Gene "Gene synonym" Ensembl "Gene description" Uniprot Chromosome Position "Protein class" "Biological process" "Molecular function" "Disease involvement" Evidence "HPA evidence" "UniProt evidence" "NeXtProt evidence" "RNA tissue specificity" "RNA tissue distribution" "RNA tissue specificity score" "RNA tissue specific nTPM" "RNA single cell type specificity" "RNA single cell type distribution" "RNA single cell type specificity score" "RNA single cell type specific nTPM" "RNA single nuclei brain specificity" "RNA single nuclei brain distribution" "RNA single nuclei brain specificity score" "RNA single nuclei brain specific nTPM" "RNA cancer specificity" "RNA cancer distribution" "RNA cancer specificity score" "RNA cancer specific FPKM" "RNA brain regional specificity" "RNA brain regional distribution" "RNA brain regional specificity score" "RNA brain regional specific nTPM" "RNA blood cell specificity" "RNA blood cell distribution" "RNA blood cell specificity score" "RNA blood cell specific nTPM" "RNA blood lineage specificity" "RNA blood lineage distribution" "RNA blood lineage specificity score" "RNA blood lineage specific nTPM" "RNA cell line specificity" "RNA cell line distribution" "RNA cell line specificity score" "RNA cell line specific nTPM" "RNA tissue cell type enrichment" "RNA mouse brain regional specificity" "RNA mouse brain regional distribution" "RNA mouse brain regional specificity score" "RNA mouse brain regional specific nTPM" "RNA pig brain regional specificity" "RNA pig brain regional distribution" "RNA pig brain regional specificity score" "RNA pig brain regional specific nTPM" Antibody "Reliability (IH)" "Reliability (Mouse Brain)" "Reliability (IF)" "Subcellular location" "Secretome location" "Secretome function" "CCD Protein" "CCD Transcript" "Blood concentration - Conc. blood IM [pg/L]" "Blood concentration - Conc. blood MS [pg/L]" "Blood expression cluster" "Tissue expression cluster" "Brain expression cluster" "Cell line expression cluster" "Single cell expression cluster" Interactions "Subcellular main location" "Subcellular additional location" "Antibody RRID" "Cancer prognostics - Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Breast Invasive Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Colon Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Colon Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Glioblastoma Multiforme (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Glioblastoma Multiforme (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Chromophobe (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Prostate Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Rectum Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Rectum Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Stomach Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Thyroid Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA)" ACSL1 "ACS1, FACL1, FACL2, LACS, LACS1, LACS2" ENSG00000151726 "Acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 1" P33121 4 184755595-184826818 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism" Ligase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "adipose tissue: 699.7;liver: 1108.8;skeletal muscle: 705.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Early spermatids: 246.9;Hepatocytes: 1001.0;Late spermatids: 526.5;monocytes: 519.5" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Kidney Chromophobe (TCGA): 225.2" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enriched" "Detected in all" 9 "neutrophil: 456.1" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in all" 9 "granulocytes: 456.1" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Liver - Hepatocytes, Lung - Neutrophil_2, Prostate - Prostate glandular cells, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells, Spleen - Neutrophils, Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Late spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA011316, HPA011317, HPA011964" Enhanced Uncertain Vesicles NA NA 20000 "Cluster 4: Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 19: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 30: White matter - Myelination" "Cluster 44: Connective tissue cells - ECM organization" "Cluster 74: Neutrophils - Degranulation" 1 Vesicles "HPA011316: AB_1844536, HPA011317: , HPA011964: AB_1844537" "unprognostic (2.35e-3)" "unprognostic (1.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (2.33e-1)" "unprognostic (8.94e-2)" "unprognostic (9.14e-3)" "unprognostic (2.24e-2)" "unprognostic (3.48e-2)" "unprognostic (2.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (6.19e-7)" "unprognostic (3.70e-3)" "unprognostic (2.96e-1)" "unprognostic (3.43e-3)" "unprognostic (3.09e-3)" "unprognostic (2.81e-1)" "unprognostic (7.01e-4)" "unprognostic (4.30e-1)" "unprognostic (9.68e-2)" "unprognostic (4.05e-2)" "unprognostic (8.62e-2)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (3.47e-2)" "unprognostic (2.40e-1)" "unprognostic (4.79e-1)" "unprognostic (2.33e-1)" "unprognostic (5.32e-2)" "unprognostic (8.62e-3)" "unprognostic (1.56e-2)" AWAT1 DGAT2L3 ENSG00000204195 "Acyl-CoA wax alcohol acyltransferase 1" Q58HT5 X 70234655-70240659 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism" "Acyltransferase, Transferase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in single" "skin 1: 1.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "bergmann glia: 1.5" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA063412 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "HPA063412: AB_2685009" "unprognostic (2.94e-1)" AWAT2 "DGAT2L4, MFAT" ENSG00000147160 "Acyl-CoA wax alcohol acyltransferase 2" Q6E213 X 70040542-70049938 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism" "Acyltransferase, Transferase" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "skin 1: 10.9" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "Spermatocytes: 6.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA062748 Approved NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 58: Macrophages - Innate immune response" "HPA062748: AB_2684862" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" CASP14 "MGC119078, MGC119079, MICE" ENSG00000105141 "Caspase 14" P31944 19 15049480-15058293 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins" Differentiation "Hydrolase, Protease, Thiol protease" Ichthyosis "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 24 "skin 1: 473.0" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "Basal prostatic cells: 19.2;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 47.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA): 83.5;Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 93.3;Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 31.8;Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA): 67.7" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "breast cancer: 18.2" "Skin - Keratinocyte (other), Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "CAB010059, HPA027062" Enhanced Supported Nucleoplasm,Mitochondria,Cytosol NA NA 5800000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 11: White matter - Signal transduction" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 24 "Nucleoplasm, Cytosol" Mitochondria "CAB010059: AB_626800, HPA027062: AB_2672101" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" "unprognostic (1.44e-3)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (4.15e-2)" "unprognostic (3.21e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-4)" "unprognostic (7.55e-2)" "unprognostic (4.12e-2)" "unprognostic (2.79e-2)" "unprognostic (6.14e-4)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (3.00e-1)" "unprognostic (2.29e-2)" CD109 "CPAMD7, DKFZp762L1111, FLJ38569" ENSG00000156535 "CD109 molecule" Q6YHK3 6 73695785-73828316 "CD markers, Plasma proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Protease inhibitor, Serine protease inhibitor" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 17 "parathyroid gland: 319.