiotrophoblasts: 81.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "astrocyte: 37.6;choroid plexus epithelial cell: 46.6" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 119.6" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB004645, HPA006401, HPA072759" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 30000 "Cluster 2: Dendritic cells - Unknown function" "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 70: DU4475 - Unknown function" "Cluster 38: Proximal tubular cells - Transmembrane transport" 18 Mitochondria "CAB004645: AB_425775, HPA006401: AB_1844731, HPA072759: " "unprognostic (5.74e-3)" "unprognostic (5.22e-2)" "unprognostic (5.95e-3)" "unprognostic (1.21e-2)" "unprognostic (1.68e-2)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (2.99e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (1.28e-1)" "unprognostic (7.76e-2)" "unprognostic (2.22e-5)" "unprognostic (5.17e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-4)" "unprognostic (5.12e-2)" "unprognostic (6.48e-3)" "unprognostic (3.81e-2)" "unprognostic (2.54e-1)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)" "unprognostic (2.06e-2)" "unprognostic (3.19e-1)" "unprognostic (1.28e-1)" "unprognostic (1.88e-3)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (2.25e-1)" "unprognostic (6.80e-2)" "unprognostic (3.18e-1)" "unprognostic (1.37e-1)" "unprognostic (3.73e-1)" "unprognostic (2.62e-3)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" ALDH5A1 "SSADH, SSDH" ENSG00000112294 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family member A1" P51649 6 24494867-24537207 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 95.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cardiomyocytes: 39.9;Hepatocytes: 81.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "lymphoma: 51.3" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA029715, HPA029716" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 35000 "Cluster 24: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 19: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 1: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 46: Lymphoma - Humoral immune response" "Cluster 43: Hepatocytes - Metabolism" 5 Mitochondria "HPA029715: AB_10599994, HPA029716: AB_10601876" "unprognostic (1.95e-2)" "unprognostic (3.17e-1)" "unprognostic (3.66e-1)" "unprognostic (6.35e-2)" "unprognostic (2.47e-1)" "unprognostic (1.23e-2)" "unprognostic (5.14e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (1.27e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (8.74e-7)" "unprognostic (9.16e-5)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (2.30e-3)" "unprognostic (1.20e-2)" "unprognostic (3.86e-2)" "unprognostic (3.32e-2)" "unprognostic (6.63e-2)" "unprognostic (3.77e-2)" "unprognostic (5.67e-3)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-2)" "unprognostic (8.21e-3)" "unprognostic (1.96e-1)" "unprognostic (1.54e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-1)" "unprognostic (2.77e-2)" "unprognostic (1.79e-2)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" ALDH6A1 MMSDH ENSG00000119711 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family member A1" Q02252 14 74056847-74084492 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 5 "kidney: 365.2;liver: 355.6" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "Hepatocytes: 540.4;Proximal tubular cells: 777.0" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in all" "eosinophil: 43.2" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "granulocytes: 43.2" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary glandular cells, Spleen - Fibroblast_2, Testis - Sertoli cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA029072, HPA029073, HPA029074, HPA029075" Enhanced Enhanced Mitochondria No No 26000 "Cluster 41: Basophils - Unknown function" "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 39: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 60: Prostate cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 56: Proximal tubular cells - Amino acid metabolism" 1 Mitochondria "HPA029072: AB_10599176, HPA029073: AB_10601877, HPA029074: AB_10601000, HPA029075: AB_10602005" "unprognostic (8.74e-2)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (4.28e-1)" "unprognostic (9.16e-2)" "unprognostic (3.43e-2)" "unprognostic (1.60e-1)" "unprognostic (2.26e-2)" "unprognostic (2.14e-1)" "unprognostic (3.03e-1)" "unprognostic (2.06e-1)" "unprognostic (5.72e-12)" "unprognostic (1.97e-4)" "unprognostic (2.56e-4)" "unprognostic (4.37e-3)" "unprognostic (9.25e-2)" "unprognostic (1.82e-3)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (2.66e-1)" "unprognostic (5.70e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (1.44e-2)" "unprognostic (4.48e-1)" "unprognostic (1.28e-4)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" "unprognostic (4.06e-2)" "unprognostic (1.27e-3)" "unprognostic (4.88e-2)" "unprognostic (4.46e-2)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-3)" "unprognostic (4.46e-2)" ALDH7A1 "ATQ1, EPD, PDE" ENSG00000164904 "Aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1" P49419 5 126531200-126595362 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Epilepsy" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 157.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cytotrophoblasts: 455.7;Proximal tubular cells: 274.6;Syncytiotrophoblasts: 207.1" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "astrocyte: 240.8" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in some" "plasmacytoid DC: 6.3" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "dendritic cells: 6.3" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Rhabdoid: 301.3" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skin - Mitotic cells (Skin), Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA023296, HPA053675" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria,Cytosol Yes No 250000 "Cluster 2: Dendritic cells - Unknown function" "Cluster 69: Liver - Oxidoreductase activity" "Cluster 39: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 5: Rhabdoid - Unknown function" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" 9 Mitochondria Cytosol "HPA023296: AB_1844738, HPA053675: " "unprognostic (1.79e-2)" "unprognostic (5.84e-2)" "unprognostic (5.90e-2)" "unprognostic (2.97e-2)" "unprognostic (5.44e-2)" "unprognostic (1.50e-2)" "unprognostic (6.50e-2)" "unprognostic (8.50e-3)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (2.08e-1)" "unprognostic (3.37e-12)" "unprognostic (1.30e-2)" "unprognostic (6.89e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-3)" "unprognostic (1.77e-3)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (4.52e-2)" "unprognostic (1.31e-4)" "unprognostic (1.96e-2)" "unprognostic (3.98e-2)" "unprognostic (5.20e-2)" "unprognostic (5.72e-4)" "unprognostic (6.85e-2)" "unprognostic (4.67e-1)" "unprognostic (4.94e-3)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (3.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.98e-1)" "unprognostic (4.22e-2)" "unprognostic (1.07e-2)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" ALKBH3 DEPC-1 ENSG00000166199 "AlkB homolog 3, alpha-ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase" Q96Q83 11 43880811-43920274 "Enzymes, Predicted intracellular proteins" "DNA damage, DNA repair" "Dioxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Early spermatids: 64.8;Late spermatids: 111.6" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Testis - Early spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA009674, HPA046489" Approved Supported Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 66: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 31: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 24: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 11: Late spermatids - Unknown function" 15 Nucleoplasm Mitochondria "HPA009674: AB_1850460, HPA046489: AB_2679671" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (7.11e-2)" "unprognostic (2.67e-2)" "unprognostic (1.18e-3)" "unprognostic (1.83e-2)" "unprognostic (2.49e-3)" "unprognostic (1.35e-2)" "unprognostic (2.20e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-3)" "unprognostic (9.09e-2)" "unprognostic (2.07e-1)" "unprognostic (3.32e-2)" "unprognostic (9.75e-3)" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (2.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.14e-2)" "unprognostic (5.68e-2)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-2)" "unprognostic (2.23e-1)" "unprognostic (2.69e-2)" "unprognostic (2.02e-1)" "unprognostic (8.48e-2)" "unprognostic (1.99e-2)" "unprognostic (2.49e-1)" "unprognostic (1.53e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (2.12e-1)" "unprognostic (3.30e-2)" "unprognostic (3.21e-1)" BCKDHB ENSG00000083123 "Branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1 subunit beta" P21953 6 80106647-80346270 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Maple syrup urine disease" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 75.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Astrocytes: 281.1;Early spermatids: 164.4;Oligodendrocytes: 94.7" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA031580, HPA031956" Approved Supported Nucleoplasm,Nucleoli,Mitochondria Yes No "Cluster 5: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 55: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 3: Rhabdoid - Membrane components" "Cluster 47: Astrocytes - Unknown function" 5 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Nucleoli" "HPA031580: AB_10696054, HPA031956: " "unprognostic (5.22e-4)" "unprognostic (1.96e-1)" "unprognostic (6.20e-3)" "unprognostic (6.73e-2)" "unprognostic (2.78e-2)" "unprognostic (4.44e-2)" "unprognostic (2.01e-1)" "unprognostic (3.00e-2)" "unprognostic (1.74e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-2)" "unprognostic (2.41e-8)" "unprognostic (7.74e-3)" "unprognostic (4.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.81e-2)" "unprognostic (6.38e-2)" "unprognostic (7.38e-2)" "unprognostic (2.81e-2)" "unprognostic (2.54e-1)" "unprognostic (4.16e-2)" "unprognostic (2.98e-1)" "unprognostic (5.93e-5)" "unprognostic (3.53e-1)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (2.29e-4)" "unprognostic (6.44e-2)" "unprognostic (3.66e-2)" "unprognostic (1.84e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (1.21e-2)" "unprognostic (3.01e-1)" BDH1 "BDH, SDR9C1" ENSG00000161267 "3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 1" Q02338 3 197509783-197573323 "Candidate cardiovascular disease genes, Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid metabolism" "Allosteric enzyme, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "liver: 313.1" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Distal enterocytes: 96.6;Hepatocytes: 115.2;Proximal enterocytes: 83.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 78.5" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Prostate - Prostate glandular cells, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes, Spleen - B-cells (Spleen)" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA030947, HPA058709" Enhanced Approved Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 3: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 83: Liver - Metabolism" "Cluster 23: Choroid plexus - Mixed function" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 16: Intestinal goblet cells - Mucin production" 6 Mitochondria Nucleoplasm "HPA030947: AB_10669548, HPA058709: AB_2683797" "unprognostic (2.60e-1)" "unprognostic (4.37e-3)" "unprognostic (2.40e-1)" "unprognostic (1.57e-2)" "unprognostic (1.47e-1)" "unprognostic (3.26e-3)" "unprognostic (8.27e-2)" "unprognostic (5.80e-4)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (3.02e-2)" "unprognostic (9.69e-2)" "unprognostic (2.05e-2)" "unprognostic (5.98e-4)" "unprognostic (2.04e-5)" "unprognostic (2.33e-3)" "unprognostic (3.11e-1)" "unprognostic (3.55e-1)" "unprognostic (2.26e-2)" "unprognostic (5.41e-2)" "unprognostic (5.32e-2)" "unprognostic (4.66e-2)" "unprognostic (2.24e-2)" "unprognostic (1.42e-2)" "unprognostic (5.96e-2)" "unprognostic (2.80e-2)" "unprognostic (1.60e-3)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (7.88e-2)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (6.86e-2)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" CHDH ENSG00000016391 "Choline dehydrogenase" Q8NE62 3 53812335-53846419 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "kidney: 36.2;liver: 34.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Proximal enterocytes: 63.6;Proximal tubular cells: 72.6;Undifferentiated cells: 50.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "bergmann glia: 80.8" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 14 "basophil: 3.0;T-reg: 1.3" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 18 "granulocytes: 3.0;T-cells: 1.3" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Skin - Eccrine sweat gland cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA036632, HPA036633, HPA058130" Enhanced Approved Nucleoli,Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 9: T-regs - Cell cycle regulation" "Cluster 52: Kidney - Transmembrane transport" "Cluster 19: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 22: Proximal enterocytes - Digestion" 4 Mitochondria Nucleoli "HPA036632: , HPA036633: AB_10670841, HPA058130: AB_2683615" "unprognostic (9.74e-4)" "unprognostic (4.12e-2)" "unprognostic (3.54e-2)" "unprognostic (5.52e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-2)" "unprognostic (6.04e-2)" "unprognostic (2.27e-1)" "unprognostic (1.34e-2)" "unprognostic (3.49e-1)" "unprognostic (7.43e-8)" "unprognostic (8.03e-5)" "unprognostic (7.12e-5)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (1.