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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
UROSUroporphyrinogen III synthase
KLK6Kallikrein related peptidase 6
SERPINI1Serpin family I member 1
PEBP1Phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1
AVPArginine vasopressin
OXTOxytocin/neurophysin I prepropeptide
AIPL1Aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein like 1
CASP3Caspase 3
CASP6Caspase 6
CASP7Caspase 7
CRB1Crumbs cell polarity complex component 1
CRXCone-rod homeobox
CYP7B1Cytochrome P450 family 7 subfamily B member 1
DBHDopamine beta-hydroxylase
FAM136AFamily with sequence similarity 136 member A
GDF6Growth differentiation factor 6
GUCY2DGuanylate cyclase 2D, retinal
LCA5Lebercilin LCA5
LRATLecithin retinol acyltransferase
MYO15AMyosin XVA
NMNAT1Nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 1
NPHP1Nephrocystin 1
NUB1Negative regulator of ubiquitin like proteins 1
RD3RD3 regulator of GUCY2D
RDH12Retinol dehydrogenase 12
SLC12A1Solute carrier family 12 member 1
SLC26A5Solute carrier family 26 member 5
SLC34A1Solute carrier family 34 member 1
SPATA7Spermatogenesis associated 7
STXBP5LSyntaxin binding protein 5L
TUBB4BTubulin beta 4B class IVb
TULP1TUB like protein 1
VGFVGF nerve growth factor inducible
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