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Adipocytes: 63.9;Basal keratinocytes: 40.5;Basal respiratory cells: 56.5;Basal squamous epithelial cells: 51.2;Squamous epithelial cells: 46.6" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 6 "astrocyte: 107.9;endothelial cell: 116.4;ependymal cell: 153.0" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adrenal gland - Endothelial cells, Liver - Hepatic stellate cells, Prostate - Endothelial cells, Testis - Early spermatids, Thyroid gland - Fibroblasts" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA008992, HPA015723" Enhanced Supported "Plasma membrane,Cytosol" NA NA 170000000 "Cluster 24: Parathyroid gland - Vesicular transport" "Cluster 39: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 69: Skin cancer - ECM organization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 4 "Plasma membrane" Cytosol "HPA008992: , HPA015723: AB_2732415" "unprognostic (1.94e-3)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (2.73e-1)" "unprognostic (1.86e-1)" "unprognostic (4.86e-2)" "unprognostic (6.27e-3)" "unprognostic (1.19e-2)" "unprognostic (2.03e-4)" "unprognostic (2.84e-1)" "unprognostic (2.13e-1)" "unprognostic (8.51e-3)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (2.59e-3)" "unprognostic (2.11e-2)" "unprognostic (1.30e-6)" "unprognostic (4.47e-3)" "unprognostic (6.98e-2)" "unprognostic (9.11e-2)" "unprognostic (3.02e-1)" "unprognostic (4.89e-2)" "unprognostic (2.71e-4)" "unprognostic (1.23e-4)" "unprognostic (7.48e-2)" "unprognostic (3.94e-2)" "unprognostic (3.75e-3)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (2.09e-4)" "unprognostic (1.86e-1)" "unprognostic (1.18e-1)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" DAPL1 ENSG00000163331 "Death associated protein like 1" A0PJW8 2 158795317-158862781 "Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Apoptosis, Differentiation" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "epididymis: 192.1;esophagus: 235.2;skin 1: 291.4" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 7 "Basal keratinocytes: 234.4;Basal squamous epithelial cells: 307.4;Muller glia cells: 856.4;Secretory cells: 481.9;Squamous epithelial cells: 802.3;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 328.1" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "committed oligodendrocyte precursor: 67.9;deep-layer near-projecting: 37.4;mammillary body: 34.2" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 8 "Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 58.7;Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 66.4;Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 172.0;Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (TCGA): 197.8;Thyroid Carcinoma (TCGA): 136.6" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in some" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in many" 11 "prostate cancer: 275.2" "Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary gland basal cells, Pituitary gland - Thyrotropes" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" "HPA046937, HPA058635" Enhanced Approved "Nucleoplasm,Nuclear bodies,Microtubules" NA NA "Cluster 29: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 27: Squamous epithelium - Keratinization" "Cluster 41: Monoamines - Neurotransmitter signalling" "Cluster 60: Prostate cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 4 "Nucleoplasm, Nuclear bodies, Microtubules" "HPA046937: AB_2679870, HPA058635: AB_2732625" "unprognostic (3.05e-1)" "unprognostic (4.95e-6)" "unprognostic (3.51e-2)" "unprognostic (7.58e-4)" "unprognostic (7.74e-2)" "unprognostic (2.46e-2)" "unprognostic (2.52e-1)" "unprognostic (3.21e-2)" "unprognostic (2.90e-2)" "unprognostic (1.74e-1)" "unprognostic (1.66e-3)" "unprognostic (1.79e-2)" "unprognostic (2.01e-2)" "unprognostic (3.76e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-2)" "unprognostic (9.77e-2)" "unprognostic (1.39e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-1)" "unprognostic (1.31e-1)" "unprognostic (1.47e-1)" "unprognostic (7.90e-2)" "unprognostic (1.40e-1)" "unprognostic (2.09e-1)" "unprognostic (3.28e-1)" "unprognostic (1.99e-1)" "unprognostic (5.09e-2)" "unprognostic (2.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (3.84e-2)" "unprognostic (2.54e-1)" DCD "AIDD, DCD-1, DSEP, HCAP, PIF" ENSG00000161634 Dermcidin P81605 12 54644589-54648493 "Plasma proteins, Predicted secreted proteins, Transporters" "Antibiotic, Antimicrobial, Fungicide, Hydrolase, Protease" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "skin 1: 2396.9" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 26 "Melanocytes: 5710.1" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in some" 10 "Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA): 286.4" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in some" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in single" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Bone cancer: 1.0;breast cancer: 3.9" "Skin - Eccrine sweat gland cells" HPA063967 Enhanced "Secreted in other tissues" Enzyme NA NA 280000000 "Cluster 15: NK-cells - Unknown function" "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 9: Non-specific - Receptor signaling" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 26: Schwann cells & Melanocytes - Mixed function" 12 "HPA063967: AB_2685163" "unprognostic (8.31e-3)" "unprognostic (9.44e-2)" "unprognostic (4.61e-1)" "unprognostic (7.13e-2)" DSC1 CDHF1 ENSG00000134765 "Desmocollin 1" Q08554 18 31129236-31162856 "Plasma proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Cell adhesion" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 8 "skin 1: 222.8" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 9 "Cardiomyocytes: 27.4;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 78.4" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "astrocyte: 2.4" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 8.9;Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA): 5.0" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 8 "naive CD4 T-cell: 2.7;naive CD8 T-cell: 2.6" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in single" 8 "T-cells: 2.7" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 7 "ovarian cancer: 6.4" "Breast - Breast myoepithelial cells, Heart muscle - Cardiomyocytes, Skin - Keratinocyte (other)" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" HPA075379 Enhanced NA NA 23000000 "Cluster 43: Non-specific - Transcription & Translation" "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 53: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 5: Rhabdoid - Unknown function" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 10 "HPA075379: AB_2732290" "unprognostic (3.72e-4)" "unprognostic (3.68e-2)" "unprognostic (1.89e-2)" "unprognostic (4.38e-2)" DSG4 "CDHF13, LAH" ENSG00000175065 "Desmoglein 4" Q86SJ6 18 31376777-31414912 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Predicted membrane proteins" "Cell adhesion" "Disease variant, Hypotrichosis" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 6 "skin 1: 2.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "Early spermatids: 1.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 5 "colorectal cancer: 1.8" "Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "HPA059456, HPA079244" Enhanced NA NA 260000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 1 "HPA059456: AB_2684025, HPA079244: " ELOVL3 CIG-30 ENSG00000119915 "ELOVL fatty acid elongase 3" Q9HB03 10 102226299-102229589 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Fatty acid biosynthesis, Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism" Transferase "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 9 "skin 1: 29.