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Gene descriptioni x
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Struct & Inti
BUD13BUD13 homolog
BUD23BUD23 rRNA methyltransferase and ribosome maturation factor
BYSLBystin like
C11orf24Chromosome 11 open reading frame 24
C11orf68Chromosome 11 open reading frame 68
C11orf96Chromosome 11 open reading frame 96
C17orf50Chromosome 17 open reading frame 50
C18orf25Chromosome 18 open reading frame 25
C19orf33Chromosome 19 open reading frame 33
C19orf53Chromosome 19 open reading frame 53
C19orf73Chromosome 19 open reading frame 73
C1orf159Chromosome 1 open reading frame 159
C1orf226Chromosome 1 open reading frame 226
C1QTNF6C1q and TNF related 6
C20orf173Chromosome 20 open reading frame 173
C2orf16Chromosome 2 open reading frame 16
C9orf78Chromosome 9 open reading frame 78
CA13Carbonic anhydrase 13
CABLES1Cdk5 and Abl enzyme substrate 1
CACHD1Cache domain containing 1
CAMK1DCalcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase ID
CAMTA2Calmodulin binding transcription activator 2
CAND1Cullin associated and neddylation dissociated 1
CAPGCapping actin protein, gelsolin like
CAPN8Calpain 8
CAPSLCalcyphosine like
CAPZBCapping actin protein of muscle Z-line subunit beta
CARS2Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial
CASD1CAS1 domain containing 1
CASP7Caspase 7
CBLBCbl proto-oncogene B
CBLN3Cerebellin 3 precursor
CBR3Carbonyl reductase 3
CBY3Chibby family member 3
CCDC102ACoiled-coil domain containing 102A
CCDC106Coiled-coil domain containing 106
CCDC137Coiled-coil domain containing 137
CCDC169Coiled-coil domain containing 169
CCDC39Coiled-coil domain containing 39
CCDC82Coiled-coil domain containing 82
CCDC86Coiled-coil domain containing 86
CCNA2Cyclin A2
CCND1Cyclin D1
CCND2Cyclin D2
CCNE1Cyclin E1
CCNFCyclin F
CCNG1Cyclin G1
CCNI2Cyclin I family member 2
CCNQCyclin Q
CD2BP2CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2
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