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.74e-2)" "unprognostic (3.32e-2)" "unprognostic (3.94e-1)" "unprognostic (8.37e-3)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (1.76e-2)" "unprognostic (8.05e-2)" "unprognostic (2.08e-2)" "unprognostic (8.30e-3)" "unprognostic (9.40e-2)" "unprognostic (5.46e-3)" "unprognostic (1.54e-1)" "unprognostic (1.70e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" CPOX "CPO, CPX, HCP" ENSG00000080819 "Coproporphyrinogen oxidase" P36551 3 98579446-98593648 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted membrane proteins" "Heme biosynthesis, Porphyrin biosynthesis" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Hereditary hemolytic anemia" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "Erythroid cells: 236.2;Extravillous trophoblasts: 79.5;Oligodendrocytes: 92.2" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "oligodendrocyte: 42.8" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA015736, HPA054448" Supported Mitochondria No No 100000 "Cluster 14: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 5: Brain & Testis - Signal transduction" "Cluster 28: Oligodendrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 47: Leukemia - Hemostasis" "Cluster 1: Erythroid cells - Oxygen transport" 4 Mitochondria "HPA015736: AB_1847194, HPA054448: AB_2682490" "unprognostic (3.22e-1)" "unprognostic (4.21e-2)" "unprognostic (1.68e-2)" "unprognostic (8.65e-3)" "unprognostic (2.36e-1)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (2.18e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (7.57e-2)" "unprognostic (1.80e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-3)" "unprognostic (2.75e-5)" "unprognostic (1.90e-1)" "unprognostic (1.69e-3)" "unprognostic (2.05e-2)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.08e-4)" "unprognostic (1.57e-2)" "unprognostic (2.44e-1)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (4.51e-2)" "unprognostic (5.10e-3)" "unprognostic (1.62e-1)" "unprognostic (5.95e-3)" "unprognostic (9.01e-3)" "unprognostic (1.85e-1)" "unprognostic (5.57e-2)" "unprognostic (1.96e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-2)" "unprognostic (6.28e-3)" "unprognostic (9.51e-2)" CYB5R1 "humb5R2, NQO3A2" ENSG00000159348 "Cytochrome b5 reductase 1" Q9UHQ9 1 202961873-202967275 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism, Steroid biosynthesis, Steroid metabolism, Sterol biosynthesis, Sterol metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 583.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cytotrophoblasts: 170.0;Extravillous trophoblasts: 224.4;Skeletal myocytes: 184.4;Syncytiotrophoblasts: 330.6" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Skin - Keratinocyte (other), Stomach - Parietal cells, Testis - Sertoli cells, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA010531, HPA010641, HPA014147" Enhanced Approved Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 36: Eosinophils - Protein ubiquitination" "Cluster 14: Skeletal muscle - Muscle contraction" "Cluster 41: Monoamines - Neurotransmitter signalling" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 4: Extravillous trophoblasts - Unknown function" 12 Mitochondria Cytosol "HPA010531: , HPA010641: AB_1078600, HPA014147: AB_1847370" "unprognostic (5.08e-2)" "unprognostic (3.99e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-1)" "unprognostic (5.08e-3)" "unprognostic (7.83e-2)" "unprognostic (3.56e-3)" "unprognostic (1.08e-3)" "unprognostic (9.51e-3)" "unprognostic (1.02e-2)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (7.22e-8)" "unprognostic (2.12e-2)" "unprognostic (2.03e-1)" "unprognostic (7.86e-2)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (3.32e-2)" "unprognostic (2.92e-1)" "unprognostic (1.16e-2)" "unprognostic (6.68e-3)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (1.07e-3)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (5.38e-3)" "unprognostic (3.69e-2)" "unprognostic (5.09e-4)" "unprognostic (1.41e-1)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (2.96e-1)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (5.10e-3)" "unprognostic (6.38e-3)" CYP11B1 "CPN1, CYP11B, FHI, P450C11" ENSG00000160882 "Cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily B member 1" P15538 8 142872356-142879846 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism, Steroid biosynthesis, Steroidogenesis" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 834 "adrenal gland: 3571.8" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 222 "Early spermatids: 60.8;Late spermatids: 82.2" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Testis - Late spermatids" "HPA049171, HPA049565, HPA056348, HPA057752" Supported Approved Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 26: Adrenal gland - Steroid metabolism" "Cluster 17: Choroid plexus - Cilium" "Cluster 36: Late spermatids - Unknown function" Mitochondria "HPA049171: AB_2680661, HPA049565: , HPA056348: AB_2683104, HPA057752: AB_2683516" CYP11B2 "ALDOS, CPN2, CYP11B, CYP11BL, P-450C18, P450aldo" ENSG00000179142 "Cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily B member 2" P19099 8 142910559-142917843 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid metabolism, Steroid metabolism, Steroidogenesis" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 941 "adrenal gland: 173.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA049171, HPA049565, HPA056348, HPA057752" Supported Approved Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 26: Adrenal gland - Steroid metabolism" Mitochondria "HPA049171: AB_2680661, HPA049565: , HPA056348: AB_2683104, HPA057752: AB_2683516" CYP19A1 "ARO, ARO1, aromatase, CPV1, CYAR, CYP19, P-450AROM" ENSG00000137869 "Cytochrome P450 family 19 subfamily A member 1" P11511 15 51208057-51338601 "Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Lipid metabolism" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Cancer-related genes, Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets, Pseudohermaphroditism" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 15 "placenta: 120.5" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 61 "Syncytiotrophoblasts: 2667.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "medium spiny neuron: 4.6;thalamic excitatory: 10.8" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Glioblastoma Multiforme (TCGA): 2.1" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "lymphoma: 5.3;testis cancer: 15.0" "Testis - Early spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "CAB000355, HPA051194" Enhanced Uncertain Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 58: Placenta - Pregnancy" "Cluster 38: Sub-cortical - Mixed function" "Cluster 50: Lymphoma - Unknown function" "Cluster 27: Syncytiotrophoblasts - Pregnancy" 17 Mitochondria "CAB000355: , HPA051194: AB_2681381" "unprognostic (1.79e-2)" "unprognostic (2.57e-1)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (3.29e-1)" "unprognostic (5.77e-2)" CYP1B1 "CP1B, GLC3A" ENSG00000138061 "Cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 1" Q16678 2 38066973-38109902 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism, Steroid metabolism" "Lyase, Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Disease variant, Glaucoma, Peters anomaly" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in many" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Endometrial stromal cells: 100.6;Fibroblasts: 139.3;Leydig cells: 155.9;Macrophages: 120.3;Peritubular cells: 168.1" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in many" 8 "fibroblast: 507.2" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enriched" "Detected in many" 7 "classical monocyte: 157.2" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in many" 24 "monocytes: 157.2" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Kidney - Fibroblasts" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "midbrain: 16.4;spinal cord: 51.7" "CAB011705, HPA026863" Approved Uncertain Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 62: Connective tissue - ECM organization" "Cluster 23: Choroid plexus - Mixed function" "Cluster 7: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 41: Adipocytes & Endothelial cells - Mixed function" Mitochondria "CAB011705: AB_731810, HPA026863: AB_10600900" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (3.13e-2)" "unprognostic (1.44e-1)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" "unprognostic (4.02e-2)" "unprognostic (5.54e-2)" "unprognostic (1.64e-3)" "unprognostic (6.87e-4)" "unprognostic (8.51e-2)" "unprognostic (1.49e-2)" "unprognostic (8.48e-3)" "unprognostic (2.14e-3)" "unprognostic (3.93e-2)" "unprognostic (6.30e-2)" "unprognostic (5.72e-2)" "unprognostic (4.14e-2)" "unprognostic (7.37e-3)" "unprognostic (2.31e-3)" "unprognostic (1.88e-2)" "unprognostic (1.91e-1)" "unprognostic (1.99e-3)" "unprognostic (4.68e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (3.23e-1)" "unprognostic (1.09e-2)" "unprognostic (5.44e-2)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (6.34e-5)" "unprognostic (2.81e-1)" "unprognostic (9.64e-2)" "unprognostic (7.23e-2)" CYP24A1 "CP24, CYP24, lncBCAS1-4_1, P450-CC24" ENSG00000019186 "Cytochrome P450 family 24 subfamily A member 1" Q07973 20 54153446-54173986 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid metabolism" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "endometrium 1: 14.5;kidney: 34.3;lymphoid tissue: 10.3;placenta: 9.7;urinary bladder: 27.8" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Basal respiratory cells: 142.9;Basal squamous epithelial cells: 38.1;Ionocytes: 107.5;Proximal tubular cells: 65.2" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "endothelial cell: 8.0" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA): 26.3;Lung Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 32.9" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Lung - Respiratory ciliated cells, Prostate - Urothelial cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA022261 Enhanced Approved Mitochondria NA Yes "Cluster 11: T-cells - Unknown function" "Cluster 52: Kidney - Transmembrane transport" "Cluster 1: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 7: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 35: Respiratory epithelial cells - Unknown function" 35 Mitochondria "HPA022261: AB_1847427" "unprognostic (1.52e-1)" "unprognostic (2.22e-8)" "unprognostic (9.03e-3)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-3)" "unprognostic (9.15e-3)" "unprognostic (2.12e-2)" "unprognostic (2.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (6.24e-4)" "unprognostic (1.75e-2)" "unprognostic (3.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (4.65e-2)" "unprognostic (5.03e-3)" "unprognostic (2.29e-4)" "unprognostic (1.47e-2)" "unprognostic (3.25e-2)" "unprognostic (2.34e-2)" "unprognostic (7.22e-3)" CYP27A1 "CP27, CTX, CYP27" ENSG00000135929 "Cytochrome P450 family 27 subfamily A member 1" Q02318 2 218781749-218815293 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Cholesterol metabolism, Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism, Steroid biosynthesis, Steroid metabolism, Sterol metabolism" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Cataract, Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 5 "choroid plexus: 199.0;liver: 576.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Hepatocytes: 363.4;Hofbauer cells: 147.0;Proximal enterocytes: 194.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "choroid plexus epithelial cell: 168.2;oligodendrocyte: 201.3" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 287.7" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 8 "classical monocyte: 151.6;neutrophil: 126.9" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 21 "granulocytes: 126.9;monocytes: 151.6" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "liver cancer: 29.9;skin cancer: 65.6" "Heart muscle - Fibroblasts, Liver - Hepatocytes, Lung - Macrophages" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA059155 Enhanced Approved Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 83: Liver - Metabolism" "Cluster 30: White matter - Myelination" "Cluster 18: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 58: Macrophages - Innate immune response" Mitochondria Cytosol "HPA059155: AB_2683933" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (3.42e-4)" "unprognostic (3.02e-2)" "unprognostic (4.76e-2)" "unprognostic (3.42e-1)" "unprognostic (3.67e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-3)" "unprognostic (9.22e-8)" "unprognostic (1.55e-2)" "unprognostic (6.15e-3)" "unprognostic (1.03e-7)" "unprognostic (7.05e-3)" "unprognostic (3.88e-5)" "unprognostic (1.44e-5)" "unprognostic (3.31e-4)" "unprognostic (2.31e-3)" "unprognostic (4.21e-2)" "unprognostic (3.85e-3)" "unprognostic (1.92e-1)" "unprognostic (9.73e-2)" "unprognostic (9.84e-4)" "unprognostic (2.43e-2)" "unprognostic (6.94e-2)" "unprognostic (8.64e-3)" "unprognostic (2.01e-1)" "unprognostic (4.90e-2)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (4.14e-2)" "unprognostic (1.80e-1)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (1.94e-1)" CYP2E1 CYP2E ENSG00000130649 "Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily E member 1" P05181 10 133520406-133561220 "Cancer-related genes, Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Cancer-related genes" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 307 "liver: 10050.5" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in many" 31 "Hepatocytes: 6424.4" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in many" 324 "Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 1712.8" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in some" "MAIT T-cell: 2.5;myeloid DC: 6.3" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 16 "dendritic cells: 6.3;T-cells: 2.5" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Liver - Hepatocytes" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA009128, HPA029564" Enhanced Approved "Endoplasmic reticulum,Mitochondria" NA NA "Cluster 30: Non-specific - DNA binding" "Cluster 31: Liver - Plasma proteins" "Cluster 37: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 59: Leukemia - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 43: Hepatocytes - Metabolism" 2 "Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria" "HPA009128: AB_1078613, HPA029564: AB_10602213" "unprognostic (1.62e-2)" "unprognostic (2.66e-1)" "unprognostic (5.20e-3)" "unprognostic (4.68e-3)" "unprognostic (6.07e-2)" "unprognostic (5.82e-3)" "unprognostic (5.03e-2)" "unprognostic (3.70e-5)" "unprognostic (4.39e-2)" "unprognostic (2.18e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-3)" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-2)" "unprognostic (9.34e-3)" "unprognostic (7.72e-2)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (6.82e-2)" "unprognostic (8.95e-2)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (4.51e-3)" "unprognostic (2.91e-2)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (3.99e-2)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.00e-1)" "unprognostic (3.77e-1)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" D2HGDH "D2HGD, FLJ42195, MGC25181" ENSG00000180902 "D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase" Q8N465 2 241734602-241768816 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in some" "memory B-cell: 2.5" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "B-cells: 2.5;T-cells: 1.0" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA056216, HPA060548" Uncertain Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 24: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 21: Testis - Unknown function" "Cluster 36: Choroid plexus - Mixed function" "Cluster 26: Non-specific - Mitochondria & RNA binding" "Cluster 16: Intestinal goblet cells - Mucin production" 70 Mitochondria "HPA056216: AB_2683070, HPA060548: AB_2732650" "unprognostic (2.70e-1)" "unprognostic (9.94e-2)" "unprognostic (3.17e-2)" "unprognostic (4.78e-2)" "unprognostic (2.35e-1)" "unprognostic (7.91e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (2.28e-1)" "unprognostic (9.15e-3)" "unprognostic (3.08e-2)" "unprognostic (7.17e-5)" "unprognostic (6.92e-3)" "unprognostic (1.01e-2)" "unprognostic (3.56e-1)" "unprognostic (2.49e-3)" "unprognostic (2.70e-2)" "unprognostic (9.46e-2)" "unprognostic (2.