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Adipocytes: 2.6;Breast myoepithelial cells: 3.4;Oocytes: 12.5;Spermatogonia: 4.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "amygdala excitatory: 1.8" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TCGA): 12.3" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 10 "classical monocyte: 7.1;intermediate monocyte: 2.4;myeloid DC: 2.0;non-classical monocyte: 6.0" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 10 "dendritic cells: 2.0;monocytes: 7.1" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" HPA036236 Enhanced Approved Vesicles,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 38: Monocytes & Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 51: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 15: Kidney cancer - Membrane components" "Cluster 80: Non-specific - Transcription" 4 "Vesicles, Cytosol" "HPA036236: AB_10601550" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (6.27e-2)" "unprognostic (2.82e-2)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (6.84e-3)" "unprognostic (8.77e-2)" "unprognostic (5.17e-3)" ELOVL5 "dJ483K16.1, HELO1, SCA38" ENSG00000012660 "ELOVL fatty acid elongase 5" Q9NYP7 6 53267398-53349179 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Potential drug targets, Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted membrane proteins" "Fatty acid biosynthesis, Fatty acid metabolism, Lipid biosynthesis, Lipid metabolism" Transferase "Disease variant, Neurodegeneration, Spinocerebellar ataxia" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Basal prostatic cells: 301.8;Prostatic glandular cells: 265.8" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose subcutaneous - Adipocytes (Subcutaneous), Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex cells, Skeletal muscle - Endothelial cells, Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB017042, HPA047752, HPA054197" Enhanced Enhanced "Endoplasmic reticulum" NA NA "Cluster 21: Neutrophils - Unknown function" "Cluster 70: Lymphoid tissue - Immune response" "Cluster 28: Oligodendrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 59: Leukemia - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 3: Basal prostatic cells - Lipid metabolism" 23 "Endoplasmic reticulum" "CAB017042: , HPA047752: AB_2680147, HPA054197: AB_2682413" "unprognostic (9.54e-2)" "unprognostic (9.22e-2)" "unprognostic (2.91e-1)" "unprognostic (5.88e-2)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (2.24e-1)" "unprognostic (2.82e-1)" "unprognostic (1.27e-3)" "unprognostic (3.40e-2)" "unprognostic (7.38e-3)" "unprognostic (4.44e-3)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.08e-7)" "unprognostic (2.47e-1)" "unprognostic (1.75e-2)" "unprognostic (1.71e-1)" "unprognostic (1.77e-3)" "unprognostic (1.36e-1)" "unprognostic (2.08e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (3.31e-1)" "unprognostic (3.85e-2)" "unprognostic (3.68e-2)" "unprognostic (2.11e-3)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (1.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (5.96e-3)" "unprognostic (1.53e-1)" EN1 ENSG00000163064 "Engrailed homeobox 1" Q05925 2 118842171-118847648 "Disease related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins, Transcription factors" "Developmental protein, DNA-binding" Dwarfism "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "No human protein/transcript evidence" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "adipose tissue: 3.4;brain: 9.0;skeletal muscle: 13.4;skin 1: 10.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Breast glandular cells: 4.2;Breast myoepithelial cells: 2.6;Fibroblasts: 4.2;Melanocytes: 13.7;Skeletal myocytes: 2.9;Smooth muscle cells: 3.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "bergmann glia: 2.0;oligodendrocyte precursor cell: 3.5" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA): 7.6" "Region enriched" "Detected in many" 6 "midbrain: 42.8" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Brain cancer: 6.7;breast cancer: 6.9" "Skin - Eccrine sweat gland cells" "Region enriched" "Detected in single" 5 "midbrain: 4.9" "Region enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "midbrain: 28.7" "CAB014884, HPA073141" Enhanced Approved "Nucleoplasm,Nucleoli rim" NA NA "Cluster 2: Skeletal muscle - Striated muscle contraction" "Cluster 41: Monoamines - Neurotransmitter signalling" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 53: Fibroblasts - ECM organization" 7 "Nucleoli rim" Nucleoplasm "CAB014884: , HPA073141: AB_2686573" "unprognostic (3.46e-2)" "unprognostic (7.46e-2)" "unprognostic (7.11e-2)" "unprognostic (4.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.05e-4)" "unprognostic (1.65e-2)" "unprognostic (3.25e-1)" "unprognostic (2.87e-1)" "unprognostic (2.91e-1)" "unprognostic (8.85e-2)" "unprognostic (3.72e-4)" ERV3-1 "envR, ERV-R, ERV3, H-PLK, HERV-R" ENSG00000213462 "Endogenous retrovirus group 3 member 1, envelope" Q14264 7 64990356-65006743 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in many" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "central nervous system macrophage: 1.9" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enhanced" "Detected in many" "neutrophil: 7.0" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Skin - Sebaceous gland cells, Testis - Sertoli cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA017209, HPA046508" Enhanced Approved "Golgi apparatus,Vesicles,Cytosol" NA NA "Cluster 21: Neutrophils - Unknown function" "Cluster 53: Non-specific - Glycosylation" "Cluster 41: Monoamines - Neurotransmitter signalling" "Cluster 57: Stomach & Colon cancer - Digestion" "Cluster 57: Platelets - Hemostasis" Vesicles "Golgi apparatus, Cytosol" "HPA017209: AB_2732419, HPA046508: AB_2732525" "unprognostic (7.57e-2)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" "unprognostic (8.32e-3)" "unprognostic (4.12e-2)" "unprognostic (1.90e-1)" "unprognostic (1.90e-1)" "unprognostic (8.96e-2)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (6.58e-2)" "unprognostic (8.91e-2)" "unprognostic (2.89e-2)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (5.29e-2)" "unprognostic (1.93e-1)" "unprognostic (1.41e-1)" "unprognostic (4.40e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (2.49e-1)" "unprognostic (8.16e-2)" "unprognostic (8.20e-3)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (7.50e-2)" "unprognostic (1.54e-1)" "unprognostic (5.12e-2)" "unprognostic (2.09e-2)" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" "unprognostic (7.82e-2)" "unprognostic (3.16e-1)" "unprognostic (9.19e-2)" FABP9 "PERF, PERF15, T-FABP" ENSG00000205186 "Fatty acid binding protein 9" Q0Z7S8 8 81458253-81461579 "Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Transport "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 33 "skin 1: 39.6" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA073619 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 22: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 41: Adipocytes & Endothelial cells - Mixed function" "HPA073619: AB_2732229" GJB4 CX30.3 ENSG00000189433 "Gap junction protein beta 4" Q9NTQ9 1 34759740-34762327 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Potential drug targets, Predicted membrane proteins, Transporters" "Disease variant, Palmoplantar keratoderma" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "skin 1: 42.