Gene "Gene synonym" Ensembl "Gene description" Uniprot Chromosome Position "Protein class" "Biological process" "Molecular function" "Disease involvement" Evidence "HPA evidence" "UniProt evidence" "NeXtProt evidence" "RNA tissue specificity" "RNA tissue distribution" "RNA tissue specificity score" "RNA tissue specific nTPM" "RNA single cell type specificity" "RNA single cell type distribution" "RNA single cell type specificity score" "RNA single cell type specific nTPM" "RNA single nuclei brain specificity" "RNA single nuclei brain distribution" "RNA single nuclei brain specificity score" "RNA single nuclei brain specific nTPM" "RNA cancer specificity" "RNA cancer distribution" "RNA cancer specificity score" "RNA cancer specific FPKM" "RNA brain regional specificity" "RNA brain regional distribution" "RNA brain regional specificity score" "RNA brain regional specific nTPM" "RNA blood cell specificity" "RNA blood cell distribution" "RNA blood cell specificity score" "RNA blood cell specific nTPM" "RNA blood lineage specificity" "RNA blood lineage distribution" "RNA blood lineage specificity score" "RNA blood lineage specific nTPM" "RNA cell line specificity" "RNA cell line distribution" "RNA cell line specificity score" "RNA cell line specific nTPM" "RNA tissue cell type enrichment" "RNA mouse brain regional specificity" "RNA mouse brain regional distribution" "RNA mouse brain regional specificity score" "RNA mouse brain regional specific nTPM" "RNA pig brain regional specificity" "RNA pig brain regional distribution" "RNA pig brain regional specificity score" "RNA pig brain regional specific nTPM" Antibody "Reliability (IH)" "Reliability (Mouse Brain)" "Reliability (IF)" "Subcellular location" "Secretome location" "Secretome function" "CCD Protein" "CCD Transcript" "Blood concentration - Conc. blood IM [pg/L]" "Blood concentration - Conc. blood MS [pg/L]" "Blood expression cluster" "Tissue expression cluster" "Brain expression cluster" "Cell line expression cluster" "Single cell expression cluster" Interactions "Subcellular main location" "Subcellular additional location" "Antibody RRID" "Cancer prognostics - Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Breast Invasive Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Colon Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Colon Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Glioblastoma Multiforme (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Glioblastoma Multiforme (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Chromophobe (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Prostate Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Rectum Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Rectum Adenocarcinoma (validation)" "Cancer prognostics - Skin Cuteneous Melanoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Stomach Adenocarcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Thyroid Carcinoma (TCGA)" "Cancer prognostics - Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA)" CARD10 "BIMP1, CARMA3" ENSG00000100065 "Caspase recruitment domain family member 10" Q9BWT7 22 37490362-37519542 "Disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at transcript level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "intestine: 34.