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-2)" "unprognostic (1.87e-2)" "unprognostic (1.79e-2)" "unprognostic (1.70e-1)" "unprognostic (3.30e-1)" "unprognostic (2.03e-2)" "unprognostic (2.55e-2)" "unprognostic (1.36e-1)" "unprognostic (1.40e-2)" "unprognostic (4.17e-2)" "unprognostic (6.23e-2)" "unprognostic (1.70e-1)" "unprognostic (1.90e-2)" DECR1 "DECR, SDR18C1" ENSG00000104325 "2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase 1" Q16698 8 90001405-90053633 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "heart muscle: 280.7;liver: 265.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 469.2;Proximal tubular cells: 459.7" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA023160, HPA023162, HPA023238" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria,Cytosol No No 130000 "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 43: Non-specific - Mitochondrial translation" "Cluster 39: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 40: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" 9 Mitochondria Cytosol "HPA023160: AB_1847585, HPA023162: AB_1847586, HPA023238: AB_1847587" "unprognostic (2.18e-1)" "unprognostic (1.68e-2)" "unprognostic (5.61e-2)" "unprognostic (2.18e-4)" "unprognostic (2.69e-1)" "unprognostic (8.02e-2)" "unprognostic (9.93e-2)" "unprognostic (5.75e-3)" "unprognostic (5.28e-3)" "unprognostic (2.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.24e-5)" "unprognostic (4.13e-2)" "unprognostic (2.59e-1)" "unprognostic (7.06e-4)" "unprognostic (8.16e-4)" "unprognostic (2.50e-2)" "unprognostic (3.25e-1)" "unprognostic (3.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" "unprognostic (6.62e-2)" "unprognostic (4.59e-2)" "unprognostic (7.19e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (5.03e-2)" "unprognostic (7.59e-4)" "unprognostic (1.69e-2)" "unprognostic (5.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (1.45e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" DEGS1 "DEGS-1, Des-1, DES1, FADS7, MLD" ENSG00000143753 "Delta 4-desaturase, sphingolipid 1" O15121 1 224175756-224193441 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted membrane proteins" "Fatty acid biosynthesis, Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism" "Isomerase, Oxidoreductase" "Disease variant, Leukodystrophy" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "skin 1: 521.1" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cytotrophoblasts: 272.8;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 210.3" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Skin - Keratinocyte (other)" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA076422 Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 2: Dendritic cells - Unknown function" "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 20: Macrophages & Microglia - Immune response" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" 7 Mitochondria "HPA076422: AB_2686799" "unprognostic (2.90e-1)" "unprognostic (3.02e-1)" "unprognostic (2.69e-1)" "unprognostic (9.33e-2)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (6.32e-3)" "unprognostic (4.39e-2)" "unprognostic (6.48e-4)" "unprognostic (9.20e-2)" "unprognostic (6.13e-3)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (9.93e-2)" "unprognostic (6.63e-3)" "unprognostic (1.45e-5)" "unprognostic (1.21e-2)" "unprognostic (3.14e-3)" "unprognostic (3.17e-3)" "unprognostic (3.83e-2)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (5.99e-2)" "unprognostic (4.05e-3)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (8.65e-2)" "unprognostic (3.25e-1)" "unprognostic (9.95e-3)" "unprognostic (2.89e-1)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (4.01e-2)" "unprognostic (5.44e-2)" "unprognostic (1.90e-1)" "unprognostic (1.19e-3)" DHFR ENSG00000228716 "Dihydrofolate reductase" P00374 5 80626226-80654983 "Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Methotrexate resistance, One-carbon metabolism" "Oxidoreductase, RNA-binding" "Cancer-related genes, Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Erythroid cells: 146.0;Spermatocytes: 100.4;Undifferentiated cells: 69.3" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Liver - Hepatocytes, Spleen - Mitotic cells (Spleen), Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Spermatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB037129, HPA051465" Uncertain Approved Mitochondria NA Yes "Cluster 9: T-regs - Cell cycle regulation" "Cluster 67: Lymphoid tissue & Bone marrow - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 13: Oligodendrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 46: Lymphoma - Humoral immune response" "Cluster 52: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" 48 Mitochondria "CAB037129: AB_439683, HPA051465: AB_2681494" "unprognostic (2.55e-2)" "unprognostic (6.98e-2)" "unprognostic (2.14e-1)" "unprognostic (9.55e-3)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (7.20e-2)" "unprognostic (3.69e-1)" "unprognostic (2.81e-1)" "unprognostic (8.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.61e-3)" "unprognostic (8.78e-4)" "unprognostic (9.28e-2)" "unprognostic (8.27e-3)" "unprognostic (7.91e-3)" "unprognostic (5.41e-3)" "unprognostic (7.60e-4)" "unprognostic (4.94e-3)" "unprognostic (2.04e-2)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (2.99e-2)" "unprognostic (2.31e-1)" "unprognostic (3.28e-2)" "unprognostic (5.80e-2)" "unprognostic (5.20e-2)" "unprognostic (2.31e-2)" "unprognostic (2.15e-1)" "unprognostic (3.81e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-2)" "unprognostic (2.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.51e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" DHFR2 "DHFRL1, DHFRP4, FLJ16119" ENSG00000178700 "Dihydrofolate reductase 2" Q86XF0 3 94047836-94063389 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "One-carbon metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Early spermatids: 55.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" HPA051465 Uncertain Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 3: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 16: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 7: Non-specific - Ribosome" "Cluster 63: Non-specific - Protein processing" "Cluster 18: Early spermatids - Unknown function" 11 Mitochondria "HPA051465: AB_2681494" "unprognostic (4.49e-2)" "unprognostic (3.14e-2)" "unprognostic (1.63e-1)" "unprognostic (3.99e-2)" "unprognostic (8.24e-2)" "unprognostic (3.04e-1)" "unprognostic (3.36e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (7.60e-3)" "unprognostic (4.67e-9)" "unprognostic (8.13e-3)" "unprognostic (3.59e-2)" "unprognostic (7.53e-2)" "unprognostic (8.97e-2)" "unprognostic (7.78e-2)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (2.04e-3)" "unprognostic (3.97e-3)" "unprognostic (3.11e-2)" "unprognostic (4.17e-1)" "unprognostic (4.97e-2)" "unprognostic (2.59e-1)" "unprognostic (2.27e-1)" "unprognostic (1.77e-1)" "unprognostic (1.68e-1)" "unprognostic (2.42e-1)" "unprognostic (1.98e-1)" "unprognostic (1.86e-1)" "unprognostic (8.70e-3)" DHODH ENSG00000102967 "Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone)" Q02127 16 72008588-72027664 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Pyrimidine biosynthesis" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in all" 8 "liver: 103.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Hepatocytes: 132.4;Lymphatic endothelial cells: 38.9" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA010123, HPA011942" Approved Enhanced Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 30: Non-specific - DNA binding" "Cluster 83: Liver - Metabolism" "Cluster 11: White matter - Signal transduction" "Cluster 68: Non-specific - Cell cycle regulation" "Cluster 62: Hepatocytes - Metabolism" 4 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Cytosol" "HPA010123: AB_1847648, HPA011942: AB_1847649" "unprognostic (5.62e-2)" "unprognostic (5.28e-3)" "unprognostic (2.77e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-4)" "unprognostic (2.78e-1)" "unprognostic (4.76e-1)" "unprognostic (7.28e-2)" "unprognostic (1.43e-3)" "unprognostic (4.35e-2)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (6.49e-5)" "unprognostic (7.56e-4)" "unprognostic (1.95e-3)" "unprognostic (5.46e-2)" "unprognostic (6.24e-3)" "unprognostic (1.18e-1)" "unprognostic (2.73e-2)" "unprognostic (3.54e-1)" "unprognostic (4.73e-3)" "unprognostic (8.48e-2)" "unprognostic (7.73e-2)" "unprognostic (5.48e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-2)" "unprognostic (6.13e-2)" "unprognostic (5.00e-2)" "unprognostic (2.08e-3)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (2.78e-1)" "unprognostic (3.07e-1)" "unprognostic (7.75e-5)" "unprognostic (7.44e-3)" DHRS3 "RDH17, retSDR1, Rsdr1, SDR1, SDR16C1" ENSG00000162496 "Dehydrogenase/reductase 3" O75911 1 12567910-12618210 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 315.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Late spermatids: 395.4" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "astrocyte: 70.8;central nervous system macrophage: 119.0;choroid plexus epithelial cell: 102.1;endothelial cell: 69.6;ependymal cell: 61.2;fibroblast: 57.2;leukocyte: 72.0;vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 50.0" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 6 "gdT-cell: 87.0;MAIT T-cell: 63.2;memory CD4 T-cell: 47.0;memory CD8 T-cell: 41.0;myeloid DC: 24.1;naive CD4 T-cell: 79.4;naive CD8 T-cell: 50.2;NK-cell: 41.2" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "dendritic cells: 24.1;NK-cells: 41.2;T-cells: 87.0" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA010844 Supported Approved Nucleoli,Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 11: T-cells - Unknown function" "Cluster 68: Non-specific - Protein processing" "Cluster 12: Non-specific - Vasculature" "Cluster 69: Skin cancer - ECM organization" "Cluster 63: Late spermatids - Spermatogenesis" 4 Mitochondria Nucleoli "HPA010844: AB_1847653" "unprognostic (3.77e-2)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)" "unprognostic (3.75e-1)" "unprognostic (2.17e-1)" "unprognostic (4.70e-3)" "unprognostic (6.74e-2)" "unprognostic (8.71e-2)" "unprognostic (7.61e-2)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" "unprognostic (3.35e-1)" "unprognostic (4.67e-7)" "unprognostic (3.71e-4)" "unprognostic (3.80e-1)" "unprognostic (2.48e-2)" "unprognostic (5.00e-2)" "unprognostic (2.75e-2)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" "unprognostic (9.23e-2)" "unprognostic (6.76e-3)" "unprognostic (4.01e-2)" "unprognostic (1.05e-2)" "unprognostic (4.60e-3)" "unprognostic (4.31e-3)" "unprognostic (4.09e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (2.75e-2)" "unprognostic (1.22e-2)" "unprognostic (7.26e-2)" "unprognostic (2.74e-1)" "unprognostic (6.20e-3)" "unprognostic (2.12e-2)" DLD "DLDH, E3, GCSL, LAD, OGDC-E3" ENSG00000091140 "Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase" P09622 7 107891162-107931730 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 222.4;tongue: 235.4" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 342.1" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA044849 Supported Approved "Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria,Principal piece" NA NA 11000000 "Cluster 42: Non-specific - Vesicular transport" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" 48 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Principal piece" "HPA044849: AB_2679111" "unprognostic (3.03e-1)" "unprognostic (4.42e-3)" "unprognostic (1.13e-2)" "unprognostic (2.27e-1)" "unprognostic (9.53e-3)" "unprognostic (7.29e-2)" "unprognostic (7.77e-2)" "unprognostic (3.52e-3)" "unprognostic (1.28e-1)" "unprognostic (2.47e-3)" "unprognostic (3.53e-9)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (7.34e-3)" "unprognostic (1.77e-1)" "unprognostic (1.35e-3)" "unprognostic (1.03e-2)" "unprognostic (3.62e-1)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (4.99e-3)" "unprognostic (8.48e-2)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (6.18e-3)" "unprognostic (2.60e-1)" "unprognostic (2.15e-1)" "unprognostic (1.38e-2)" "unprognostic (2.07e-1)" "unprognostic (3.67e-1)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (1.57e-2)" "unprognostic (7.88e-2)" DMGDH ME2GLYDH ENSG00000132837 "Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase" Q9UI17 5 78997564-79236038 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 18 "kidney: 163.4;liver: 275.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Early spermatids: 45.4;Hepatocytes: 91.6;Late spermatids: 33.0;Proximal tubular cells: 58.