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Struct & Inti
ADGRA1Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1
ADGRF1Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F1
ADGRG5Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G5
ADNPActivity dependent neuroprotector homeobox
ADO2-aminoethanethiol dioxygenase
ADPRHADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase
ADPRMADP-ribose/CDP-alcohol diphosphatase, manganese dependent
ADRA2BAdrenoceptor alpha 2B
ADRM1ADRM1 26S proteasome ubiquitin receptor
ADSLAdenylosuccinate lyase
ADSS2Adenylosuccinate synthase 2
AFAP1Actin filament associated protein 1
AFF3ALF transcription elongation factor 3
AFF4ALF transcription elongation factor 4
AFG1LAFG1 like ATPase
AFG3L2AFG3 like matrix AAA peptidase subunit 2
AGBL4AGBL carboxypeptidase 4
AGFG2ArfGAP with FG repeats 2
AGKAcylglycerol kinase
AGPSAlkylglycerone phosphate synthase
AGTPBP1ATP/GTP binding carboxypeptidase 1
AGTRAPAngiotensin II receptor associated protein
AHNAK2AHNAK nucleoprotein 2
AHRAryl hydrocarbon receptor
AHSA1Activator of HSP90 ATPase activity 1
AIF1LAllograft inflammatory factor 1 like
AIFM1Apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 1
AIFM2Apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 2
AIMP1Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex interacting multifunctional protein 1
AIMP2Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex interacting multifunctional protein 2
AJUBAAjuba LIM protein
AK1Adenylate kinase 1
AK3Adenylate kinase 3
AK4Adenylate kinase 4
AK5Adenylate kinase 5
AK6Adenylate kinase 6
AK8Adenylate kinase 8
AK9Adenylate kinase 9
AKAP1A-kinase anchoring protein 1
AKAP11A-kinase anchoring protein 11
AKAP12A-kinase anchoring protein 12
AKAP14A-kinase anchoring protein 14
AKAP17AA-kinase anchoring protein 17A
AKAP3A-kinase anchoring protein 3
AKAP4A-kinase anchoring protein 4
AKAP6A-kinase anchoring protein 6
AKAP8A-kinase anchoring protein 8
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