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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
PRR5Proline rich 5
PRR5LProline rich 5 like
PCAREPhotoreceptor cilium actin regulator
RP1RP1 axonemal microtubule associated
IMPG1Interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 1
ROM1Retinal outer segment membrane protein 1
SPATA7Spermatogenesis associated 7
CRB1Crumbs cell polarity complex component 1
OPN1SWOpsin 1, short wave sensitive
IMPG2Interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 2
RBP3Retinol binding protein 3
ABCA4ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 4
BBS4Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4
GNAT1G protein subunit alpha transducin 1
KIF17Kinesin family member 17
TULP1TUB like protein 1
RPGRIP1RPGR interacting protein 1
GUCA1AGuanylate cyclase activator 1A
CDHR1Cadherin related family member 1
RP1L1RP1 like 1
CNGB1Cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit beta 1
GPR88G protein-coupled receptor 88
GUCA1BGuanylate cyclase activator 1B
KIF14Kinesin family member 14
MYO6Myosin VI
OLIG3Oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3
OPN1MW3Opsin 1, medium wave sensitive 3
OPN3Opsin 3
PRCDPhotoreceptor disc component
RGRRetinal G protein coupled receptor
SMN1Survival of motor neuron 1, telomeric
SMN2Survival of motor neuron 2, centromeric
PDE6BPhosphodiesterase 6B
ENSG00000290147Novel protein
PRPH2Peripherin 2
SPTBN5Spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 5
RD3RD3 regulator of GUCY2D
CDH23Cadherin related 23
CENPECentromere protein E
CIB2Calcium and integrin binding family member 2
CLN8CLN8 transmembrane ER and ERGIC protein
GNAT2G protein subunit alpha transducin 2
GNGT1G protein subunit gamma transducin 1
IQCB1IQ motif containing B1
ISL1ISL LIM homeobox 1
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