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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
BRIX1Biogenesis of ribosomes BRX1
C2orf49Chromosome 2 open reading frame 49
CWC15CWC15 spliceosome associated protein homolog
FBXL5F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 5
MSH6MutS homolog 6
NEMFNuclear export mediator factor
NOL7Nucleolar protein 7
PA2G4Proliferation-associated 2G4
POLR2IRNA polymerase II subunit I
RABEP1Rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 1
SMARCA5SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5
SNF8SNF8 subunit of ESCRT-II
ST13ST13 Hsp70 interacting protein
SUGT1SGT1 homolog, MIS12 kinetochore complex assembly cochaperone
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