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Basal keratinocytes: 4.0;Basal prostatic cells: 3.7;Basal respiratory cells: 12.7;Ciliated cells: 3.0;Club cells: 6.5;Distal tubular cells: 3.1;Ionocytes: 6.6;Squamous epithelial cells: 3.2;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 3.5" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 15.6" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "head and neck cancer: 10.9;pancreatic cancer: 11.1" "Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary gland basal cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA055112, HPA073904" Enhanced Supported "Cell Junctions" NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 51: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 8 "Cell Junctions" "HPA055112: AB_2682699, HPA073904: " "unprognostic (3.72e-1)" "unprognostic (3.43e-2)" "unprognostic (5.61e-3)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (2.46e-1)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (1.17e-2)" "unprognostic (2.55e-3)" "unprognostic (3.18e-1)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (8.84e-5)" "unprognostic (1.99e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (1.80e-1)" "unprognostic (2.53e-1)" "unprognostic (3.02e-3)" GSDMA "FLJ39120, GSDM, GSDM1" ENSG00000167914 "Gasdermin A" Q96QA5 17 39953263-39977768 "Predicted intracellular proteins, Transporters" Necrosis "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 9 "skin 1: 57.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Collecting duct cells: 3.9;Hofbauer cells: 4.4;Kupffer cells: 5.0;Macrophages: 3.4;Mesothelial cells: 3.6;Serous glandular cells: 2.3;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 2.5" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in some" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 9.9;Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA): 8.4" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in some" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 7 "granulocytes: 1.0;T-cells: 2.6" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "breast cancer: 3.9;colorectal cancer: 4.3" "Pancreas - Macrophages, Skin - Keratinocyte (granular), Thyroid gland - Macrophages" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA023313, HPA064826" Enhanced Supported "Nucleoplasm,Nuclear bodies,Plasma membrane,Cytosol" NA NA 210000 "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 48: Non-specific - Mixed function" "Cluster 70: DU4475 - Unknown function" "Cluster 58: Macrophages - Innate immune response" 27 "Plasma membrane, Cytosol" "Nucleoplasm, Nuclear bodies" "HPA023313: AB_1850378, HPA064826: AB_2685361" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (5.36e-2)" "unprognostic (1.26e-1)" "unprognostic (2.07e-1)" "unprognostic (1.06e-2)" "unprognostic (1.87e-1)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (2.05e-2)" "unprognostic (2.68e-2)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.32e-1)" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (1.86e-1)" "unprognostic (1.65e-1)" "unprognostic (5.98e-2)" "unprognostic (5.10e-2)" "unprognostic (8.72e-2)" HOXC13 "HOX3, HOX3G" ENSG00000123364 "Homeobox C13" P31276 12 53938831-53946544 "Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins, Transcription factors" "Transcription, Transcription regulation" "Developmental protein, DNA-binding" "Cancer-related genes, Disease variant, Ectodermal dysplasia" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 17 "skin 1: 9.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Basal keratinocytes: 1.2;Breast myoepithelial cells: 4.2;Melanocytes: 1.7;Oocytes: 1.5;Spermatogonia: 1.6;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 2.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA): 6.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Breast - Breast glandular cells (progenitors)" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" HPA051634 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 2 "HPA051634: AB_2616459" "unprognostic (9.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-3)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (1.38e-1)" "unprognostic (2.92e-3)" "unprognostic (3.37e-3)" "unprognostic (2.74e-1)" "unprognostic (2.87e-1)" "unprognostic (2.97e-1)" "unprognostic (3.76e-1)" "unprognostic (2.98e-1)" KRT15 "CK15, K15, K1CO" ENSG00000171346 "Keratin 15" P19012 17 41513745-41522529 "Cancer-related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Cancer-related genes" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "breast: 406.0;esophagus: 1124.3;skin 1: 1284.7;vagina: 410.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Basal keratinocytes: 1623.9;Basal respiratory cells: 1126.6;Basal squamous epithelial cells: 8361.0;Squamous epithelial cells: 3482.2" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 772.3;Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 508.9;Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 643.8" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "cervical cancer: 522.2;head and neck cancer: 469.4" "Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary gland basal cells, Prostate - Prostate basal glandular cells, Testis - Late spermatids" "Region enhanced" "Detected in single" "white matter: 1.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA023910, HPA024554" Enhanced Supported "Nucleoplasm,Intermediate filaments" No No 400000000 "Cluster 27: Squamous epithelium - Keratinization" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 148 "Intermediate filaments" Nucleoplasm "HPA023910: AB_1852205, HPA024554: AB_1852207" "unprognostic (1.45e-2)" "unprognostic (4.34e-4)" "unprognostic (4.40e-3)" "unprognostic (9.09e-2)" "unprognostic (3.31e-2)" "unprognostic (6.02e-2)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (1.02e-1)" "unprognostic (2.13e-1)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (5.63e-2)" "unprognostic (1.85e-2)" "unprognostic (2.05e-1)" "unprognostic (3.16e-2)" "unprognostic (3.83e-1)" "unprognostic (1.86e-3)" "unprognostic (4.66e-3)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (8.96e-3)" "unprognostic (4.02e-2)" "unprognostic (1.75e-1)" "unprognostic (3.01e-3)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (2.67e-4)" "unprognostic (1.09e-1)" KRT25 KRT25A ENSG00000204897 "Keratin 25" Q7Z3Z0 17 40748021-40755331 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant, Hypotrichosis" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 42 "skin 1: 108.8" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Early spermatids: 4.1;Late spermatids: 10.5;Spermatogonia: 2.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 106 "Rhabdoid: 61.0" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells, Testis - Late spermatids" "Region enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "cerebellum: 8.6" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "cerebral cortex: 9.5;hippocampal formation: 6.3" "HPA053977, HPA058943" Enhanced Approved Vesicles NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 5: Rhabdoid - Unknown function" "Cluster 11: Late spermatids - Unknown function" 22 Vesicles "HPA053977: AB_2682329, HPA058943: AB_2683859" KRT26 KRT25B ENSG00000186393 "Keratin 26" Q7Z3Y9 17 40766238-40772201 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 6 "skin 1: 5.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 21 "basophil: 2.1;neutrophil: 3.4" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in single" 35 "granulocytes: 3.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Testis - Spermatogonia" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA026890 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 4: Neutrophils - Degranulation" "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 67: Spermatogonia - Spermatogenesis" 18 "HPA026890: AB_2672042" KRT27 KRT25C ENSG00000171446 "Keratin 27" Q7Z3Y8 17 40776808-40782550 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 45 "skin 1: 69.2" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Melanocytes: 13.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA): 5.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 36 "Rhabdoid: 29.8" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Region enriched" "Detected in all" 5 "hippocampal formation: 105.3" HPA055114 Enhanced NA NA 610000000 "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 5: Rhabdoid - Unknown function" "Cluster 67: Spermatogonia - Spermatogenesis" 124 "HPA055114: AB_2682700" "unprognostic (2.68e-1)" "unprognostic (2.10e-1)" "unprognostic (6.63e-1)" KRT28 KRT25D ENSG00000173908 "Keratin 28" Q7Z3Y7 17 40792196-40799959 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 15 "skin 1: 11.