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Adipocytes: 23.2;Ductal cells: 25.3;Endothelial cells: 28.4;Intestinal goblet cells: 26.1;Lymphatic endothelial cells: 29.0;Proximal enterocytes: 31.6" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in some" 4 "endothelial cell: 30.4" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Adipose visceral - Endothelial cells, Prostate - Endothelial cells, Testis - Sertoli cells, Thyroid gland - Endothelial cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "HPA029359, HPA074912" Approved Approved Cytosol NA No "Cluster 37: Liver & Intestine - Lipid metabolism" "Cluster 49: Hindbrain - Mixed function" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 54: Lymphatic endothelial cells - Lymph vessel development" 94 Cytosol "HPA029359: AB_10601354, HPA074912: " "unprognostic (2.07e-1)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (6.20e-2)" "unprognostic (9.05e-2)" "unprognostic (1.92e-1)" "unprognostic (1.07e-1)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (4.70e-2)" "unprognostic (4.53e-3)" "unprognostic (3.68e-6)" "unprognostic (3.37e-3)" "unprognostic (1.29e-2)" "unprognostic (6.64e-5)" "unprognostic (2.10e-2)" "unprognostic (8.96e-2)" "unprognostic (9.70e-2)" "unprognostic (1.81e-2)" "unprognostic (2.75e-1)" "unprognostic (1.94e-1)" "unprognostic (2.40e-1)" "unprognostic (5.32e-3)" "unprognostic (3.55e-1)" "unprognostic (2.42e-2)" "unprognostic (1.56e-2)" "unprognostic (3.13e-1)" "unprognostic (5.66e-2)" "unprognostic (2.60e-2)" "unprognostic (1.57e-1)" "unprognostic (2.64e-1)" "unprognostic (2.82e-2)" CDC37 P50CDC37 ENSG00000105401 "Cell division cycle 37, HSP90 cochaperone" Q16543 19 10391133-10420121 "Cancer-related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins, Transporters" Chaperone "Cancer-related genes" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Adipose visceral - Endothelial cells, Kidney - Endothelial cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA003928, CAB004214" Supported Supported Cytosol NA NA 1000000 "Cluster 10: Non-specific - Membrane trafficking" "Cluster 79: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 52: Neurons & Synapses - Synaptic function" "Cluster 23: Non-specific - Transcription" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 410 Cytosol "CAB004214: AB_627232, HPA003928: AB_1846373" "unprognostic (1.72e-2)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" "unprognostic (1.17e-1)" "unprognostic (5.34e-2)" "unprognostic (2.73e-1)" "unprognostic (3.79e-1)" "unprognostic (1.61e-1)" "unprognostic (1.76e-1)" "unprognostic (1.71e-2)" "unprognostic (3.05e-1)" "unprognostic (1.08e-5)" "unprognostic (6.71e-3)" "unprognostic (1.13e-1)" "unprognostic (9.63e-2)" "unprognostic (4.66e-1)" "unprognostic (3.05e-4)" "unprognostic (1.54e-2)" "unprognostic (1.81e-1)" "unprognostic (1.08e-1)" "unprognostic (7.36e-3)" "unprognostic (3.67e-2)" "unprognostic (1.56e-1)" "unprognostic (2.59e-3)" "unprognostic (7.28e-2)" "unprognostic (2.59e-2)" "unprognostic (2.63e-1)" "unprognostic (3.88e-1)" "unprognostic (7.60e-4)" "unprognostic (2.46e-2)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (6.81e-2)" DES "CMD1I, CSM1, CSM2" ENSG00000175084 Desmin P17661 2 219418377-219426735 "Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Muscle protein" "Cancer-related genes, Cardiomyopathy, Desmin-related myopathy, Disease variant, Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, Myofibrillar myopathy" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "heart muscle: 12603.3;intestine: 8337.1;skeletal muscle: 15949.1" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 4 "Cardiomyocytes: 1154.6;Skeletal myocytes: 4231.1" "Cell type enriched" "Detected in single" 195 "vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 60.0" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Prostate Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 664.4;Stomach Adenocarcinoma (TCGA): 553.7" "Region enhanced" "Detected in many" "cerebral cortex: 12.1" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enriched" "Detected in some" 62 "Sarcoma: 73.7" "Adipose subcutaneous - Smooth muscle cells, Adipose visceral - Smooth muscle cells, Adrenal gland - Smooth muscle cells, Colon - Smooth muscle cells, Lung - Smooth muscle cells, Pituitary gland - Smooth muscle cells, Prostate - Smooth