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 32.2;Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 13.9;Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 28.2" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Adrenocortical cancer: 8.5;Kidney cancer: 9.2;liver cancer: 3.8" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "HPA036441, HPA036442, HPA077849" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 790000 "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 46: Brainstem - Mixed function" "Cluster 15: Kidney cancer - Membrane components" "Cluster 56: Proximal tubular cells - Amino acid metabolism" Mitochondria "HPA036441: AB_2675124, HPA036442: AB_10669792, HPA077849: AB_2686859" "unprognostic (3.83e-2)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (1.39e-11)" "unprognostic (7.11e-4)" "unprognostic (8.36e-3)" "unprognostic (2.13e-4)" "unprognostic (4.02e-4)" "unprognostic (1.28e-1)" "unprognostic (1.47e-1)" "unprognostic (8.72e-2)" ETFDH ETFQO ENSG00000171503 "Electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase" Q16134 4 158671968-158710742 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Electron transport, Transport" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets, Glutaricaciduria" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 154.4;tongue: 167.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 177.9" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA041978, HPA058140" Enhanced Supported Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 22: Non-specific - mRNA splicing & Cell cycle" "Cluster 68: Cardiomyocytes - Muscle contraction" 5 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Cytosol" "HPA041978: AB_10795605, HPA058140: " "unprognostic (3.50e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-2)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (1.82e-1)" "unprognostic (6.61e-4)" "unprognostic (2.51e-1)" "unprognostic (3.76e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (4.81e-2)" "unprognostic (4.45e-2)" "unprognostic (5.53e-11)" "unprognostic (5.25e-5)" "unprognostic (2.44e-2)" "unprognostic (2.96e-2)" "unprognostic (9.93e-3)" "unprognostic (1.62e-1)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (2.18e-1)" "unprognostic (7.63e-2)" "unprognostic (3.79e-1)" "unprognostic (9.68e-2)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-2)" "unprognostic (9.66e-2)" "unprognostic (7.71e-2)" "unprognostic (4.09e-2)" "unprognostic (1.95e-2)" "unprognostic (1.75e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-1)" "unprognostic (2.64e-3)" "unprognostic (4.55e-2)" ETHE1 "HSCO, YF13H12" ENSG00000105755 "ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase" O95571 19 43506719-43527230 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Dioxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "intestine: 247.4" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Distal enterocytes: 1734.4;Paneth cells: 661.4;Proximal enterocytes: 390.4" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA028360, HPA029028, HPA029029" Enhanced Enhanced Mitochondria No No "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 45: Intestine - Digestion" "Cluster 19: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 5: Enterocytes - Absorption" 5 Mitochondria "HPA028360: AB_10599297, HPA029028: AB_10602092, HPA029029: AB_10601998" "unprognostic (2.92e-1)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (6.18e-2)" "unprognostic (1.10e-2)" "unprognostic (3.95e-2)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (7.83e-2)" "unprognostic (2.47e-1)" "unprognostic (6.69e-2)" "unprognostic (1.85e-1)" "unprognostic (3.62e-2)" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)" "unprognostic (1.52e-3)" "unprognostic (2.99e-1)" "unprognostic (2.37e-1)" "unprognostic (7.86e-4)" "unprognostic (3.09e-3)" "unprognostic (2.33e-1)" "unprognostic (1.65e-2)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (2.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.49e-2)" "unprognostic (2.75e-4)" "unprognostic (1.47e-1)" "unprognostic (4.15e-1)" "unprognostic (3.09e-1)" "unprognostic (7.69e-2)" "unprognostic (1.54e-1)" "unprognostic (1.31e-1)" "unprognostic (2.06e-2)" "unprognostic (1.62e-1)" FDXR "ADR, ADXR" ENSG00000161513 "Ferredoxin reductase" P22570 17 74862497-74873031 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Cholesterol metabolism, Electron transport, Lipid metabolism, Steroid metabolism, Sterol metabolism, Transport" Oxidoreductase "Deafness, Disease variant, Neuropathy" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 7 "adrenal gland: 332.4" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Ciliated cells: 68.5;Granulosa cells: 175.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "ependymal cell: 24.5" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Skin - Keratinocyte (other), Testis - Sertoli cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB008597, CAB009818, HPA044393, HPA053673" Enhanced Enhanced Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 5: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 26: Adrenal gland - Steroid metabolism" "Cluster 50: Non-specific - Nucleic acid binding" "Cluster 40: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 1 Mitochondria "CAB008597: AB_1615557, CAB009818: AB_2102601, HPA044393: AB_2678927, HPA053673: AB_2682225" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (2.85e-1)" "unprognostic (2.36e-1)" "unprognostic (4.99e-2)" "unprognostic (5.27e-3)" "unprognostic (6.58e-2)" "unprognostic (5.77e-2)" "unprognostic (4.57e-2)" "unprognostic (2.98e-2)" "unprognostic (1.44e-1)" "unprognostic (2.12e-3)" "unprognostic (9.43e-3)" "unprognostic (4.34e-3)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (3.72e-1)" "unprognostic (6.17e-2)" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" "unprognostic (2.58e-2)" "unprognostic (2.60e-1)" "unprognostic (4.08e-2)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (3.83e-2)" "unprognostic (3.04e-1)" "unprognostic (1.41e-1)" "unprognostic (9.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (2.13e-2)" "unprognostic (1.86e-1)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)" FXN "CyaY, FA, FARR, FRDA, X25" ENSG00000165060 Frataxin Q16595 9 69035751-69079076 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins, Transporters" "Heme biosynthesis, Ion transport, Iron storage, Iron transport, Transport" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Hepatocytes: 79.8;Oocytes: 67.6" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB022164, HPA068304" Supported Supported Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 33: Non-specific - ATP binding" "Cluster 56: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 44: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 47: Leukemia - Hemostasis" "Cluster 1: Erythroid cells - Oxygen transport" 10 Mitochondria Cytosol "CAB022164: , HPA068304: AB_2685970" "unprognostic (2.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.97e-1)" "unprognostic (4.15e-1)" "unprognostic (1.68e-1)" "unprognostic (7.80e-2)" "unprognostic (2.39e-1)" "unprognostic (3.75e-2)" "unprognostic (9.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.55e-2)" "unprognostic (3.53e-1)" "unprognostic (7.34e-3)" "unprognostic (4.74e-2)" "unprognostic (4.78e-1)" "unprognostic (2.63e-1)" "unprognostic (2.17e-1)" "unprognostic (1.08e-2)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (1.25e-2)" "unprognostic (1.71e-2)" "unprognostic (1.54e-2)" "unprognostic (8.85e-2)" "unprognostic (1.32e-3)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (2.51e-1)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)" "unprognostic (8.08e-2)" GCDH "ACAD5, GCD" ENSG00000105607 "Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase" Q92947 19 12891160-12914207 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Glutaricaciduria" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "liver: 86.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Hepatocytes: 125.6;Proximal tubular cells: 143.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA043252, HPA048492" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 5: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 83: Liver - Metabolism" "Cluster 13: Oligodendrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 23: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 56: Proximal tubular cells - Amino acid metabolism" 6 Mitochondria "HPA043252: AB_2678390, HPA048492: AB_2680418" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)" "unprognostic (2.00e-1)" "unprognostic (5.03e-2)" "unprognostic (1.07e-1)" "unprognostic (1.78e-2)" "unprognostic (2.40e-2)" "unprognostic (7.81e-2)" "unprognostic (3.30e-2)" "unprognostic (1.34e-1)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (1.70e-5)" "unprognostic (1.76e-1)" "unprognostic (3.74e-7)" "unprognostic (7.29e-4)" "unprognostic (5.85e-2)" "unprognostic (2.07e-3)" "unprognostic (2.24e-1)" "unprognostic (4.36e-3)" "unprognostic (1.71e-1)" "unprognostic (2.31e-2)" "unprognostic (5.05e-1)" "unprognostic (8.55e-2)" "unprognostic (1.50e-2)" "unprognostic (7.04e-2)" "unprognostic (1.18e-2)" "unprognostic (1.21e-2)" "unprognostic (4.59e-2)" "unprognostic (5.26e-2)" "unprognostic (2.97e-1)" "unprognostic (5.92e-2)" "unprognostic (3.92e-2)" GFER "ALR, ERV1, HERV1, HPO1, HPO2, HSS" ENSG00000127554 "Growth factor, augmenter of liver regeneration" P55789 16 1984193-1987749 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted secreted proteins" "Growth factor, Oxidoreductase" "Cataract, Deafness, Disease variant, Primary mitochondrial disease" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Distal enterocytes: 170.5;Late spermatids: 156.0;Proximal enterocytes: 393.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Testis - Late spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA041227, HPA063553" Approved Enhanced Mitochondria,Cytosol "Secreted to blood" "Growth factor" NA NA "Cluster 45: Eosinophils - Unknown function" "Cluster 78: Testis - Transcription" "Cluster 26: Oligodendrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 54: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 5: Enterocytes - Absorption" 17 Cytosol Mitochondria "HPA041227: AB_10795538, HPA063553: AB_2685038" "unprognostic (1.01e-1)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (4.78e-2)" "unprognostic (3.40e-3)" "unprognostic (2.24e-2)" "unprognostic (1.41e-1)" "unprognostic (2.06e-1)" "unprognostic (8.62e-2)" "unprognostic (1.45e-1)" "unprognostic (2.47e-1)" "unprognostic (1.34e-2)" "unprognostic (2.18e-2)" "unprognostic (2.48e-1)" "unprognostic (1.99e-2)" "unprognostic (2.11e-1)" "unprognostic (9.05e-2)" "unprognostic (4.48e-2)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (7.91e-2)" "unprognostic (1.12e-1)" "unprognostic (8.82e-2)" "unprognostic (2.40e-1)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (1.44e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-2)" "unprognostic (1.18e-1)" "unprognostic (2.52e-1)" "unprognostic (2.79e-1)" "unprognostic (8.51e-2)" "unprognostic (8.51e-2)" GLDC "GCSP, NKH" ENSG00000178445 "Glycine decarboxylase" P23378 9 6532467-6645729 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "liver: 169.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cytotrophoblasts: 82.0;Extravillous trophoblasts: 39.2;Hepatocytes: 78.7;Oligodendrocyte precursor cells: 49.1;Syncytiotrophoblasts: 35.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "oligodendrocyte precursor cell: 71.4" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 89.4;Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TCGA): 146.3" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Myeloma: 39.3" "Breast - Plasma cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Minor Salivary Gland - Plasma cells, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA002318, HPA052887" Enhanced Supported Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria NA NA 360000 "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 40: Astrocytes - Astrocyte-neuron interactions" "Cluster 34: Testis cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" 4 Mitochondria Nucleoplasm "HPA002318: AB_1849700, HPA052887: AB_2681980" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.29e-1)" "unprognostic (6.74e-2)" "unprognostic (2.65e-1)" "unprognostic (2.11e-3)" "unprognostic (1.84e-1)" "unprognostic (9.54e-2)" "unprognostic (4.61e-2)" "unprognostic (3.23e-3)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (1.05e-1)" "unprognostic (4.98e-3)" "unprognostic (2.09e-1)" "unprognostic (4.29e-1)" "unprognostic (2.18e-1)" "unprognostic (4.99e-2)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (4.42e-2)" "unprognostic (4.18e-2)" "unprognostic (4.90e-2)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (6.27e-3)" "unprognostic (2.09e-1)" "unprognostic (5.68e-3)" "unprognostic (9.16e-2)" GLUD1 "GDH, GDH1, GLUD, hGDH1" ENSG00000148672 "Glutamate dehydrogenase 1" P00367 10 87050202-87094843 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "brain: 303.2;kidney: 273.8;liver: 892.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Astrocytes: 279.0;Hepatocytes: 375.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "astrocyte: 607.0" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Breast - Fibroblasts, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Prostate - Prostate glandular cells" "HPA042492, HPA044839, HPA061369" Approved Supported Mitochondria NA NA 15000000 "Cluster 12: Non-specific - Mitochondrial translation" "Cluster 69: Liver - Oxidoreductase activity" "Cluster 19: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 52: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 78: NK-cells & T-cells - Immune system & Transcription" 39 Mitochondria "HPA042492: AB_2678024, HPA044839: AB_2679107, HPA061369: AB_2684494" "unprognostic (3.66e-2)" "unprognostic (3.03e-2)" "unprognostic (1.55e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-1)" "unprognostic (2.31e-1)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.22e-2)" "unprognostic (6.13e-3)" "unprognostic (1.36e-1)" "unprognostic (2.16e-1)" "unprognostic (2.54e-10)" "unprognostic (3.97e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-2)" "unprognostic (2.74e-2)" "unprognostic (1.54e-1)" "unprognostic (6.59e-2)" "unprognostic (3.79e-2)" "unprognostic (5.16e-2)" "unprognostic (1.61e-2)" "unprognostic (6.68e-3)" "unprognostic (1.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.14e-4)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (5.91e-2)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (2.95e-1)" "unprognostic (3.75e-1)" "unprognostic (5.39e-2)" "unprognostic (4.30e-2)" "unprognostic (1.53e-2)" GLUD2 GLUDP1 ENSG00000182890 "Glutamate dehydrogenase 2" P49448 X 121047610-121050094 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "liver: 3.8;testis: 15.