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "Spermatogonia: 1.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in single" "Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA): 1.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 815 "Rhabdoid: 81.4" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Region enriched" "Detected in single" 6 "cerebellum: 3.2" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA066890 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 5: Rhabdoid - Unknown function" "Cluster 67: Spermatogonia - Spermatogenesis" 15 "HPA066890: AB_2685742" KRT31 "Ha-1, KRTHA1" ENSG00000094796 "Keratin 31" Q15323 17 41393721-41397608 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "skin 1: 275.4" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "Basal keratinocytes: 32.4;Basal squamous epithelial cells: 18.4;Glandular and luminal cells: 11.6;Oocytes: 12.5;Squamous epithelial cells: 16.7;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 19.2" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "thalamic excitatory: 7.3;upper rhombic lip: 17.1" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 8 "Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 5.6" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skeletal muscle - Skeletal myocytes" "HPA049550, HPA055194" Enhanced Approved "Cytosol,Equatorial segment,Mid piece,Principal piece,End piece" NA NA 260000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 38: Sub-cortical - Mixed function" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 320 "Cytosol, Principal piece, End piece" "Equatorial segment, Mid piece" "HPA049550: AB_2680813, HPA055194: AB_2682733" "unprognostic (1.38e-2)" "unprognostic (2.80e-1)" KRT33A "Ha-3I, Krt1-3, KRTHA3A" ENSG00000006059 "Keratin 33A" O76009 17 41346092-41350828 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 19 "skin 1: 46.0" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Basal squamous epithelial cells: 1.8;Late spermatids: 1.3;Squamous epithelial cells: 4.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA055194 Supported Approved "Cytosol,Equatorial segment,Mid piece,Principal piece,End piece" NA NA 93000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 11: Neuronal - Sensory perception" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cytosol, Principal piece, End piece" "Equatorial segment, Mid piece" "HPA055194: AB_2682733" "unprognostic (2.04e-1)" KRT33B "Ha-3II, KRTHA3B" ENSG00000131738 "Keratin 33B" Q14525 17 41363498-41369813 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 58 "skin 1: 80.2" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Extravillous trophoblasts: 3.1;Oocytes: 10.3;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 5.0" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary gland basal cells, Skin - Hair cortex cells, Testis - Late spermatids" HPA055194 Supported Approved "Cytosol,Equatorial segment,Mid piece,Principal piece,End piece" NA NA 210000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 64: Connective tissue cells - ECM organization" "Cluster 59: Suprabasal keratinocytes - Cornification" 71 "Cytosol, Principal piece, End piece" "Equatorial segment, Mid piece" "HPA055194: AB_2682733" KRT34 "Ha-4, KRTHA4" ENSG00000131737 "Keratin 34" O76011 17 41377669-41382306 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 22 "skin 1: 64.5" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 8 "Late spermatids: 17.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "cervical cancer: 7.1" "Skin - Hair cortex cells, Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA055194, HPA072208" Enhanced Approved "Cytosol,Equatorial segment,Mid piece,Principal piece,End piece" NA NA 56000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 64: Connective tissue cells - ECM organization" "Cluster 36: Late spermatids - Unknown function" 205 "Cytosol, Principal piece, End piece" "Equatorial segment, Mid piece" "HPA055194: AB_2682733, HPA072208: AB_2686494" KRT35 "Ha-5, KRTHA5" ENSG00000197079 "Keratin 35" Q92764 17 41476710-41481151 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 29 "skin 1: 56.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA025750, HPA078713" Enhanced Approved "Intermediate filaments" NA NA 140000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 32: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" 69 "Intermediate filaments" "HPA025750: , HPA078713: " KRT40 "FLJ36600, KA36" ENSG00000204889 "Keratin 40" Q6A162 17 40977715-40987135 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 9 "pituitary gland: 2.4;retina: 2.8;skin 1: 2.2" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "Muller glia cells: 27.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "cerebellar inhibitory: 1.1" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 9 "Rectum Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 5.1" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Bone cancer: 11.2;Gastric cancer: 4.8" "Lung - Respiratory ciliated cells, Pituitary gland - Gonadotropes" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA075961 Supported NA NA "Cluster 39: Retina & Testis - Cilium" "Cluster 12: Bone cancer - Neuronal signaling" "Cluster 10: Muller glia cells - Visual perception" 312 "HPA075961: " "unprognostic (1.01e-1)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" KRT71 "K6IRS1, KRT6IRS, KRT6IRS1" ENSG00000139648 "Keratin 71" Q3SY84 12 52543909-52553145 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant, Hypotrichosis" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 22 "skin 1: 96.9" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in single" 12 "dendritic cells: 1.2" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 7 "Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA): 3.6" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA049404 Enhanced NA NA 98000000 "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 65: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 28: Dendritic cells - Antigen presentation" 23 "HPA049404: AB_2680748" "unprognostic (5.37e-1)" KRT72 "K6irs, K6IRS2, KRT6, KRT6IRS2" ENSG00000170486 "Keratin 72" Q14CN4 12 52585589-52601538 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "skin 1: 10.2;testis: 23.0" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "Early spermatids: 21.6;Late spermatids: 68.0;Spermatocytes: 44.7" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in single" 37 "leukocyte: 3.8" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 17 "Leukemia: 2.4" "Lung - NK-cells (Lung), Testis - Early spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA065523 Enhanced NA NA 590000000 "Cluster 21: Testis - Unknown function" "Cluster 59: Leukemia - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 70: Spermatocytes & Spermatids - Spermatid development" 22 "HPA065523: AB_2685504" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" KRT73 "K6IRS3, KRT6IRS3" ENSG00000186049 "Keratin 73" Q86Y46 12 52607570-52618559 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 8 "skin 1: 16.5" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "NK-cells: 4.4" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in single" 17 "leukocyte: 1.