muscle cells, Skin - Smooth muscle cells, Spleen - Smooth muscle cells, Thyroid gland - Smooth muscle cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in many" "Region enriched" "Detected in many" 5 "midbrain: 40.3" "CAB000034, HPA018803" Enhanced Supported "Intermediate filaments" NA NA 2200000 "Cluster 12: Heart muscle - Cardiac muscle contraction" "Cluster 23: Choroid plexus - Mixed function" "Cluster 33: Sarcoma - Muscle contraction" "Cluster 32: Smooth muscle cells - Muscle contraction" 76 "Intermediate filaments" "CAB000034: , HPA018803: AB_1847616" "unprognostic (8.38e-4)" "unprognostic (2.66e-1)" "unprognostic (2.29e-2)" "unprognostic (6.00e-3)" "unprognostic (1.25e-1)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (9.29e-3)" "unprognostic (5.56e-6)" "unprognostic (4.24e-3)" "unprognostic (3.79e-2)" "unprognostic (3.17e-1)" "unprognostic (1.40e-2)" "unprognostic (5.64e-5)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (2.90e-1)" "unprognostic (6.97e-3)" "unprognostic (5.68e-2)" "unprognostic (7.68e-4)" "unprognostic (9.84e-2)" "unprognostic (9.30e-2)" "unprognostic (2.28e-1)" "unprognostic (1.67e-1)" "unprognostic (5.62e-2)" "unprognostic (3.42e-2)" "unprognostic (9.99e-3)" "unprognostic (5.70e-2)" "unprognostic (3.73e-1)" "unprognostic (2.91e-2)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (1.11e-1)" "unprognostic (1.64e-1)" KRT19 "CK19, K19, K1CS, MGC15366" ENSG00000171345 "Keratin 19" P08727 17 41523617-41528308 "Cancer-related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Host-virus interaction" "Cancer-related genes" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in many" "esophagus: 864.1;salivary gland: 786.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Basal respiratory cells: 6850.6;Club cells: 5440.4;Distal enterocytes: 7654.8;Extravillous trophoblasts: 8032.7;Proximal enterocytes: 8878.0" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "endothelial cell: 5.4;upper rhombic lip: 10.4;vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 6.9" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in many" "Region enhanced" "Detected in many" "cerebellum: 13.9" "Not detected in immune cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in all" "Gallbladder cancer: 4070.4" "Adipose visceral - Mesothelial cells, Colon - Colon enterocytes, Liver - Cholangiocyte, Lung - Alveolar cells type 2, Minor Salivary Gland - Minor salivary glandular cells, Skin - Eccrine sweat gland cells, Stomach - Gastric mucous cells" "Not detected" "Not detected" "Region enriched" "Detected in many" 7 "spinal cord: 62.5" "CAB000031, HPA002465" Enhanced Supported "Intermediate filaments" NA NA 280000000 "Cluster 75: Epithelium - Extracellular exosomes" "Cluster 35: Non-specific - DNA binding" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 45: Non-specific - Mixed function" 124 "Intermediate filaments" "CAB000031: AB_2234418, HPA002465: AB_1079179" "unprognostic (2.60e-1)" "unprognostic (2.97e-1)" "unprognostic (3.77e-1)" "unprognostic (8.76e-2)" "unprognostic (1.96e-1)" "unprognostic (9.49e-2)" "unprognostic (1.84e-1)" "unprognostic (1.04e-1)" "unprognostic (6.56e-4)" "unprognostic (7.42e-4)" "unprognostic (2.77e-1)" "unprognostic (1.62e-1)" "unprognostic (6.24e-2)" "unprognostic (4.02e-3)" "unprognostic (1.46e-1)" "unprognostic (2.75e-1)" "unprognostic (2.41e-1)" "unprognostic (1.06e-2)" "unprognostic (1.76e-1)" "unprognostic (3.20e-5)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (5.91e-2)" "unprognostic (1.16e-1)" "unprognostic (1.59e-1)" "unprognostic (1.97e-1)" "unprognostic (1.51e-2)" "unprognostic (2.19e-1)" "unprognostic (3.55e-2)" "unprognostic (1.95e-1)" NEFL "CMT1F, CMT2E, NF68, NFL, PPP1R110" ENSG00000277586 "Neurofilament light chain" P07196 8 24950955-24956721 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Disease