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Astrocytes: 2.2;Cytotrophoblasts: 4.3;Distal tubular cells: 3.1;Proximal tubular cells: 2.1;Sertoli cells: 5.4;Syncytiotrophoblasts: 2.1" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in many" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 2.0;Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA): 2.2" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "skin cancer: 3.7" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Liver - Hepatocytes, Testis - Sertoli cells" "HPA042492, HPA044839, HPA061369" Uncertain Approved Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 44: Testis - Spermatogenesis" "Cluster 53: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 47: Leukemia - Hemostasis" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" 4 Mitochondria "HPA042492: AB_2678024, HPA044839: AB_2679107, HPA061369: AB_2684494" "unprognostic (1.77e-3)" "unprognostic (1.02e-2)" "unprognostic (9.18e-2)" "unprognostic (2.78e-3)" "unprognostic (8.23e-4)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" GPD2 ENSG00000115159 "Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2" P43304 2 156435290-156613735 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Astrocytes: 143.4;Late spermatids: 101.0;Oligodendrocyte precursor cells: 139.1" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "classical monocyte: 3.3;eosinophil: 1.7;intermediate monocyte: 1.6;myeloid DC: 2.7;neutrophil: 1.1;non-classical monocyte: 2.3" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "dendritic cells: 2.7;granulocytes: 1.7;monocytes: 3.3" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Stomach - Gastric mucous cells, Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Late spermatids, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA008012, HPA045506" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 600000 "Cluster 26: Monocytes - Plasma membrane proteins" "Cluster 79: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 29: Forebrain - Mixed function" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 76: Oligodendrocyte precursor - Unknown function" 1 Mitochondria "HPA008012: AB_1079013, HPA045506: AB_2679355" "unprognostic (2.15e-1)" "unprognostic (6.54e-2)" "unprognostic (2.45e-1)" "unprognostic (2.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.82e-1)" "unprognostic (2.36e-3)" "unprognostic (2.95e-1)" "unprognostic (7.14e-2)" "unprognostic (7.56e-2)" "unprognostic (8.64e-2)" "unprognostic (1.60e-6)" "unprognostic (2.10e-3)" "unprognostic (1.98e-1)" "unprognostic (3.66e-4)" "unprognostic (6.61e-4)" "unprognostic (2.38e-4)" "unprognostic (6.05e-3)" "unprognostic (4.01e-3)" "unprognostic (2.08e-1)" "unprognostic (2.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (4.91e-3)" "unprognostic (5.30e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (3.34e-2)" "unprognostic (2.94e-1)" "unprognostic (2.56e-1)" "unprognostic (2.17e-1)" "unprognostic (3.35e-2)" "unprognostic (3.05e-2)" GPX4 "MCSP, PHGPx" ENSG00000167468 "Glutathione peroxidase 4" P36969 19 1103982-1106791 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid metabolism" "Developmental protein, Oxidoreductase, Peroxidase" Dwarfism "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in all" 5 "Late spermatids: 18077.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Liver - Hepatocytes, Testis - Late spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB008630, HPA047224, HPA058546" Enhanced Approved Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria "Intracellular and membrane" "Developmental protein" NA NA 230000 "Cluster 29: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 44: Testis - Spermatogenesis" "Cluster 21: Non-specific - Metabolism" "Cluster 23: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 63: Late spermatids - Spermatogenesis" 6 "Nucleoplasm, Mitochondria" "CAB008630: AB_1616685, HPA047224: AB_2679990, HPA058546: AB_2683749" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (5.38e-2)" "unprognostic (4.35e-1)" "unprognostic (6.83e-3)" "unprognostic (1.55e-2)" "unprognostic (1.85e-1)" "unprognostic (3.39e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (2.69e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)" "unprognostic (5.44e-3)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" "unprognostic (2.45e-2)" "unprognostic (1.53e-4)" "unprognostic (5.66e-2)" "unprognostic (6.68e-2)" "unprognostic (4.36e-2)" "unprognostic (7.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (1.52e-1)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.18e-1)" "unprognostic (4.82e-1)" "unprognostic (5.78e-2)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (4.20e-2)" "unprognostic (1.60e-2)" "unprognostic (3.10e-3)" "unprognostic (2.24e-1)" "unprognostic (1.11e-2)" "unprognostic (5.76e-2)" HADH "HADH1, HADHSC, SCHAD" ENSG00000138796 "Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" Q16836 4 107989714-108035241 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" "Oxidoreductase, Transferase" "Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 288.6;Hepatocytes: 310.8;Proximal enterocytes: 386.9;Proximal tubular cells: 250.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary glandular cells, Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA039588, HPA043888" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria No Yes 830000 "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 21: Non-specific - Metabolism" "Cluster 22: Non-specific - mRNA splicing & Cell cycle" "Cluster 22: Proximal enterocytes - Digestion" 6 Mitochondria "HPA039588: AB_10673425, HPA043888: AB_2678716" "unprognostic (4.29e-2)" "unprognostic (3.62e-2)" "unprognostic (2.88e-2)" "unprognostic (2.61e-1)" "unprognostic (7.02e-3)" "unprognostic (4.35e-2)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (1.29e-2)" "unprognostic (8.94e-2)" "unprognostic (6.60e-4)" "unprognostic (3.12e-13)" "unprognostic (3.46e-3)" "unprognostic (5.31e-3)" "unprognostic (6.66e-3)" "unprognostic (7.87e-4)" "unprognostic (2.72e-1)" "unprognostic (2.56e-2)" "unprognostic (6.11e-2)" "unprognostic (4.29e-3)" "unprognostic (6.07e-2)" "unprognostic (1.99e-2)" "unprognostic (2.60e-1)" "unprognostic (6.60e-3)" "unprognostic (3.72e-3)" "unprognostic (5.17e-3)" "unprognostic (2.75e-1)" "unprognostic (1.76e-1)" "unprognostic (4.61e-2)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.80e-2)" HADHA "GBP, LCEH, LCHAD, MTPA" ENSG00000084754 "Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase trifunctional multienzyme complex subunit alpha" P40939 2 26190635-26244672 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" "Lyase, Multifunctional enzyme, Oxidoreductase, Transferase" "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 484.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Proximal enterocytes: 500.3" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA015536, HPA056070" Approved Enhanced Mitochondria NA NA 530000 "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 12: Heart muscle - Cardiac muscle contraction" "Cluster 19: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 26: Non-specific - Mitochondria & RNA binding" "Cluster 5: Enterocytes - Absorption" 75 Mitochondria "HPA015536: AB_1850473, HPA056070: AB_2683026" "unprognostic (1.02e-2)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (3.11e-1)" "unprognostic (6.47e-7)" "unprognostic (1.12e-1)" "unprognostic (3.06e-1)" "unprognostic (5.22e-2)" "unprognostic (1.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (1.20e-3)" "unprognostic (4.13e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-4)" "unprognostic (7.15e-4)" "unprognostic (6.22e-2)" "unprognostic (3.31e-3)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (2.56e-2)" "unprognostic (8.70e-2)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (4.37e-2)" "unprognostic (2.94e-1)" "unprognostic (9.87e-2)" "unprognostic (2.69e-1)" "unprognostic (7.55e-3)" "unprognostic (4.19e-3)" "unprognostic (9.07e-2)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (8.55e-2)" "unprognostic (5.90e-3)" IDH2 IDH-2 ENSG00000182054 "Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2" P48735 15 90083045-90102477 "Cancer-related genes, Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Glyoxylate bypass, Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Cancer-related genes, Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "heart muscle: 476.6;skeletal muscle: 1256.7;tongue: 1548.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cardiomyocytes: 567.2;Cytotrophoblasts: 742.0;Distal tubular cells: 934.3;Extravillous trophoblasts: 653.5;Syncytiotrophoblasts: 607.4" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Breast - Breast glandular cells, Colon - Smooth muscle cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Lung - Mitotic cells (Lung), Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes, Spleen - Mitotic cells (Spleen), Stomach - Parietal cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA007831 Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 6000000 "Cluster 10: Non-specific - Membrane trafficking" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 39: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" 23 Mitochondria "HPA007831: AB_1851397" "unprognostic (3.93e-2)" "unprognostic (3.61e-2)" "unprognostic (6.17e-2)" "unprognostic (8.38e-2)" "unprognostic (1.49e-3)" "unprognostic (7.64e-2)" "unprognostic (2.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" "unprognostic (1.20e-2)" "unprognostic (1.19e-5)" "unprognostic (5.86e-2)" "unprognostic (4.54e-2)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (3.47e-1)" "unprognostic (5.02e-2)" "unprognostic (6.40e-2)" "unprognostic (1.37e-2)" "unprognostic (2.26e-1)" "unprognostic (3.72e-1)" "unprognostic (6.34e-2)" "unprognostic (2.60e-2)" "unprognostic (3.98e-2)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" "unprognostic (3.75e-2)" "unprognostic (4.26e-1)" "unprognostic (5.13e-2)" "unprognostic (9.39e-3)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (5.21e-2)" "unprognostic (9.70e-2)" IDH3A ENSG00000166411 "Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 3 catalytic subunit alpha" P50213 15 78131498-78171945 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets, Retinitis pigmentosa" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "tongue: 95.4" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in all" "plasmacytoid DC: 144.0" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA041465, HPA062971" Supported Enhanced Mitochondria No No 25000 "Cluster 44: Plasmacytoid DCs - Plasma membrane proteins" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 23: Choroid plexus - Mixed function" "Cluster 58: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 8: Neurons - Neuronal signaling" 9 Mitochondria "HPA041465: AB_10794377, HPA062971: AB_2684913" "unprognostic (9.67e-2)" "unprognostic (5.01e-2)" "unprognostic (3.52e-2)" "unprognostic (4.25e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-2)" "unprognostic (6.54e-2)" "unprognostic (4.25e-2)" "unprognostic (7.80e-2)" "unprognostic (3.30e-1)" "unprognostic (5.98e-3)" "unprognostic (3.32e-5)" "unprognostic (2.71e-4)" "unprognostic (1.19e-2)" "unprognostic (3.12e-1)" "unprognostic (2.88e-4)" "unprognostic (1.78e-1)" "unprognostic (9.68e-2)" "unprognostic (8.08e-2)" "unprognostic (8.46e-2)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-2)" "unprognostic (2.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.30e-2)" "unprognostic (5.14e-3)" "unprognostic (6.95e-3)" "unprognostic (6.87e-2)" "unprognostic (5.01e-2)" "unprognostic (2.77e-1)" "unprognostic (5.88e-2)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" IVD "ACAD2, IVDH" ENSG00000128928 "Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase" P26440 15 40405485-40435947 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Hepatocytes: 130.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA041391, HPA044250" Enhanced Supported Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 26: Adrenal gland - Steroid metabolism" "Cluster 46: Brainstem - Mixed function" "Cluster 58: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 3: Basal prostatic cells - Lipid metabolism" 19 Mitochondria Nucleoplasm "HPA041391: AB_2677449, HPA044250: AB_2678875" "unprognostic (6.41e-3)" "unprognostic (5.41e-2)" "unprognostic (3.73e-1)" "unprognostic (2.49e-2)" "unprognostic (7.86e-2)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (3.89e-2)" "unprognostic (1.66e-2)" "unprognostic (9.05e-2)" "unprognostic (1.60e-1)" "unprognostic (9.01e-7)" "unprognostic (1.89e-7)" "unprognostic (1.98e-2)" "unprognostic (2.90e-4)" "unprognostic (2.84e-2)" "unprognostic (1.37e-4)" "unprognostic (2.87e-1)" "unprognostic (2.38e-1)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (1.32e-2)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (9.29e-2)" "unprognostic (3.94e-2)" "unprognostic (9.61e-2)" "unprognostic (6.51e-2)" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (1.47e-1)" "unprognostic (2.82e-1)" "unprognostic (5.48e-2)" "unprognostic (2.30e-2)" L2HGDH "C14orf160, FLJ12618" ENSG00000087299 "L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase" Q9H9P8 14 50237563-50312229 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Early spermatids: 44.4;Excitatory neurons: 58.6;Inhibitory neurons: 58.9;Rod photoreceptor cells: 42.4" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in many" "basophil: 8.7" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skin - Keratinocyte (other), Testis - Early spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA065409, HPA069708" Approved Enhanced Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 46: Basophils - Proteolysis" "Cluster 19: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 31: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 30: Non-specific - Gene expression regulation" "Cluster 65: Neurons - Synaptic function" Mitochondria "HPA065409: AB_2685485, HPA069708: AB_2686179" "unprognostic (7.77e-2)" "unprognostic (1.12e-1)" "unprognostic (2.19e-1)" "unprognostic (8.68e-3)" "unprognostic (6.26e-3)" "unprognostic (4.20e-2)" "unprognostic (5.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.40e-3)" "unprognostic (3.78e-2)" "unprognostic (8.51e-4)" "unprognostic (7.98e-7)" "unprognostic (1.82e-4)" "unprognostic (1.08e-2)" "unprognostic (3.64e-2)" "unprognostic (1.62e-2)" "unprognostic (1.12e-2)" "unprognostic (3.80e-2)" "unprognostic (7.66e-3)" "unprognostic (2.01e-2)" "unprognostic (5.18e-2)" "unprognostic (4.15e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-2)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (4.49e-3)" "unprognostic (3.