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "naive CD4 T-cell: 8.9;naive CD8 T-cell: 3.1" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in single" 13 "T-cells: 8.9" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 10 "Leukemia: 1.7" "Lung - NK-cells (Lung), Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA044031 Enhanced NA NA 630000000 "Cluster 43: Non-specific - Transcription & Translation" "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 59: Leukemia - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 19: NK-cells - Adaptive immune response" 2 "HPA044031: AB_10963434" "unprognostic (7.74e-1)" KRT74 "K6IRS4, KRT5C, KRT6IRS4" ENSG00000170484 "Keratin 74" Q7RTS7 12 52565782-52573843 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant, Ectodermal dysplasia, Hypotrichosis" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 13 "epididymis: 5.5;skin 1: 15.8" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in single" 10 "Late spermatids: 4.5" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 4 "Gallbladder cancer: 3.6" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA040655, HPA048596" Enhanced Approved "Nucleoli,Intermediate filaments,Cytosol" NA NA 130000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 32: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 63: Late spermatids - Spermatogenesis" 16 "Intermediate filaments" "Nucleoli, Cytosol" "HPA040655: , HPA048596: AB_2680457" KRT75 K6HF ENSG00000170454 "Keratin 75" O95678 12 52424070-52434371 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 15 "skin 1: 26.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Basal keratinocytes: 3.0;Basal respiratory cells: 1.3;Late spermatids: 3.8;Pancreatic endocrine cells: 5.1;Serous glandular cells: 2.2;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 4.7" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 49.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "breast cancer: 7.4" "Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA019367, HPA076201" Enhanced Approved "Plasma membrane,Cytosol" NA NA 1100000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 121 Cytosol "Plasma membrane" "HPA019367: AB_1852239, HPA076201: AB_2686786" "unprognostic (8.52e-2)" "unprognostic (1.15e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-2)" "unprognostic (9.56e-2)" "unprognostic (2.25e-2)" "unprognostic (2.58e-3)" "unprognostic (1.91e-1)" "unprognostic (5.64e-2)" "unprognostic (2.90e-2)" "unprognostic (5.65e-2)" "unprognostic (2.71e-1)" "unprognostic (1.42e-1)" KRT77 KRT1B ENSG00000189182 "Keratin 77" Q7Z794 12 52689626-52703524 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 14 "skin 1: 264.6" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Suprabasal keratinocytes: 9.6" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in some" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Keratinocyte (other)" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA045934 Enhanced Approved "Nuclear membrane,Plasma membrane" NA NA 900000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 9 "Nuclear membrane, Plasma membrane" "HPA045934: AB_10960065" "unprognostic (7.95e-2)" "unprognostic (3.38e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (3.35e-1)" "unprognostic (8.20e-1)" KRT79 "K6L, KRT6L" ENSG00000185640 "Keratin 79" Q5XKE5 12 52821408-52834311 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 20 "skin 1: 66.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "granulocytes: 2.0;Late spermatids: 1.4;Melanocytes: 3.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA): 6.8;Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 4.0" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Leukemia: 4.7;Sarcoma: 2.0" "Adipose visceral - Adipocytes (Visceral), Breast - Adipocytes (Breast), Skin - Sebaceous gland cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA059347 Enhanced NA NA 1300000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 49: HMC-1 - Innate immune response" "Cluster 58: Macrophages - Innate immune response" 26 "HPA059347: AB_2683986" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (1.23e-2)" "unprognostic (1.34e-1)" "unprognostic (1.10e-2)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (2.13e-1)" KRT81 "Hb-1, KRTHB1" ENSG00000205426 "Keratin 81" Q14533 12 52285913-52291534 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 46 "skin 1: 140.1" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Breast glandular cells: 39.7;Pancreatic endocrine cells: 101.9" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA): 56.6;Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 56.9" "Low region specificity" "Detected in single" "Immune cell enriched" "Detected in some" 49 "basophil: 171.6" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in many" 49 "granulocytes: 171.6" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "breast cancer: 443.2" HPA049778 Supported NA NA 87000000 "Cluster 46: Basophils - Proteolysis" "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 1: Neurons - Mixed function" "Cluster 7: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 28 "HPA049778: AB_2680877" "unprognostic (3.26e-2)" "unprognostic (5.05e-3)" "unprognostic (5.26e-2)" "unprognostic (4.84e-2)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (2.41e-4)" "unprognostic (1.37e-1)" "unprognostic (4.36e-1)" "unprognostic (1.12e-2)" "unprognostic (2.83e-1)" "unprognostic (8.52e-2)" "unprognostic (3.04e-2)" "unprognostic (4.31e-2)" "unprognostic (6.08e-2)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" KRT82 "Hb-2, KRTHB2" ENSG00000161850 "Keratin 82" Q9NSB4 12 52393931-52406335 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 32 "skin 1: 12.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Inner root sheath cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA058715, HPA067230" Enhanced NA NA 15000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 70: DU4475 - Unknown function" 12 "HPA058715: AB_2683798, HPA067230: AB_2685807" KRT83 "Hb-3, KRTHB3" ENSG00000170523 "Keratin 83" P78385 12 52314301-52321398 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant, Palmoplantar keratoderma" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 33 "skin 1: 64.7" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "Mucus glandular cells: 1.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "oligodendrocyte: 1.2" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Thyroid Carcinoma (TCGA): 2.8" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in single" "breast cancer: 1.7" HPA049778 Supported NA NA 90000000 "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 30: White matter - Myelination" "Cluster 7: Liver cancer - Metabolism" "Cluster 75: Serous glandular cells - Salivary secretion" 33 "HPA049778: AB_2680877" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" "unprognostic (6.51e-2)" "unprognostic (4.43e-3)" KRT84 "Hb-4, KRTHB4" ENSG00000161849 "Keratin 84" Q9NSB2 12 52377812-52385652 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "lymphoid tissue: 1.4;skin 1: 1.8" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in single" 34 "Suprabasal keratinocytes: 16.1" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in single" "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 1.