variant, Neurodegeneration, Neuropathy" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 8 "brain: 183.3;retina: 86.8" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in some" "Bipolar cells: 66.0;Distal tubular cells: 52.2;Excitatory neurons: 62.5;Horizontal cells: 211.5;Oocytes: 58.1;Rod photoreceptor cells: 38.9" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "lower rhombic lip: 444.3;thalamic excitatory: 281.4" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma (TCGA): 69.2" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Immune cell enriched" "Detected in some" 5 "memory CD4 T-cell: 11.2" "Lineage enriched" "Detected in single" 113 "T-cells: 11.2" "Cancer enhanced" "Detected in many" "Rhabdoid: 73.2" "Colon - Colon enteroendocrine cells, Testis - Spermatogonia" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA014850, HPA015021" Enhanced Supported Approved "Nucleoplasm,Intermediate filaments,Midbody" Yes NA 440000 "Cluster 39: T-cells - T-cell receptor" "Cluster 17: Neuronal - Synaptic function" "Cluster 52: Neurons & Synapses - Synaptic function" "Cluster 1: Neuronal - Visual perception" "Cluster 71: Horizontal & Bipolar cells - Neuronal signaling" 90 "Nucleoplasm, Intermediate filaments" Midbody "HPA014850: AB_1854397, HPA015021: AB_2669135" "unprognostic (4.49e-2)" "unprognostic (3.46e-2)" "unprognostic (1.73e-1)" "unprognostic (6.17e-2)" "unprognostic (4.53e-2)" "unprognostic (3.04e-2)" "unprognostic (6.59e-2)" "unprognostic (2.35e-1)" "unprognostic (2.83e-1)" "unprognostic (6.50e-2)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (6.24e-2)" "unprognostic (2.26e-1)" "unprognostic (4.38e-2)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" PDLIM1 "CLIM1, CLP-36, CLP36, hCLIM1" ENSG00000107438 "PDZ and LIM domain 1" O00151 10 95237572-95291012 "Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Tissue enhanced" "Detected in all" "skeletal muscle: 651.3" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "Basal respiratory cells: 703.7;Paneth cells: 692.8;Proximal enterocytes: 1075.1" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "endothelial cell: 74.5;fibroblast: 57.8;vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 44.2" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Group enriched" "Detected in many" 7 "eosinophil: 190.2;memory B-cell: 224.6;naive B-cell: 213.9" "Group enriched" "Detected in all" 7 "B-cells: 224.6;granulocytes: 190.2" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Lung - Endothelial cells, Pituitary gland - Endothelial cells" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA017010, CAB072838, CAB072840" Approved Supported "Plasma membrane,Cell Junctions,Actin filaments" NA NA 83000000 "Cluster 22: Eosinophils - Transcription" "Cluster 19: Non-specific - Basic cellular processes" "Cluster 42: Choroid plexus - Mitochondria" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 57: Platelets - Hemostasis" 27 "Actin filaments" "Plasma membrane, Cell Junctions" "CAB072838: , CAB072840: , HPA017010: AB_1855147" "unprognostic (8.60e-3)" "unprognostic (2.03e-1)" "unprognostic (1.70e-1)" "unprognostic (4.27e-2)" "unprognostic (4.37e-2)" "unprognostic (1.48e-1)" "unprognostic (7.88e-3)" "unprognostic (6.10e-3)" "unprognostic (2.84e-2)" "unprognostic (3.31e-1)" "unprognostic (1.21e-5)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (2.68e-2)" "unprognostic (1.23e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-2)" "unprognostic (2.23e-1)" "unprognostic (4.27e-5)" "unprognostic (1.49e-1)" "unprognostic (1.22e-2)" "unprognostic (5.72e-2)" "unprognostic (1.43e-1)" "unprognostic (6.47e-2)" "unprognostic (4.25e-2)" "unprognostic (5.49e-2)" "unprognostic (8.16e-2)" "unprognostic (3.13e-1)" "unprognostic (5.54e-2)" "unprognostic (1.48e-2)" "unprognostic (3.34e-1)" "unprognostic (9.97e-2)" "unprognostic (1.90e-2)" SH3YL1 "DKFZP586F1318, Ray" ENSG00000035115 "SH3 and SYLF domain containing 1" Q96HL8 2 217730-266398 "Predicted intracellular proteins" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in all" "Proximal tubular cells: 499.0" "Low cell type specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Testis - Early spermatids" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "HPA030926, HPA030927" Enhanced Approved Nucleoplasm NA NA "Cluster 43: Non-specific - Transcription & Translation" "Cluster 38: Salivary gland - Salivary secretion" "Cluster 30: White matter - Myelination" "Cluster 53: Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization" "Cluster 37: Glandular & Luminal cells - Unknown function" 11 Nucleoplasm "HPA030926: AB_10670148, HPA030927: AB_10669874" "unprognostic (2.31e-2)" "unprognostic (5.15e-2)" "unprognostic (1.18e-2)" "unprognostic (1.10e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (2.24e-2)" "unprognostic (4.88e-2)" "unprognostic (2.28e-2)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (1.52e-1)" "unprognostic (1.26e-9)" "unprognostic (3.50e-4)" "unprognostic (1.45e-2)" "unprognostic (3.07e-1)" "unprognostic (2.79e-3)" "unprognostic (1.20e-1)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (1.80e-2)" "unprognostic (1.05e-3)" "unprognostic (1.60e-1)" "unprognostic (9.01e-2)" "unprognostic (4.96e-2)" "unprognostic (3.28e-1)" "unprognostic (1.19e-1)" "unprognostic (3.69e-3)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (5.05e-3)" "unprognostic (3.13e-3)" "unprognostic (1.22e-1)" "unprognostic (2.21e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-3)" VIM ENSG00000026025 Vimentin P08670 10 17228241-17237593 "Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Predicted intracellular proteins" "Host-virus interaction" "Cataract, Disease variant" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Evidence at protein level" "Low tissue specificity" "Detected in all" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "granulocytes: 8495.8;Muller glia cells: 8155.4;Ovarian stromal cells: 5786.3;Schwann cells: 8718.2" "Cell type enhanced" "Detected in many" "endothelial cell: 578.6;vascular associated smooth muscle cell: 1423.6" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low immune cell specificity" "Detected in all" "Low lineage specificity" "Detected in all" "Low cancer specificity" "Detected in all" "Heart muscle - Fibroblasts, Prostate - Fibroblasts, Thyroid gland - Fibroblasts" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "Low region specificity" "Detected in all" "CAB000080, HPA001762, CAB058687" Enhanced Supported "Intermediate filaments" NA NA 42000000 "Cluster 26: Monocytes - Plasma membrane proteins" "Cluster 62: Connective tissue - ECM organization" "Cluster 12: Non-specific - Vasculature" "Cluster 72: Neuronal - Signal transduction" "Cluster 33: Non-specific - DNA binding" 265 "Intermediate filaments" "CAB000080: AB_2304493, CAB058687: AB_2665570, HPA001762: AB_1080568" "unprognostic (1.31e-1)" "unprognostic (3.04e-2)" "unprognostic (3.64e-1)" "unprognostic (1.67e-1)" "unprognostic (6.30e-2)" "unprognostic (5.34e-2)" "unprognostic (4.88e-2)" "unprognostic (9.28e-3)" "unprognostic (1.88e-1)" "unprognostic (4.32e-1)" "unprognostic (7.74e-3)" "unprognostic (3.14e-2)" "unprognostic (1.79e-1)" "unprognostic (2.20e-1)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (1.03e-1)" "unprognostic (1.83e-3)" "unprognostic (9.04e-2)" "unprognostic (1.21e-1)" "unprognostic (6.40e-2)" "unprognostic (2.40e-1)" "unprognostic (8.81e-2)" "unprognostic (1.77e-2)" "unprognostic (4.30e-2)" "unprognostic (3.09e-2)" "unprognostic (2.46e-2)" "unprognostic (2.34e-1)" "unprognostic (2.73e-3)" "unprognostic (6.13e-2)" "unprognostic (3.09e-2)" "unprognostic (6.16e-2)"