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.23e-2)" "unprognostic (3.20e-1)" "unprognostic (3.37e-2)" "unprognostic (3.18e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-1)" MAOA ENSG00000189221 "Monoamine oxidase A" P21397 X 43654907-43746817 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Catecholamine metabolism, Neurotransmitter degradation" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets, Intellectual disability" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "intestine: 213.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Distal enterocytes: 309.6;Proximal enterocytes: 817.1;Proximal tubular cells: 517.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "endothelial cell: 246.7;pericyte: 107.4" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Neuroblastoma: 47.6;prostate cancer: 69.7" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Spleen - Fibroblast_2, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB009437, HPA054807, HPA059299" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria,Cytosol No No "Cluster 55: Kidney & Intestine - Metabolism" "Cluster 41: Monoamines - Neurotransmitter signalling" "Cluster 50: Lymphoma - Unknown function" "Cluster 22: Proximal enterocytes - Digestion" 3 Mitochondria Cytosol "CAB009437: AB_2137260, HPA054807: AB_2682607, HPA059299: AB_2683970" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (5.99e-2)" "unprognostic (5.68e-2)" "unprognostic (9.42e-2)" "unprognostic (1.53e-1)" "unprognostic (1.67e-2)" "unprognostic (8.78e-2)" "unprognostic (5.21e-3)" "unprognostic (1.90e-1)" "unprognostic (3.36e-2)" "unprognostic (4.94e-4)" "unprognostic (6.34e-3)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (4.95e-3)" "unprognostic (4.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (2.68e-1)" "unprognostic (6.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (2.19e-1)" "unprognostic (8.93e-2)" "unprognostic (1.18e-1)" "unprognostic (2.90e-1)" "unprognostic (3.14e-4)" "unprognostic (4.16e-1)" "unprognostic (1.25e-2)" "unprognostic (6.12e-2)" "unprognostic (7.46e-2)" "unprognostic (2.24e-1)" MDH2 ENSG00000146701 "Malate dehydrogenase 2" P40926 7 76048051-76067508 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Epilepsy, FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 672.4;tongue: 578.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA019714, HPA019716, HPA019848, HPA026720" Enhanced Enhanced Mitochondria No No 10000000 "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 12: Heart muscle - Cardiac muscle contraction" "Cluster 14: Neurons - Synaptic function" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" 41 Mitochondria "HPA019714: AB_1853678, HPA019716: AB_1853680, HPA019848: AB_1853683, HPA026720: AB_1853685" "unprognostic (2.23e-1)" "unprognostic (2.48e-2)" "unprognostic (2.10e-2)" "unprognostic (2.48e-1)" "unprognostic (2.68e-3)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (7.87e-3)" "unprognostic (7.59e-3)" "unprognostic (3.58e-2)" "unprognostic (2.21e-3)" "unprognostic (3.53e-4)" "unprognostic (2.45e-3)" "unprognostic (5.11e-3)" "unprognostic (5.73e-2)" "unprognostic (3.87e-3)" "unprognostic (5.40e-4)" "unprognostic (2.94e-2)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (3.65e-1)" "unprognostic (2.12e-1)" "unprognostic (4.11e-2)" "unprognostic (7.22e-2)" "unprognostic (4.87e-3)" "unprognostic (8.33e-2)" "unprognostic (5.54e-2)" "unprognostic (9.27e-2)" "unprognostic (2.55e-1)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (2.73e-2)" "unprognostic (2.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.17e-2)" ME2 ENSG00000082212 "Malic enzyme 2" P23368 18 50879080-50954257 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Allosteric enzyme, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "choroid plexus: 88.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 158.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "choroid plexus epithelial cell: 405.4" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Region enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "choroid plexus: 107.9" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Spleen - Macrophages" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA008247, HPA008880" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 150000 "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 60: Choroid plexus - Transmembrane transport" "Cluster 36: Choroid plexus - Mixed function" "Cluster 22: Non-specific - mRNA splicing & Cell cycle" "Cluster 58: Macrophages - Innate immune response" 6 Mitochondria "HPA008247: AB_1853704, HPA008880: AB_1853702" "unprognostic (4.25e-2)" "unprognostic (6.02e-2)" "unprognostic (2.07e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-3)" "unprognostic (4.41e-4)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (1.36e-1)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (1.28e-1)" "unprognostic (9.04e-4)" "unprognostic (1.01e-4)" "unprognostic (2.06e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (1.94e-7)" "unprognostic (1.35e-2)" "unprognostic (2.20e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-2)" "unprognostic (3.72e-1)" "unprognostic (2.04e-2)" "unprognostic (1.12e-1)" "unprognostic (9.34e-2)" "unprognostic (2.71e-1)" "unprognostic (3.06e-1)" "unprognostic (3.44e-2)" "unprognostic (1.98e-1)" "unprognostic (1.46e-2)" "unprognostic (3.46e-1)" "unprognostic (8.51e-2)" "unprognostic (2.04e-1)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (2.83e-1)" MECR "CGI-63, ETR1, FASN2B, NRBF1" ENSG00000116353 "Mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase" Q9BV79 1 29192657-29230942 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Fatty acid biosynthesis, Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Dystonia" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Late spermatids: 84.0" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA022018, HPA022030, HPA028740" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 16: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 54: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 24: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 37: Non-specific - mRNA processing" "Cluster 66: Photoreceptor cells - Visual perception" 3 Mitochondria "HPA022018: AB_1853714, HPA022030: AB_1853716, HPA028740: AB_10601133" "unprognostic (1.32e-2)" "unprognostic (1.63e-1)" "unprognostic (1.79e-3)" "unprognostic (7.01e-2)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (4.21e-2)" "unprognostic (2.04e-1)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (2.35e-1)" "unprognostic (2.42e-2)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (5.41e-2)" "unprognostic (3.90e-2)" "unprognostic (4.08e-3)" "unprognostic (2.20e-1)" "unprognostic (5.57e-2)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" "unprognostic (7.93e-2)" "unprognostic (3.10e-1)" "unprognostic (7.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.41e-2)" "unprognostic (7.62e-2)" "unprognostic (1.66e-3)" "unprognostic (5.80e-1)" "unprognostic (7.42e-3)" "unprognostic (6.99e-2)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (8.47e-3)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (1.34e-1)" MTHFD2 ENSG00000065911 "Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase" P13995 2 74186172-74217565 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "One-carbon metabolism" "Hydrolase, Multifunctional enzyme, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Langerhans cells: 275.1;Smooth muscle cells: 162.5" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "central nervous system macrophage: 47.7;vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 35.9" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB003684, HPA049657" Approved Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 42: Non-specific - Vesicular transport" "Cluster 18: Non-specific - Ribosome" "Cluster 41: Monoamines - Neurotransmitter signalling" "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 48: Smooth muscle cells - Signal transduction" 9 Mitochondria "CAB003684: AB_425867, HPA049657: AB_2680842" "unprognostic (2.31e-2)" "unprognostic (8.04e-3)" "unprognostic (2.54e-2)" "unprognostic (3.58e-2)" "unprognostic (2.85e-1)" "unprognostic (5.08e-3)" "unprognostic (9.10e-4)" "unprognostic (8.70e-3)" "unprognostic (7.69e-5)" "unprognostic (9.55e-4)" "unprognostic (9.93e-7)" "unprognostic (1.91e-1)" "unprognostic (7.20e-11)" "unprognostic (5.33e-3)" "unprognostic (7.14e-2)" "unprognostic (2.38e-4)" "unprognostic (9.41e-2)" "unprognostic (1.72e-2)" "unprognostic (2.80e-1)" "unprognostic (8.07e-2)" "unprognostic (3.72e-1)" "unprognostic (6.83e-4)" "unprognostic (4.63e-1)" "unprognostic (1.70e-3)" "unprognostic (1.27e-1)" "unprognostic (2.78e-2)" "unprognostic (1.26e-2)" "unprognostic (4.45e-2)" "unprognostic (1.84e-1)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (1.54e-1)" OGDH "E1k, KGD1, OGDC-E1, OGDH2" ENSG00000105953 "Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase" Q02218 7 44606572-44709066 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Glycolysis Oxidoreductase "FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "heart muscle: 313.4;skeletal muscle: 350.8;tongue: 360.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA019514, HPA020347" Supported Enhanced Mitochondria No No 89000 "Cluster 33: Non-specific - ATP binding" "Cluster 23: Non-specific - Cellular respiration" "Cluster 44: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 67: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 29: Monocytes - Innate immune response" 19 Mitochondria "HPA019514: AB_1854772, HPA020347: AB_1854773" "unprognostic (2.68e-1)" "unprognostic (9.97e-3)" "unprognostic (1.76e-1)" "unprognostic (1.62e-1)" "unprognostic (2.45e-2)" "unprognostic (3.90e-3)" "unprognostic (2.26e-2)" "unprognostic (6.14e-3)" "unprognostic (8.34e-2)" "unprognostic (5.12e-2)" "unprognostic (1.51e-11)" "unprognostic (1.56e-2)" "unprognostic (6.14e-4)" "unprognostic (3.13e-1)" "unprognostic (6.09e-3)" "unprognostic (3.29e-2)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (5.99e-2)" "unprognostic (9.63e-3)" "unprognostic (1.82e-2)" "unprognostic (6.41e-2)" "unprognostic (6.07e-2)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.99e-1)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (2.13e-1)" "unprognostic (7.12e-2)" "unprognostic (5.61e-2)" "unprognostic (4.65e-2)" P4HA1 "C-P4Halpha(I), P4HA" ENSG00000122884 "Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 1" P13674 10 73007217-73096974 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Dioxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipose progenitor cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA007599, HPA026593" Enhanced Supported "Endoplasmic reticulum,Vesicles,Mitochondria" "Intracellular and membrane" Enzyme Yes No 120000 "Cluster 40: Monocytes - Innate immune response" "Cluster 19: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 55: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 15: Kidney cancer - Membrane components" "Cluster 35: Respiratory epithelial cells - Unknown function" 48 "Endoplasmic reticulum" "Vesicles, Mitochondria" "HPA007599: AB_1854891, HPA026593: AB_1854892" "unprognostic (5.81e-2)" "unprognostic (3.08e-4)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (2.66e-4)" "unprognostic (3.02e-2)" "unprognostic (9.14e-2)" "unprognostic (5.75e-4)" "unprognostic (4.34e-1)" "unprognostic (7.61e-5)" "unprognostic (4.92e-8)" "unprognostic (2.34e-3)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (4.54e-6)" "unprognostic (4.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (9.49e-4)" "unprognostic (1.75e-2)" "unprognostic (6.01e-2)" "unprognostic (5.61e-2)" "unprognostic (2.57e-2)" "unprognostic (3.63e-3)" "unprognostic (7.14e-4)" "unprognostic (1.17e-2)" "unprognostic (3.53e-2)" "unprognostic (3.38e-1)" "unprognostic (2.15e-1)" "unprognostic (2.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" "unprognostic (4.43e-3)" "unprognostic (3.86e-2)" PDHA1 "E1alpha, PDHA" ENSG00000131828 "Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit alpha 1" P08559 X 19343893-19361718 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Carbohydrate metabolism, Glucose metabolism, Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Leigh syndrome, Primary mitochondrial disease" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "heart muscle: 247.3;skeletal muscle: 215.3;tongue: 432.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 650.8;Oocytes: 506.6" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA047487, HPA047864, HPA063053" Approved Supported Mitochondria NA NA 49000 "Cluster 42: Non-specific - Vesicular transport" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 14: Neurons - Synaptic function" "Cluster 36: Non-specific - mRNA processing" "Cluster 68: Cardiomyocytes - Muscle contraction" 111 Mitochondria "HPA047487: AB_2680066, HPA047864: AB_2680190, HPA063053: AB_2684931" "unprognostic (8.69e-3)" "unprognostic (3.04e-3)" "unprognostic (1.69e-1)" "unprognostic (2.94e-2)" "unprognostic (1.78e-2)" "unprognostic (7.85e-3)" "unprognostic (3.12e-2)" "unprognostic (2.58e-2)" "unprognostic (7.39e-3)" "unprognostic (2.73e-2)" "unprognostic (7.79e-8)" "unprognostic (1.73e-1)" "unprognostic (8.09e-5)" "unprognostic (1.01e-4)" "unprognostic (2.29e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-2)" "unprognostic (8.09e-2)" "unprognostic (3.48e-2)" "unprognostic (5.18e-2)" "unprognostic (9.68e-2)" "unprognostic (4.38e-3)" "unprognostic (2.54e-1)" "unprognostic (2.16e-2)" "unprognostic (2.17e-2)" "unprognostic (8.43e-2)" "unprognostic (2.44e-1)" "unprognostic (4.39e-2)" "unprognostic (9.35e-2)" "unprognostic (3.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.92e-2)" "unprognostic (4.47e-1)" PDHA2 PDHAL ENSG00000163114 "Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit alpha 2" P29803 4 95840093-95841464 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Carbohydrate metabolism, Glucose metabolism, Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 585 "testis: 58.4" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 29 "Early spermatids: 473.0;Late spermatids: 305.4;Spermatocytes: 188.