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "cervical cancer: 8.8;head and neck cancer: 6.3" "Pituitary gland - Corticotropes" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA039714 Supported NA NA 50000000 "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "HPA039714: AB_2676641" "unprognostic (4.23e-2)" KRT85 "Hb-5, KRTHB5" ENSG00000135443 "Keratin 85" P78386 12 52360006-52367481 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant, Ectodermal dysplasia, Hypotrichosis" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 46 "skin 1: 167.2" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "Early spermatids: 5.0;Late spermatids: 15.6" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Kidney - Proximal tubular cells, Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Late spermatids" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA049778 Supported NA NA 77000000 "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 36: Late spermatids - Unknown function" 22 "HPA049778: AB_2680877" KRT86 "Hb6, KRTHB6, MNX" ENSG00000170442 "Keratin 86" O43790 12 52249300-52309163 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 36 "skin 1: 145.7" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "Early spermatids: 45.8;Late spermatids: 21.7;NK-cells: 38.9;T-cells: 18.3" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in many" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Immune cell enriched" "Detected in some" 9 "basophil: 87.8" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in many" 9 "granulocytes: 87.8" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "breast cancer: 101.1;pancreatic cancer: 27.5" "Pancreas - Ductal cells, Skin - Hair cortex cells, Testis - Early spermatids, Testis - Late spermatids" "HPA039798, HPA049778" Supported Approved Cytosol NA NA 100000000 "Cluster 41: Basophils - Unknown function" "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 14: Neurons - Synaptic function" "Cluster 27: Breast cancer - Unknown function" "Cluster 78: NK-cells & T-cells - Immune system & Transcription" 38 Cytosol "HPA039798: AB_10674986, HPA049778: AB_2680877" "unprognostic (9.43e-2)" "unprognostic (2.28e-2)" "unprognostic (1.52e-1)" "unprognostic (2.15e-1)" "unprognostic (5.40e-2)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (1.18e-2)" "unprognostic (6.13e-2)" "unprognostic (3.57e-3)" "unprognostic (1.35e-1)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (9.85e-3)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (1.17e-2)" "unprognostic (6.68e-2)" "unprognostic (3.28e-1)" KRT9 "CK-9, EPPK, K9" ENSG00000171403 "Keratin 9" P35527 17 41565836-41572059 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Disease variant, Palmoplantar keratoderma" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "lymphoid tissue: 11.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Basal keratinocytes: 2.7;Basal squamous epithelial cells: 1.1;Breast myoepithelial cells: 3.8;Extravillous trophoblasts: 2.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA): 38.1" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "cervical cancer: 4.2;head and neck cancer: 3.0" "Adrenal gland - Adrenal medulla cells, Breast - Breast myoepithelial cells, Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary gland basal cells, Testis - Spermatogonia" "Region enhanced" "Detected in many" "basal ganglia: 25.1" "HPA007261, CAB037322" Supported NA NA 15000000000 "Cluster 71: Thymus - Adaptive immune response" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 4: Extravillous trophoblasts - Unknown function" 4 "CAB037322: , HPA007261: AB_1079182" "unprognostic (1.60e-1)" "unprognostic (8.19e-2)" "unprognostic (3.80e-3)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (6.94e-2)" KRTAP11-1 KAP11.1 ENSG00000182591 "Keratin associated protein 11-1" Q8IUC1 21 30880644-30881580 "Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 65 "skin 1: 188.1" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 28 "Basal keratinocytes: 3.9;Serous glandular cells: 4.4;Suprabasal keratinocytes: 2.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA054008 Enhanced NA NA 1200000 "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 65: Non-specific - Unknown function" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 84 "HPA054008: AB_2682341" KRTAP16-1 KAP16.1 ENSG00000212657 "Keratin associated protein 16-1" A8MUX0 17 41307700-41309309 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "No human protein/transcript evidence" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 16 "skin 1: 15.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA070954 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 55: Lymphoma - Immune response" "Cluster 7: T-cells - T-cell receptor" "HPA070954: AB_2686327" KRTAP2-1 KAP2.1A ENSG00000212725 "Keratin associated protein 2-1" Q9BYU5 17 41046541-41047316 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 412 "skin 1: 66.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Hair cortex cells" HPA059203 Supported NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 4: Extravillous trophoblasts - Unknown function" "HPA059203: AB_2683947" KRTAP2-2 KAP2.2 ENSG00000214518 "Keratin associated protein 2-2" Q9BYT5 17 41054498-41055230 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 340 "skin 1: 52.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Hair cortex cells" HPA059203 Supported NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 24: Cytotrophoblasts - Mitochondria" "HPA059203: AB_2683947" KRTAP2-3 KAP2.3 ENSG00000212724 "Keratin associated protein 2-3" P0C7H8 17 41059240-41060114 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 103 "skin 1: 20.0" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 6 "Ductal cells: 21.0;Glandular and luminal cells: 34.2;Pancreatic endocrine cells: 44.1" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in single" "Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA): 1.0" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Skin - Hair cortex cells" HPA059203 Supported NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 72: Neuronal - Signal transduction" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 9 "HPA059203: AB_2683947" "unprognostic (1.40e-2)" KRTAP2-4 KAP2.4 ENSG00000213417 "Keratin associated protein 2-4" Q9BYR9 17 41065116-41065879 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 154 "skin 1: 42.2" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Skin - Hair cortex cells" HPA059203 Supported NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 72: Neuronal - Signal transduction" 78 "HPA059203: AB_2683947" KRTAP24-1 KAP24.1 ENSG00000188694 "Keratin associated protein 24-1" Q3LI83 21 30281309-30282950 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 31 "skin 1: 5.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA017604 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "HPA017604: AB_2669625" KRTAP3-2 KAP3.2 ENSG00000212900 "Keratin associated protein 3-2" Q9BYR7 17 40999193-40999906 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 10 "skin 1: 104.2" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "Basal squamous epithelial cells: 2.9;Squamous epithelial cells: 4.5" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "cervical cancer: 1.5;colorectal cancer: 1.8" "Skin - Hair cortex cells" HPA042992 Approved NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 32: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 12: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 56 "HPA042992: AB_2678258" KRTAP3-3 KAP3.3 ENSG00000212899 "Keratin associated protein 3-3" Q9BYR6 17 40993430-40994164 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 209 "skin 1: 125.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in single" "Enteroendocrine cells: 1.1" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 4 "cervical cancer: 3.5" "Skin - Hair cortex cells" HPA042992 Supported NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 20: Enteroendocrine cells - Hormone signaling" 60 "HPA042992: AB_2678258" PLCH2 "KIAA0450, PLC-eta2, PLCeta2, PLCL4, RP3-395M20.1" ENSG00000149527 "Phospholipase C eta 2" O75038 1 2425980-2505532 "Enzymes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Lipid degradation, Lipid metabolism" "Hydrolase, Transducer" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "brain: 70.4;retina: 43.5;skin 1: 57.