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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
MDM4MDM4 regulator of p53
RFWD3Ring finger and WD repeat domain 3
USP2Ubiquitin specific peptidase 2
CDK5RAP3CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3
CDKN2ACyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A
MARCHF7Membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 7
PPARAPeroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha
PSME3Proteasome activator subunit 3
RPL37Ribosomal protein L37
RPS15Ribosomal protein S15
RPS20Ribosomal protein S20
TP53Tumor protein p53
TP63Tumor protein p63
TP73Tumor protein p73
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