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA047487, HPA047864, HPA063053" Approved Approved Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 10: Testis - Spermatid development" "Cluster 71: Lymphoma - Inflammatory response" "Cluster 70: Spermatocytes & Spermatids - Spermatid development" 1 Mitochondria "HPA047487: AB_2680066, HPA047864: AB_2680190, HPA063053: AB_2684931" PDHB "E1beta, PDHE1B" ENSG00000168291 "Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 subunit beta" P11177 3 58427630-58433857 "Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Carbohydrate metabolism, Glucose metabolism, Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "tongue: 287.5" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 371.3" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Colon - Smooth muscle cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Testis - Spermatocytes, Testis - Spermatogonia" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB033794, HPA036744, HPA036745" Enhanced Supported Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria No No 37000 "Cluster 12: Non-specific - Mitochondrial translation" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 21: Non-specific - Metabolism" "Cluster 8: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 68: Cardiomyocytes - Muscle contraction" 38 Mitochondria Nucleoplasm "CAB033794: AB_2162946, HPA036744: AB_10670921, HPA036745: AB_2675285" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (4.90e-2)" "unprognostic (3.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)" "unprognostic (1.41e-3)" "unprognostic (4.45e-2)" "unprognostic (1.89e-1)" "unprognostic (2.61e-1)" "unprognostic (2.16e-1)" "unprognostic (1.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.44e-6)" "unprognostic (2.14e-2)" "unprognostic (7.15e-4)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (2.71e-2)" "unprognostic (7.04e-2)" "unprognostic (2.84e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.92e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (2.12e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (7.91e-2)" "unprognostic (3.95e-1)" "unprognostic (9.95e-2)" "unprognostic (3.79e-2)" "unprognostic (2.38e-1)" "unprognostic (1.52e-1)" "unprognostic (2.14e-2)" "unprognostic (2.18e-1)" PPOX "PPO, VP" ENSG00000143224 "Protoporphyrinogen oxidase" P50336 1 161166056-161178013 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Heme biosynthesis, Porphyrin biosynthesis" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Ciliated cells: 66.2;Erythroid cells: 59.4" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Lung - Respiratory ciliated cells, Skeletal muscle - Fibroblasts" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA030123 Uncertain Approved Vesicles,Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 5: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 5: Brain & Testis - Signal transduction" "Cluster 55: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 47: Leukemia - Hemostasis" "Cluster 1: Erythroid cells - Oxygen transport" 27 Mitochondria "Vesicles, Cytosol" "HPA030123: AB_10603987" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (4.36e-1)" "unprognostic (2.37e-1)" "unprognostic (8.03e-4)" "unprognostic (6.03e-2)" "unprognostic (8.56e-2)" "unprognostic (2.29e-1)" "unprognostic (4.39e-4)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (4.32e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-3)" "unprognostic (4.55e-2)" "unprognostic (8.63e-2)" "unprognostic (8.00e-3)" "unprognostic (7.39e-2)" "unprognostic (2.70e-2)" "unprognostic (3.88e-2)" "unprognostic (9.69e-2)" "unprognostic (3.14e-1)" "unprognostic (4.74e-2)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (2.44e-3)" "unprognostic (3.72e-1)" "unprognostic (8.49e-2)" "unprognostic (2.78e-1)" "unprognostic (9.66e-2)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (3.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.73e-2)" "unprognostic (4.34e-3)" PRDX1 "NKEFA, PAGA" ENSG00000117450 "Peroxiredoxin 1" Q06830 1 45510914-45542732 "Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Antioxidant, Oxidoreductase, Peroxidase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Proximal tubular cells: 2662.0" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Spleen - Macrophages" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB004682, HPA007730" Approved Approved Mitochondria NA NA 110000000 "Cluster 33: Non-specific - ATP binding" "Cluster 54: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 27: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 7: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 15: Non-specific - Mixed function" 55 Mitochondria "CAB004682: AB_437046, HPA007730: AB_1855204" "unprognostic (9.58e-4)" "unprognostic (1.48e-4)" "unprognostic (4.64e-2)" "unprognostic (1.63e-1)" "unprognostic (4.13e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (1.05e-1)" "unprognostic (3.92e-1)" "unprognostic (3.95e-2)" "unprognostic (6.83e-2)" "unprognostic (1.60e-2)" "unprognostic (2.09e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-2)" "unprognostic (1.30e-7)" "unprognostic (1.46e-3)" "unprognostic (4.86e-3)" "unprognostic (5.45e-2)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (3.61e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.72e-2)" "unprognostic (1.96e-2)" "unprognostic (4.28e-3)" "unprognostic (1.76e-1)" "unprognostic (5.77e-2)" "unprognostic (1.24e-1)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (5.30e-2)" "unprognostic (2.99e-1)" "unprognostic (4.42e-1)" "unprognostic (2.14e-1)" PRDX3 "AOP-1, AOP1, MER5, SP-22" ENSG00000165672 "Peroxiredoxin 3" P30048 10 119167720-119178812 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Antioxidant, Oxidoreductase, Peroxidase" "Corneal dystrophy, Disease variant, Neurodegeneration" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Distal tubular cells: 731.5;Proximal tubular cells: 841.7" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Colon - Smooth muscle cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB008656, HPA041488, HPA063551, CAB079909" Enhanced Supported Vesicles,Mitochondria NA NA 1700000 "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 1: Liver & Kidney - Metabolism" "Cluster 21: Non-specific - Metabolism" "Cluster 52: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" 25 "Vesicles, Mitochondria" "CAB008656: AB_1620979, CAB079909: AB_2809998, HPA041488: AB_2677508, HPA063551: " "unprognostic (3.51e-1)" "unprognostic (2.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.71e-1)" "unprognostic (2.49e-1)" "unprognostic (3.43e-3)" "unprognostic (2.81e-2)" "unprognostic (3.19e-1)" "unprognostic (8.59e-2)" "unprognostic (5.99e-3)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (4.59e-9)" "unprognostic (2.04e-1)" "unprognostic (2.44e-1)" "unprognostic (1.37e-3)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (3.02e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.47e-1)" "unprognostic (2.60e-1)" "unprognostic (1.96e-2)" "unprognostic (4.74e-4)" "unprognostic (5.93e-2)" "unprognostic (1.05e-1)" "unprognostic (3.04e-2)" "unprognostic (2.04e-1)" "unprognostic (4.25e-2)" "unprognostic (2.29e-1)" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (4.48e-1)" "unprognostic (2.30e-1)" PRDX5 "ACR1, AOEB166, B166, MGC117264, MGC142283, MGC142285, PLP, PMP20, PRDX6, PRXV, SBBI10" ENSG00000126432 "Peroxiredoxin 5" P30044 11 64318121-64321811 "Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Antioxidant, Oxidoreductase, Peroxidase" "FDA approved drug targets" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "choroid plexus: 1360.4" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Ciliated cells: 1873.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "ependymal cell: 214.1" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB008661, HPA037915, HPA037916" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA 7500000 "Cluster 29: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 23: Non-specific - Cellular respiration" "Cluster 44: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 24: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 42: Ciliated cells - Cilium assembly" 17 Mitochondria "CAB008661: AB_1620988, HPA037915: AB_2675735, HPA037916: AB_2675736" "unprognostic (1.15e-3)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (5.29e-1)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (3.24e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-3)" "unprognostic (2.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.80e-1)" "unprognostic (1.81e-2)" "unprognostic (8.41e-2)" "unprognostic (2.00e-2)" "unprognostic (5.37e-2)" "unprognostic (5.09e-3)" "unprognostic (3.20e-4)" "unprognostic (2.13e-6)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (5.35e-3)" "unprognostic (7.63e-2)" "unprognostic (7.32e-5)" "unprognostic (2.31e-1)" "unprognostic (6.50e-3)" "unprognostic (5.01e-2)" "unprognostic (4.27e-1)" "unprognostic (5.69e-2)" "unprognostic (9.53e-2)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (1.91e-1)" "unprognostic (8.36e-2)" "unprognostic (5.76e-2)" PRODH "HSPOX2, PIG6, PRODH1, PRODH2, TP53I6" ENSG00000100033 "Proline dehydrogenase 1" O43272 22 18912777-18936553 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Proline metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Schizophrenia" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "brain: 55.6;choroid plexus: 65.5;skeletal muscle: 47.5" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 10 "Astrocytes: 173.7" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "astrocyte: 13.8;bergmann glia: 8.7;choroid plexus epithelial cell: 9.4" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TCGA): 25.2" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "breast cancer: 9.2" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes" HPA020361 Approved Approved Nucleoplasm,Vesicles,Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 54: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 47: Astrocytes - Unknown function" Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Vesicles" "HPA020361: AB_10963116" "unprognostic (3.64e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-2)" "unprognostic (2.76e-1)" "unprognostic (1.21e-3)" "unprognostic (2.66e-1)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.36e-3)" "unprognostic (1.29e-1)" "unprognostic (3.68e-3)" "unprognostic (1.20e-4)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (8.52e-2)" "unprognostic (2.29e-2)" "unprognostic (2.01e-1)" "unprognostic (1.78e-1)" "unprognostic (1.80e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (2.20e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (7.83e-2)" "unprognostic (6.00e-2)" "unprognostic (2.67e-2)" PYCR2 P5CR2 ENSG00000143811 "Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 2" Q96C36 1 225919877-225924340 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Amino-acid biosynthesis, Proline biosynthesis" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Leukodystrophy" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Pituitary gland - Undifferentiated cells (Pituitary gland)" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA056873 Approved Approved Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 3: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 54: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 22: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Nuclear processes" "Cluster 39: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" 40 Mitochondria "HPA056873: AB_2683263" "unprognostic (1.32e-2)" "unprognostic (5.37e-4)" "unprognostic (1.97e-2)" "unprognostic (1.38e-1)" "unprognostic (2.34e-2)" "unprognostic (2.93e-3)" "unprognostic (2.77e-1)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (5.34e-2)" "unprognostic (7.15e-2)" "unprognostic (5.97e-2)" "unprognostic (5.11e-2)" "unprognostic (1.31e-2)" "unprognostic (4.54e-3)" "unprognostic (7.04e-3)" "unprognostic (2.48e-1)" "unprognostic (9.13e-2)" "unprognostic (3.76e-3)" "unprognostic (1.28e-1)" "unprognostic (5.06e-2)" "unprognostic (2.51e-1)" "unprognostic (6.46e-2)" "unprognostic (2.65e-4)" "unprognostic (2.92e-2)" "unprognostic (2.32e-3)" "unprognostic (2.27e-1)" "unprognostic (8.14e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-1)" "unprognostic (4.32e-2)" "unprognostic (1.38e-1)" "unprognostic (4.30e-1)" QDPR "DHPR, PKU2, SDR33C1" ENSG00000151552 "Quinoid dihydropteridine reductase" P09417 4 17460261-17512206 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant, Phenylketonuria" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 4 "brain: 707.1;liver: 190.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Hepatocytes: 377.8;Muller glia cells: 374.1;Oligodendrocytes: 448.0;Proximal tubular cells: 393.0" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 6 "committed oligodendrocyte precursor: 252.1;oligodendrocyte: 754.7" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Pituitary gland - Thyrotropes, Prostate - Prostate glandular cells, Skin - Eccrine sweat gland cells, Thyroid gland - Thyroid glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA058951, HPA065649" Enhanced Approved Mitochondria NA NA 2300000 "Cluster 13: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 9: Oligodendrocytes - Myelination" "Cluster 47: Endothelial cells - Vasculature" "Cluster 9: Skin cancer - Melanin biosynthesis" "Cluster 56: Proximal tubular cells - Amino acid metabolism" 1 Mitochondria "HPA058951: AB_2683861, HPA065649: AB_2685526" "unprognostic (6.91e-2)" "unprognostic (2.00e-2)" "unprognostic (2.29e-1)" "unprognostic (1.47e-2)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (8.50e-2)" "unprognostic (6.25e-2)" "unprognostic (2.47e-1)" "unprognostic (5.52e-2)" "unprognostic (6.57e-6)" "unprognostic (2.19e-2)" "unprognostic (4.81e-4)" "unprognostic (2.25e-3)" "unprognostic (4.19e-1)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (3.79e-1)" "unprognostic (1.40e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (7.21e-2)" "unprognostic (1.37e-3)" "unprognostic (8.84e-3)" "unprognostic (1.95e-2)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (2.73e-1)" "unprognostic (4.35e-2)" "unprognostic (3.56e-1)" "unprognostic (3.45e-1)" "unprognostic (3.17e-2)" "unprognostic (2.41e-2)" RDH13 SDR7C3 ENSG00000160439 "Retinol dehydrogenase 13" Q8NBN7 19 55039108-55071291 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid metabolism" Oxidoreductase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in many" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in all" 5 "Syncytiotrophoblasts: 242.1" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Stomach - Gastric mucous cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA042006 Approved Supported Mitochondria,Cytosol "Intracellular and membrane" Enzyme NA NA "Cluster 22: Eosinophils - Transcription" "Cluster 27: Squamous epithelium - Keratinization" "Cluster 1: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 4: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 27: Syncytiotrophoblasts - Pregnancy" 9 "Mitochondria, Cytosol" "HPA042006: AB_10960270" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-2)" "unprognostic (3.75e-2)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (2.23e-2)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.14e-2)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (2.15e-2)" "unprognostic (7.63e-2)" "unprognostic (4.32e-6)" "unprognostic (7.