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Bipolar cells: 106.6;Cone photoreceptor cells: 61.2;Horizontal cells: 48.5;Oligodendrocytes: 34.8;Rod photoreceptor cells: 155.2" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 12.4" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Gallbladder cancer: 17.9;head and neck cancer: 22.4" "Adipose subcutaneous - T-cells, Adipose visceral - T-cells, Breast - Breast myoepithelial cells, Heart muscle - T-cells, Pancreas - Beta cells, Skin - Keratinocyte (other)" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" HPA072705 Enhanced NA NA "Cluster 65: Cerebellum - Nervous system development" "Cluster 25: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 66: Photoreceptor cells - Visual perception" "HPA072705: AB_2732211" "unprognostic (1.32e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (1.66e-1)" "unprognostic (8.38e-2)" "unprognostic (9.70e-3)" "unprognostic (1.96e-2)" "unprognostic (4.77e-3)" "unprognostic (2.88e-2)" "unprognostic (3.59e-6)" "unprognostic (8.70e-2)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (1.77e-1)" "unprognostic (2.94e-1)" "unprognostic (2.94e-2)" "unprognostic (6.09e-2)" "unprognostic (2.03e-2)" "unprognostic (5.42e-2)" "unprognostic (2.60e-2)" "unprognostic (4.09e-2)" "unprognostic (1.01e-2)" "unprognostic (5.40e-2)" PRR9 ENSG00000203783 "Proline rich 9" Q5T870 1 153217584-153219310 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "No human protein/transcript evidence" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 20 "skin 1: 57.4" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 7 "Syncytiotrophoblasts: 82.8" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA): 10.1;Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 15.1" "Low region specificity" "Detected in some" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "colorectal cancer: 10.4;testis cancer: 16.4" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" HPA027714 Approved Approved Nucleoplasm,Vesicles,Cytosol NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 47: Endothelial cells - Vasculature" "Cluster 32: Non-specific - Cell proliferation" "Cluster 27: Syncytiotrophoblasts - Pregnancy" Cytosol "Nucleoplasm, Vesicles" "HPA027714: AB_10602194" "unprognostic (1.77e-2)" "unprognostic (2.72e-1)" "unprognostic (4.30e-1)" "unprognostic (3.98e-1)" "unprognostic (2.81e-1)" "unprognostic (1.50e-1)" "unprognostic (5.20e-3)" "unprognostic (4.03e-1)" "unprognostic (3.27e-1)" RPTN FLJ39117 ENSG00000215853 Repetin Q6XPR3 1 152153595-152159228 "Predicted intracellular proteins, Predicted secreted proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in some" "lymphoid tissue: 50.8;skin 1: 28.9" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "Suprabasal keratinocytes: 15.5" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 7.5" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "cervical cancer: 2.8;colorectal cancer: 1.3;head and neck cancer: 1.3" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "HPA030483, HPA030485" Enhanced "Secreted to extracellular matrix" "No annotated function" NA NA "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 59: Suprabasal keratinocytes - Cornification" "HPA030483: AB_2673495, HPA030485: AB_10601159" "unprognostic (1.10e-2)" "unprognostic (7.69e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-2)" "unprognostic (3.74e-2)" "unprognostic (2.81e-2)" "unprognostic (8.47e-1)" S100A3 S100E ENSG00000188015 "S100 calcium binding protein A3" P33764 1 153547329-153549258 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "skin 1: 91.6" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Basal respiratory cells: 15.5;Ductal cells: 18.5;Endometrial stromal cells: 19.9;Exocrine glandular cells: 10.9;Ionocytes: 10.3;Pancreatic endocrine cells: 11.9" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA): 86.9" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 9 "intermediate monocyte: 3.1;non-classical monocyte: 6.3;plasmacytoid DC: 7.5" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 11 "dendritic cells: 7.5;monocytes: 6.3" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Kidney - Endothelial cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Region enhanced" "Detected in many" "spinal cord: 20.9" "HPA042674, HPA056140" Enhanced Enhanced "Golgi apparatus,Plasma membrane,Cytosol" NA NA 110000 "Cluster 10: Non-specific - Membrane trafficking" "Cluster 13: Skin - Cornification" "Cluster 39: Astrocytes - Mixed function" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 21 Cytosol "Golgi apparatus, Plasma membrane" "HPA042674: AB_10796581, HPA056140: AB_2683050" "unprognostic (2.33e-1)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (1.33e-1)" "unprognostic (3.85e-2)" "unprognostic (2.77e-2)" "unprognostic (3.95e-2)" "unprognostic (6.23e-2)" "unprognostic (7.34e-2)" "unprognostic (1.88e-2)" "unprognostic (2.32e-1)" "unprognostic (3.26e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-2)" "unprognostic (1.45e-2)" "unprognostic (1.44e-1)" "unprognostic (1.64e-2)" "unprognostic (1.12e-1)" "unprognostic (6.78e-2)" "unprognostic (1.58e-2)" "unprognostic (9.84e-2)" "unprognostic (2.92e-2)" "unprognostic (3.73e-3)" "unprognostic (1.06e-1)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (6.60e-2)" "unprognostic (2.38e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (5.00e-1)" "unprognostic (4.58e-2)" "unprognostic (6.68e-2)" TCHH THH ENSG00000159450 Trichohyalin Q07283 1 152106317-152115444 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" Keratinization "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in some" 10 "skin 1: 17.5" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Basal keratinocytes: 15.7;Kupffer cells: 21.1;Lymphatic endothelial cells: 19.8;Macrophages: 32.7;Serous glandular cells: 20.3;Spermatocytes: 33.3;Spermatogonia: 16.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "mammillary body: 1.8;splatter: 1.6" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 3.5;Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 3.2" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in some" "head and neck cancer: 3.0" "Adipose subcutaneous - Macrophages, Colon - Macrophages, Skin - Inner root sheath cells, Spleen - Macrophages" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" HPA028375 Approved NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 58: Macrophages - Innate immune response" 2 "HPA028375: AB_10601722" "unprognostic (3.16e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-2)" "unprognostic (1.39e-1)" "unprognostic (3.75e-1)" TCHHL1 "S100A17, THHL1" ENSG00000182898 "Trichohyalin like 1" Q5QJ38 1 152084141-152089064 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Group enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "cervical cancer: 5.3;Gastric cancer: 1.8" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA042579, HPA063483" Enhanced Approved "Nuclear membrane,Nucleoli" NA NA "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" 1 "Nuclear membrane, Nucleoli" "HPA042579: AB_10794283, HPA063483: AB_2685021" TYR "OCA1, OCA1A, OCAIA" ENSG00000077498 Tyrosinase P14679 11 89177875-89295759 "Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Predicted membrane proteins, Transporters" "Melanin biosynthesis" "Monooxygenase, Oxidoreductase, Tumor antigen" "Albinism, Deafness, Disease variant, FDA approved drug targets, Waardenburg syndrome" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enriched" "Detected in single" 37 "skin 1: 30.7" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 8 "Melanocytes: 295.5" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "hippocampal CA1-3: 5.1;oligodendrocyte: 4.9" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in single" 1335 "Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA): 635.1" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in some" 145 "skin cancer: 268.0" "Skin - Melanocytes" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "CAB000079, HPA043241, HPA050889, HPA064583" Enhanced Enhanced Vesicles NA NA "Cluster 82: Skin - Keratinization" "Cluster 9: Skin cancer - Melanin biosynthesis" "Cluster 26: Schwann cells & Melanocytes - Mixed function" 1 Vesicles "CAB000079: AB_564045, HPA043241: AB_2678383, HPA050889: AB_2681264, HPA064583: " "unprognostic (1.67e-1)" "unprognostic (1.30e-1)"