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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
TAP2Transporter 2, ATP binding cassette subfamily B member
STAP2Signal transducing adaptor family member 2
KRTAP2-1Keratin associated protein 2-1
KRTAP2-2Keratin associated protein 2-2
KRTAP2-3Keratin associated protein 2-3
KRTAP2-4Keratin associated protein 2-4
KRTAP20-1Keratin associated protein 20-1
KRTAP20-2Keratin associated protein 20-2
KRTAP20-3Keratin associated protein 20-3
KRTAP20-4Keratin associated protein 20-4
KRTAP21-1Keratin associated protein 21-1
KRTAP21-2Keratin associated protein 21-2
KRTAP21-3Keratin associated protein 21-3
KRTAP22-1Keratin associated protein 22-1
KRTAP22-2Keratin associated protein 22-2
KRTAP23-1Keratin associated protein 23-1
KRTAP24-1Keratin associated protein 24-1
KRTAP25-1Keratin associated protein 25-1
KRTAP26-1Keratin associated protein 26-1
KRTAP27-1Keratin associated protein 27-1
KRTAP29-1Keratin associated like protein 29-1
METAP2Methionyl aminopeptidase 2
SCYGR10Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 10 (gene/pseudogene)
SEC14L3SEC14 like lipid binding 3
CCDC59Coiled-coil domain containing 59
ITGB3BPIntegrin subunit beta 3 binding protein
SCYGR1Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 1
SCYGR2Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 2
SCYGR3Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 3
SCYGR4Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 4
SCYGR5Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 5
SCYGR6Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 6
SCYGR7Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 7
SCYGR8Small cysteine and glycine repeat containing 8
ENSG00000250264Novel protein, TAP2-HLA-DOB readthrough
HLA-FMajor histocompatibility complex, class I, F
TAP1Transporter 1, ATP binding cassette subfamily B member
TAPBPTAP binding protein
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