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-2)" "unprognostic (5.22e-2)" "unprognostic (5.32e-2)" "unprognostic (4.90e-2)" "unprognostic (3.78e-1)" "unprognostic (1.60e-1)" "unprognostic (3.73e-1)" "unprognostic (3.11e-1)" "unprognostic (3.00e-1)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (6.79e-2)" "unprognostic (6.10e-2)" "unprognostic (1.78e-1)" "unprognostic (2.57e-2)" "unprognostic (3.34e-1)" "unprognostic (5.19e-3)" "unprognostic (7.90e-2)" SARDH "DMGDHL1, SDH" ENSG00000123453 "Sarcosine dehydrogenase" Q9UL12 9 133663560-133739955 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "epididymis: 40.6;liver: 76.3;pancreas: 40.9" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "Hepatocytes: 108.1;Oocytes: 74.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "mammillary body: 15.0" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA): 35.4" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "memory CD4 T-cell: 3.2;naive CD4 T-cell: 6.5;T-reg: 8.5" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in single" 15 "T-cells: 8.5" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Adipose visceral - Adipose progenitor cells, Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" "HPA057267, HPA058086" Approved Approved Mitochondria NA NA 160000 "Cluster 31: T-cells - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 53: Non-specific - Glycosylation" "Cluster 40: Astrocytes - Astrocyte-neuron interactions" "Cluster 59: Leukemia - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 43: Hepatocytes - Metabolism" 20 Mitochondria "HPA057267: AB_2683388, HPA058086: AB_2683601" "unprognostic (7.42e-2)" "unprognostic (2.02e-1)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (6.55e-3)" "unprognostic (4.34e-2)" "unprognostic (1.02e-3)" "unprognostic (2.57e-2)" "unprognostic (2.84e-2)" "unprognostic (1.74e-2)" "unprognostic (3.85e-3)" "unprognostic (1.75e-3)" "unprognostic (3.14e-3)" "unprognostic (6.83e-2)" "unprognostic (4.31e-2)" "unprognostic (1.28e-2)" "unprognostic (4.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.67e-1)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.58e-1)" "unprognostic (6.58e-4)" "unprognostic (3.05e-2)" "unprognostic (8.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (9.60e-2)" SDHA "FP, SDH2, SDHF" ENSG00000073578 "Succinate dehydrogenase complex flavoprotein subunit A" P31040 5 218303-257082 "Cancer-related genes, Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Transporters" "Electron transport, Transport, Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Cancer-related genes, Cardiomyopathy, Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets, Leigh syndrome, Neurodegeneration, Primary mitochondrial disease, Tumor suppressor" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "heart muscle: 554.8;skeletal muscle: 459.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 453.4;Proximal enterocytes: 257.5" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB034929, HPA041981, HPA064582" Enhanced Supported Nucleoli,Mitochondria No No 240000 "Cluster 9: T-regs - Cell cycle regulation" "Cluster 23: Non-specific - Cellular respiration" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 7: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 68: Cardiomyocytes - Muscle contraction" 48 Mitochondria Nucleoli "CAB034929: AB_2183443, HPA041981: AB_2677779, HPA064582: AB_2685293" "unprognostic (5.59e-3)" "unprognostic (2.54e-4)" "unprognostic (9.59e-2)" "unprognostic (1.55e-3)" "unprognostic (1.56e-2)" "unprognostic (2.14e-1)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (6.17e-2)" "unprognostic (3.93e-1)" "unprognostic (1.20e-2)" "unprognostic (7.10e-4)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" "unprognostic (5.29e-5)" "unprognostic (3.74e-2)" "unprognostic (7.12e-2)" "unprognostic (1.58e-2)" "unprognostic (1.93e-2)" "unprognostic (2.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-1)" "unprognostic (1.72e-1)" "unprognostic (3.15e-3)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.38e-2)" "unprognostic (9.46e-2)" "unprognostic (2.62e-1)" "unprognostic (7.33e-3)" "unprognostic (2.31e-1)" "unprognostic (7.05e-2)" "unprognostic (2.38e-1)" "unprognostic (2.37e-1)" "unprognostic (2.12e-1)" SDHB "SDH, SDH1" ENSG00000117118 "Succinate dehydrogenase complex iron sulfur subunit B" P21912 1 17018722-17054032 "Cancer-related genes, Citric acid cycle related proteins, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins, Transporters" "Electron transport, Host-virus interaction, Transport, Tricarboxylic acid cycle" Oxidoreductase "Cancer-related genes, Disease variant, Primary mitochondrial disease" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 474.3;tongue: 557.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Cardiomyocytes: 573.9;Proximal tubular cells: 391.6" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Spleen - Macrophages, Testis - Early spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA002868, CAB009822, CAB068233, CAB068234, CAB068235" Enhanced Supported "Nucleoplasm,Plasma membrane,Mitochondria" NA NA 3600 "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 21: Non-specific - Metabolism" "Cluster 37: Non-specific - mRNA processing" "Cluster 15: Non-specific - Mixed function" 26 Mitochondria "Nucleoplasm, Plasma membrane" "CAB009822: AB_2183458, CAB068233: AB_2665638, CAB068234: AB_2665639, CAB068235: AB_2665640, HPA002868: AB_1079889" "unprognostic (2.94e-2)" "unprognostic (6.03e-2)" "unprognostic (1.85e-5)" "unprognostic (2.81e-2)" "unprognostic (7.38e-3)" "unprognostic (4.72e-1)" "unprognostic (2.36e-1)" "unprognostic (9.15e-2)" "unprognostic (3.81e-3)" "unprognostic (6.45e-4)" "unprognostic (2.88e-12)" "unprognostic (1.44e-3)" "unprognostic (1.58e-4)" "unprognostic (9.70e-2)" "unprognostic (6.19e-2)" "unprognostic (8.86e-2)" "unprognostic (7.15e-2)" "unprognostic (1.67e-1)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (8.53e-3)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (3.36e-2)" "unprognostic (1.52e-3)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (3.57e-1)" "unprognostic (5.36e-1)" "unprognostic (5.44e-2)" "unprognostic (1.94e-1)" "unprognostic (4.00e-1)" "unprognostic (3.46e-1)" SOD2 "GC1, GClnc1, IPOB, MnSOD" ENSG00000291237 "Superoxide dismutase 2" P04179 6 159669069-159762529 "Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Cancer-related genes" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "bone marrow: 1069.8" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enriched" "Detected in all" 10 "neutrophil: 4504.9" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in all" 10 "granulocytes: 4504.9" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA001814 Supported Supported Mitochondria NA NA 37000000 "Cluster 4: Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 12: Non-specific - Vasculature" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 8 Mitochondria "HPA001814: AB_1080134" SQOR "CGI-44, SQR, SQRDL" ENSG00000137767 "Sulfide quinone oxidoreductase" Q9Y6N5 15 45631148-45691281 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "intestine: 203.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Basal respiratory cells: 185.4;Distal enterocytes: 448.5" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 6 "central nervous system macrophage: 53.3;endothelial cell: 38.0;fibroblast: 18.8;leukocyte: 42.3;pericyte: 18.3;vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 23.0" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Stomach - Macrophages" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA017079, HPA041589" Enhanced Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 75: Epithelium - Extracellular exosomes" "Cluster 20: Macrophages & Microglia - Immune response" "Cluster 71: Lymphoma - Inflammatory response" "Cluster 5: Enterocytes - Absorption" 6 Mitochondria "HPA017079: AB_1857467, HPA041589: AB_2677565" "unprognostic (3.39e-1)" "unprognostic (2.01e-5)" "unprognostic (9.83e-3)" "unprognostic (8.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.98e-2)" "unprognostic (3.68e-3)" "unprognostic (7.87e-2)" "unprognostic (2.73e-2)" "unprognostic (2.62e-1)" "unprognostic (2.69e-5)" "unprognostic (5.82e-2)" "unprognostic (2.24e-1)" "unprognostic (1.75e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-7)" "unprognostic (1.97e-2)" "unprognostic (6.28e-2)" "unprognostic (1.49e-2)" "unprognostic (9.74e-2)" "unprognostic (3.69e-3)" "unprognostic (4.66e-5)" "unprognostic (2.50e-1)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (1.29e-1)" "unprognostic (1.86e-2)" "unprognostic (5.95e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (4.07e-2)" TMLHE "BBOX2, FLJ10727, TMLH, XAP130" ENSG00000185973 "Trimethyllysine hydroxylase, epsilon" Q9NVH6 X 155489011-155719098 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Carnitine biosynthesis" "Dioxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Autism, Autism spectrum disorder, Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Microglial cells: 49.2;Oligodendrocyte precursor cells: 44.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Liver - Hepatocytes, Skin - Mitotic cells (Skin)" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA034589, HPA040331" Approved Supported Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 7: Non-specific - Innate immune response" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 36: Non-specific - mRNA processing" "Cluster 76: Oligodendrocyte precursor - Unknown function" 29 Mitochondria "HPA034589: AB_10670571, HPA040331: AB_2676929" "unprognostic (2.32e-1)" "unprognostic (4.39e-2)" "unprognostic (7.36e-2)" "unprognostic (2.21e-1)" "unprognostic (1.41e-1)" "unprognostic (1.97e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-2)" "unprognostic (3.33e-2)" "unprognostic (3.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (8.64e-8)" "unprognostic (2.40e-2)" "unprognostic (3.07e-1)" "unprognostic (5.74e-2)" "unprognostic (2.49e-2)" "unprognostic (6.06e-2)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (3.30e-2)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (2.36e-1)" "unprognostic (2.09e-3)" "unprognostic (3.54e-2)" "unprognostic (6.40e-2)" "unprognostic (9.20e-3)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (2.62e-1)" "unprognostic (1.14e-1)" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (4.76e-1)" TXNRD2 "SELZ, TR, TR3, TRXR2" ENSG00000184470 "Thioredoxin reductase 2" Q9NNW7 22 19875517-19941820 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Oxidoreductase "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Prostatic glandular cells: 74.0" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in many" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Liver - Hepatocytes, Prostate - Prostate glandular cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB002007, HPA003323" Supported Approved Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA 2300000 "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 43: Non-specific - Mitochondrial translation" "Cluster 5: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 66: Non-specific - Mitochondria" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" 4 "Mitochondria, Cytosol" "CAB002007: , HPA003323: AB_1080396" "unprognostic (1.87e-3)" "unprognostic (3.71e-2)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-2)" "unprognostic (3.35e-2)" "unprognostic (1.83e-3)" "unprognostic (1.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (6.86e-3)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (1.54e-4)" "unprognostic (4.54e-2)" "unprognostic (5.97e-6)" "unprognostic (4.01e-1)" "unprognostic (6.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (1.38e-1)" "unprognostic (2.04e-2)" "unprognostic (2.48e-1)" "unprognostic (2.97e-1)" "unprognostic (1.70e-2)" "unprognostic (7.97e-2)" "unprognostic (1.58e-1)" "unprognostic (6.24e-2)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.05e-1)" "unprognostic (7.06e-2)" "unprognostic (1.97e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (6.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)" TYW5 "C2orf60, FLJ37953" ENSG00000162971 "TRNA-yW synthesizing protein 5" A2RUC4 2 199928913-199955736 "Enzymes, Predicted intracellular proteins" "tRNA processing" "Dioxygenase, Oxidoreductase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in many" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cone photoreceptor cells: 79.9;Rod photoreceptor cells: 61.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA045803 Uncertain Approved Mitochondria NA NA "Cluster 40: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 9: Non-specific - Receptor signaling" "Cluster 56: Non-specific - Sensory perception" "Cluster 10: Muller glia cells - Visual perception" 1 Mitochondria "HPA045803: AB_10964878" "unprognostic (1.28e-2)" "unprognostic (3.42e-2)" "unprognostic (8.43e-3)" "unprognostic (1.07e-2)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (9.29e-2)" "unprognostic (1.41e-2)" "unprognostic (3.02e-2)" "unprognostic (1.80e-2)" "unprognostic (4.16e-3)" "unprognostic (1.83e-1)" "unprognostic (2.31e-1)" "unprognostic (1.29e-3)" "unprognostic (7.33e-2)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (2.83e-1)" "unprognostic (1.27e-1)" "unprognostic (8.26e-2)" "unprognostic (7.48e-2)" "unprognostic (5.86e-2)" "unprognostic (3.95e-3)" "unprognostic (2.21e-2)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" "unprognostic (4.67e-1)" "unprognostic (3.70e-3)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (1.36e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-1)"